
Tobirama's Final Mission: The Untold Truth

After centuries of disunity and unrest, the fractured clan of the Senju was unified by the great Hashirama. His ongoing attempts to establish peace among the warring clans were passed onto his brother, Tobirama Senju, after his mysterious death. Having taken this burden upon his shoulders, he is faced with the First Shinobi World War. However, Tobirama senses a traitor among his squad. Who is it? He does not know. When will they strike? Only time will tell. With the deep, unnerving sense that his time may be coming to an end, he prepares himself for one last mission: To expose and kill the traitor hiding within his squad.

DaRealVinci · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Opening Fugaku's mind

A year had gone by. Having successfully retrieved Teyaki Uchiha from the bandits, Sasuke Sarutobi formed compulsory self-defence sessions for the Uchiha youth. He specifically focused on defending oneself against those stronger than them.

With Sasuke being so involved in the Uchiha's structure, Danzo had left them alone. Despite his lack of activity, Sasuke still kept his eye on him. He knew that as long as Danzo was alive, he could never be trusted.

Having concluded a session, Sasuke sat down whilst his students packed their belongings and left. He rested his elbows on his knees, placing his head in his hands. As he looked at the ground, he saw a shadow of someone walking towards him.

"Sarutobi sensei?" The person asked. Upon looking up, Sasuke saw that it was Fugaku.

"Ah, Fugaku. Training is done for today, you can go home."

"Erm... I wanted to ask you something? If it isn't too personal."

"You can ask me anything, Fugaku. You should never shy away from curiosity."

"Of course, you're right. So basically... I wanted to ask... why aren't you the Hokage? I mean, why did Lord Third get it and you didn't? You're his father... that's what I want to know."

Sasuke smiled, refraining from laughter.

"Fugaku, you never fail to make me smile."

Sasuke waved at Fugaku, gesturing for him to take a seat beside him. Once Fugaku sat down, Sasuke continued.

"You see, my son checks every point needed to be a Hokage. In fact, I'd say he checks more points than I do."

"So he's stronger than you?" Fugaku naively asked.

"No, not yet at least. But he is much better than I am when it comes to structure, following the correct code. I'm not like that. I prefer being my own person, going where I wish, helping who I want to help."

"So you don't want to help everyone in the village?"

"Hm... how do I put this? Okay. What I mean is this, there are many more people out there who are much more oppressed than we are. If I were the Hokage, I would spend most of my time outside the village helping them. So what about here? Do I hire someone to sit in my place whilst I am away? I could. But that's not right. The Hokage should be among his people, always present to protect it."

"Oh, I understand. Your desire to help people will make you leave the village? That makes sense, I guess it's fine that you aren't the Hokage then."

Sasuke burst out in laughter, putting his arm around Fugaku's neck. He pulled him in, pressing Fugaku's face against his chest as he held him tight.

"So you think I'd make a bad Hokage?!" Sasuke chuckled.

"No, no, I mean it's good that you can do what you want without being restricted." Fugaku responded, reciprocating in laughter. Sasuke released him, allowing Fugaku to sit back up.

"Listen. As much as it suits me to be able to come and go as I please... I don't want you to follow in my footsteps."

"What? Why?" Fugaku asked, puzzled.

"Because you have the potential to become the Hokage one day. I can sense it. You will be the one to get the Uchiha the recognition they deserve."

"Me? Do you really think I can? Even over Sakumo?"

"Sakumo is a very talented child. But he does not have the same potential I'm expecting you to develop. Although, the future is bright. Very bright indeed. Be sure to keep Sakumo close to you."

"But he isn't an Uchiha."

"Neither am I."

Fugaku fell silent as looked down at the floor, regretting what he just said.

"Fugaku, I know what you meant. But make sure you don't end up misled the way Madara was. Do not look at his actions after Izuna's death. Madara was an intelligent, fierce man. He knew the importance of unity. It was just unfortunate that war caused the opposite."

"I think unity is important too! But I will still keep the Uchiha closest to me. My loyalty will always be to the Uchiha first."

"When you're older, you will see that loyalty is a difficult thing, Fugaku. There is a lot of pain which comes with it. Even Kagami felt the pain of true loyalty to Lord Second."

"Why? What happened?"

"I won't go into details but... Lord Second had left a command for Kagami before his death. He did not want Kagami to kill a certain individual. Kagami spent the remainder of his life having to hold himself back from killing them because his loyalty to Lord Second was of vast proportion."

"Where are they now?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that you understand that being loyal may result in suffering. In not being able to do what your instincts scream at you from within. The world is full of politics, Fugaku... nothing is as easy as it seems."

Fugaku took his eyes off Sasuke, turning his head slowly. His mind raced with thought as he tried to process everything he had been told.

"I hope you stay with us, Sarutobi Sensei."

"If it's my destiny."