
Tobirama's Final Mission: The Untold Truth

After centuries of disunity and unrest, the fractured clan of the Senju was unified by the great Hashirama. His ongoing attempts to establish peace among the warring clans were passed onto his brother, Tobirama Senju, after his mysterious death. Having taken this burden upon his shoulders, he is faced with the First Shinobi World War. However, Tobirama senses a traitor among his squad. Who is it? He does not know. When will they strike? Only time will tell. With the deep, unnerving sense that his time may be coming to an end, he prepares himself for one last mission: To expose and kill the traitor hiding within his squad.

DaRealVinci · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Secret Ability

"Go on, Fugaku!" Kagami yelled at the top of his lungs.

Fugaku stepped forward from the crowd into the centre of the tiny arena. He wore no armour of any sort, nor did he carry any significant weapons; besides a single kunai.

As Sakumo made his way past Kagami, Kagami noticed he was taking his sword with him.

"Do you really need a sword for technical sparring? Against another kid with a kunai?" Kagami joked, failing to hold in his laugh halfway through his question.

"I'm not using it to attack. I'm using it as a decoy." Sakumo responded, before continuing his walk to the centre of the arena.

As the pupil-piercing light of the sun failed to dim, Kagami placed a mask over his face. Upon seeing this, bewildered, Torifu asked, "A mask? For what? The eyes are even blocked up you fool."

"The sun is hurting my eyes, and it's not helping my headache either. And for your information, I can see out through the eyes, you just can't see in." Kagami responded proudly.

"Oh wow, you really are prestige" Torifu sarcastically stated.

As the sparring commenced, Kagami watched both Fugaku and Sakumo very closely. Attention to detail was always important to him, especially when it came to working out an opponent's weakness in as short a time as possible. Having watched Fugaku lose the first 2 rounds, Fugaku became frustrated.

"Fugaku! Come here quickly." Kagami demanded.

"Kagami?! Just let the two of them spar, no need for special tactics." Someone from Sakumo's peers flippantly shouted.

Kagami knelt down, placed his hand behind Fugaku's head and pulled him close.

"What's the problem, Fugaku?"

"It's his sword! Sometimes he pulls it out, and other times he pretends to go for it. Trying to predict if he will draw it or not is distracting me."

"Okay, listen. Focus on his chest. Let your peripheral vision examine everything else. Trust your eyes, Fugaku. Whenever he means to draw for his sword, his chest fully expands. Whenever he fakes it, his arm raises but his chest remains as it is. I don't know why his body differs between the two, but it just does."

"His chest?"

"Exactly. Once you notice he's about to fake it, go at him with full force. He will be too focused on what he has planned after pretending to draw for the sword."

Fugaku nodded and returned to the arena. Just as the third round was about to begin, Kagami heard a voice behind him.

"Kagami... please, may I have a moment?"

Kagami turned around, "Ah, Itari. Of course."

"If possible, I would like to have this conversation somewhere less crowded?"

"Alright. Let's walk and talk?"

As they got out of plain sight, Itari began.

"Kagami... what I'm about to tell you is going to be hard for you to believe. But, I hope that knowing me and how I operate, you will trust me."

"Go on."

"I've been given some insight... I've been given some insight from... the future."

"The future...? Itari, come on. Stop pulling my leg."

"Kagami, listen! Please. If you don't believe me, then I swear by all our fathers of the Uchiha that I will take my life if you think I'm lying."

"Finish what you need to say."

"There will come an Uchiha in the future. He will possess Sharingan with a genjutsu of enormous capability. He is our chosen one."

"The chosen one? The child of prophecy?"

"No. OUR chosen one. He will have the ability to take the Uchiha out of the shades of shame and hate."

"Who is he? What will his name be?"

"I don't know that... but what I do know... is that he will be one of your descendants."

"One of mine?! Itari... this is quite overwhelming to hear. I still don't know if I can fully believe it."

"Kagami... do not let your eyes get into the hands of the wrong person."

All of a sudden, Kagami became tense. His body was frozen in shock, he felt as if his heart had stopped.

"What do you mean, Itari?"

"I'm not stupid, Kagami. Your ability to always detect weakness in an individual... and somehow predict where you will be attacked. I've watched you. It isn't just a coincidence that you always seem to have your face or at the minimum, your eyes covered when studying people fight. You even did it earlier before helping Fugaku."

"Itari... I--"

"Kagami... don't bother. I won't ask how you were able to attain the Mangekyō Sharingan, but you must continue to make sure no one knows you have it. Even more importantly, if somehow people do know... that it doesn't fall into the wrong hands."

"You're telling me this for a reason... you know something. You know what will happen?"

"I can't say."

"If you can't say, then what was the point of all this?! Surely, even telling me this could change the future, no?"

"The choice is ultimately down to you. Even if, despite telling you this, the future remains the same... then at least I tried to change it."

"Itari... what happens to my descendant that you spoke of?"

Itari stood, blankly looking into Kagami's eyes. He then responded, "That, my friend, will depend on you."


Author's Note:

Hi, I apologise for the long break. I had to take time to focus on other commitments. It wouldn't be fair for me to put out content which is half-hearted or rushed as I want to deliver each chapter to the best of my ability. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter!