
Chapter 201 : Banquet!!

A few hours passed and the morning came...

The whole city was bustling with the news of the young master returning as well as the fact that the City Lord invited everyone to the celebration of his return...

Everyone dared not to delay their time and even departed earlier than the appropriate time to reach the Mansion...

On the road to the mansion however someone was not feeling good as these days everything has gone downhill for him...

In the Carriage of the Sacred Family...

Shen Hong : "I can't believe that the thing the City Lord was building around the city was such a powerful array..."

Shen Hong : "It ruins all my plans to kill those brats..."

Shen Hong : "Now i can hope the elders outside can help purge the City and make us the sole rurels of it..."

Shen Hong was talking on his own about the failures he had so far and could only hope that the beast horde that the elders are guiding here would be enough to make him rise to the top...

However, if those on the top families were to know his thoughts they would look at him with pity that he will never be able to achieve them...

The Snow Wind Family with the representatives being Ye Zong...

The Alchemist Association with the representatives being Gu Yan...

The Divine Family with the representatives being Chen Zhenlong...

The Sacred Family with the one representing it being Shen Hong...

The Huyan Family with the representatives being Huyan Xiong...

The Winged Dragon Family with the representatives being Xiao Yunfeng...

The Lu Family with the representatives being Lu Ning...

The Li Yuan Family with the representatives being Li Yuan...

The Tian Kui Family with Chi Feng being there...

The Silver Tiger Family with Jiang Ming...

The Tie Men Family with Lei Zhuo...

The Heavenly Marks Family with Nie Hai in front...

The Hong Yue Family...

The Du Family...

The Chu Family...

The Ao Cloud Family...

The Xiao Family...

The Xiaolin Clan with Xiaolin Lee has reached the Banquet room!!

City Lord's Mansion, Reception Hall, Banquet.

After the guards announced the families that arrived with incredible fervour everyone sat down and started eating and drinking while talking to each other...

Ye Zong and the higher-ups of various major and noble families were in the upper hall talking in low voices. The youngsters were in the middle of the hall chit-chatting. Young masters and young ladies from various families having arrived immediately tried to court each other...

Among the youngsters, Ye Han was undoubtedly the one with the most attention focused on, being surrounded by a crowd.

Chen Linjian : "Ye Han, long time no see!"

Although he's a little younger than Ye Han, he's the only one here whose manner wasn't any weaker than Ye Han's.

Ye Han : "Indeed, it has been two years!"

Ye Han politely smiled back.

Shen Fei : "In these two years, you have raised from 1-star gold rank to 3-star Gold rank. It's really extraordinary!"

Ye Han : "Young Master Shen is very flattering."

Although he's surrounded by a crowd of people, Ye Han still kept his calm and indifferent appearance. The calm and cool him caught the attention of the surrounding ladies' eyes.

However, underneath that calm and cool attitude existed a ruthless person that marked those from the Sacred Family...

He completely tried to ignore everything else but still couldn't completely come to avoid them especially when they came to talk to him...

It's indeed true that Ye Han is the ideal companion to the hearts of these young ladies. Due to the fact that Ye Han has yet to marry, some of the ladies have refused to be married to the point that they are getting a little old.

Suddenly, a commotion burst out from the crowd. A young lady, wearing a gorgeous dress, walked in from the main door. At that moment, the attention of the entire hall focused on that lady's body.

That delicate and pretty face made her look like a goddess. The elegant dress dragged on the ground. Her shoulders that were exposed to the air, were creamy white.

Several guys were staring dumbfoundedly at her.

Random Mob : "It's rumoured that Huyan Family's daughter is a tigress, but that's only her character!"

Although Huyan Lanruo is called a tigress, that occasionally revealed elegance still caused others to be stunned.

Random Mob 2 : "If I could marry such a tigress, even if I become a henpeck like Huyan Xiong, it's all worth it!"

Even the indifferent Ye Han's eyes lit up, revealing appreciation within them.

Huyan Lanruo walked slowly and elegantly to the middle of the hall. The surrounding guys opened up a path for her. Among the younger generations, the most influensive ones were Ye Han, Chen Linjian, and Shen Fei.

Thereafter, would be Huyan Lanruo. Aside from their talents and strengths, they are also successors to each of their families, and represented the families behind them.

Shen Fei, however, took a hit in his fame quite a while ago but as he is from the Scared Samily no one dares to say anything...

Huyan Lanruo : "Big brother Ye Han, long time no see."

Ye Han : "Long time no see. I still remember that before I left, Lanruo was a young and immature girl. I never imagined that in two years, you would be so lovely."

The surrounding girls that were looking at Huyan Lanruo, were throwing gazes of envy at her. Whether it's their appearance or family, they were all inferior when compared to her.

When she was twelve or thirteen, Huyan Lanruo confessed to Ye Han. However, a young girl's rash love disappears quickly.

Lanruo : "Big brother Ye Han is just flattering me."

Lanruo : "However in case you haven't learned I'm already taken, so don't have any weird ideas..."

When Huyan Lanruo was talking to Ye Han, she seemed a little absent-minded. Her gaze would constantly look around, seeming to be searching for something.

Feeling the changes in Huyan Lanruo's attitude, Ye Han was slightly disappointed. When they were small, Huyan Lanruo once confessed her love to him.

Although, Ye Han is still not in love with Huyan Lanruo, the change in her attitude caused him to feel a little disappointed.

Which man doesn't want to be the focus of women, and enjoy being submerged in the love of these ladies?

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