
Part 1 - Convincing Mama Inko


  "urghh" Deku groaned as he took his phone from his bedside table. He turned it on, bright light from the phone screen piercing his eyes.


Darling, do you wanna go on a date later? I miss you <3

  Deku smiled at the text he just received. He lazily moved his fingers across the keyboard, typing a reply.

Todo's Deku:

Sure. I'll have to convince my parents first tho.

  He then turned off his phone and placed it back down gently. He scrambled out of bed and went into the bathroom. He had a full bladder, and needed the toilet urgently. As he slid off his boxers and emptied his bladder, he saw something on the toilet seat. He squinted his eyes to see what it was, and to his surprise, the thing latched onto his lower region. Deku freaked out, but he was too shocked to even let out a scream. He flung the thing off him, pulled his boxers back up and crouched on the floor to check what the thing was. It was a spider. Deku hated spiders, and to think that hairy eight legged creature just crawled all over his lower region, it was uncomfortable. He shivered and tore off a tissue paper from the tissue roll, then raised it just above the spider, and whispered in the faintest of voices," I'm sorry, buddy. But this. Is. Revenge." And with that, he slapped the poor little spider hard. When he lifted his hand, he saw the spider unconscious on the ground. He picked it up with the tissue paper and flushed it down the toilet.


  The sound of running water. Deku was in the shower, his green hair soaked. He felt drowsy as warm water gushed onto his body, giving him a comfortable warmth. He could feel his eyes slowly shutting, surrendering himself to that warm feeling. When his eyes were screwed shut, an image of the text message Todoroki had sent him regarding the date appeared in his mind. His eyes darted open,"Crap! I gotta go!" he exclaimed. He got out of the shower, and hastily wiped his wet body with the towel that hung on the hook. He then wrapped himself in the towel and went to his closet. He opened the closet, revealing a batch of the same plain white T-shirts. He reached out for one but stopped his hand just over the hanger of the shirt. He retracted his hand as he examined the rest, looking for a suitable one. Then, at the very end of the closet, laid a perfectly folded macaroon pink hoodie. 'Oh! It's the hoodie Todoroki-kun gave to me on my birthday! I should wear it!' Deku muttered to himself. He took out the hoodie and slid it over his toned upper half. Then, he dropped his towel and wore a pair of black denim jeans. He slowly walked towards his dressing table and sat down. Opening the drawer, he took out a hair brush. He gently combed his shoulder length green locks, then applied some lip balm to his perfectly chapped lips.


  As he descended the stairs, he pulled out his phone from his pocket to check for any new messages.


Ohh OK! Gambateh!

Deku took a deep breath and reached the end of the stairs. Just on cue, his mother saw him. "Why are you all dressed up? Where are you going?" Mama Inko asked. Deku was really nervous, to the point he could barely breathe. He managed to fumble a question, "Uhhh.... Can I meet up with Todoroki-kun?" His mother looked at him, "No. You can't, " she said sternly. Although Deku was not positive that Mama Inko would agree, he was still shocked. "W-why not?!" Deku stuttered in disbelief. "Because it's dangerous. What if the League of Villains attack? I'm sorry, but I would not like to see my son get CREMATED and sent to me." Mama Inko explained. "What's going on here?" a voice said. Mama Inko and Deku turned to face the owner of the voice. It was All Might. "Papa All Might?" Deku exclaimed. "Mhm. Anyways, you actually don't need to explain, I overheard everything. And I allow you to go." All Might said. Deku's eyes sparkled with excitement, while Mama Inko let out a surprised 'Huh?!'. All Might turned to Mama Inko and clasped her hands. He then turned her around so her back was facing Deku. Then he pulled her into a hug. He mouthed the word 'Go' to Deku. Deku slipped on his red shoes and bolted out of the house.

  The moment he got out of the house, a cold, chilling air gushed at him. Snow was falling onto his green hair. Hence, he pulled up the hood of the hoodie to cover his head. Then, he started to make his way to their usual dating place. As he was walking, he pulled out his phone and called Todoroki. Todoroki picked up almost instantly, "Hello?" he said. "Hi! Todoroki-kun!" Deku greeted. "So? How was it?" Todoroki asked. Deku smiled and replied, "Mission success. I'll see you there! Bye!" Then he hung up the phone. He slipped it back into his pocket and started picking up his pace.

"I can't wait!" He squealed.


Author's Words

  Hello everyone! I am a new writer. I usually read and not write. So I'm wanna try to write my own works. This is a fanfic, my AU. I'm a multishipper so I'll write lots more.

So uhh see you next chapter! Thanks for reading and supporting this amateur right here!