
Tobirama's Final Mission: The Untold Truth

After centuries of disunity and unrest, the fractured clan of the Senju was unified by the great Hashirama. His ongoing attempts to establish peace among the warring clans were passed onto his brother, Tobirama Senju, after his mysterious death. Having taken this burden upon his shoulders, he is faced with the First Shinobi World War. However, Tobirama senses a traitor among his squad. Who is it? He does not know. When will they strike? Only time will tell. With the deep, unnerving sense that his time may be coming to an end, he prepares himself for one last mission: To expose and kill the traitor hiding within his squad.

DaRealVinci · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

No Way Out

"How do we get out of this?" Homura asked.

"Why didn't you kill those men back there? They were blinded." Kagami interrupted.

Tobirama replied, "My squad comes first. I stayed to throw them off in order to give us more time. There were four of them, but I can sense more. Besides, getting into a full-blown fight with an unknown enemy isn't smart considering the chakra I have in reserve; nor when considering my team is injured."

Tobirama took a deep sigh. He was inherently analysing everybody's body language. He noticed Danzo's nervous shivers.

"Come on, Danzo. You didn't dare try to kill me whilst we were attacking the clan, because I told you yesterday that I expected an ambush. But, now is your chance. If not by you... then who else is an accomplice here?"

After Tobirama brought his thoughts to a close, he used his sensory abilities to count how many spies surrounded them. He closed his eyes and placed his right hand on the ground. Everyone waited in anticipation, each thinking about how they were to escape with so many casualties.

"We're surrounded. There's... twenty of them. I can sense that they're very elite shinobi. Judging from their skill, they must be from Kumogakure. The most likely possibility is that they're members of the Kinkaku Unit." Upon hearing Tobirama's words, Kagami went into a mental monologue of his own.

"Twenty elite shinobi? For someone as analytical and strong as Lord Second, to be considered elite is an amazing compliment. But, why did they follow us here? Somehow, they must have known we would come beforehand. It is impossible for so many elite shinobi to accidentally come across us like this."

Kagami then broke out of thought, "We don't have any other choice but to have someone act as a decoy and draw their attention."

"A decoy? That's suicide. No one is capable enough of putting up a fight in the state we're in. Who's it gonna be?" Asked Torifu Akimichi, a quiet yet highly skilled member of Team Tobirama.

Danzo's mind began to overflow with panic, "Sarutobi... what are you thinking right now? Are you going to volunteer? No... I need to do it! I need to do it now so that Tobirama doesn't suspect me as the traitor."

"I'll do it!" Hiruzen proclaimed. He smiled and turned towards Danzo, "Danzo, I'll leave the rest to y-".

"Stop it! Don't touch me like I'm your student. I was going to volunteer! Why do you always have to try and act so cool?!" Danzo shouted, cutting Hiruzen off. He was afraid that Tobirama would consider him the traitor, and that he may let Hiruzen off the hook.

"Danzo... you're always competing with Saru about something, aren't you? But, what we need right now is to unite and work together as comrades. Do not allow personal conflict to destroy that."

Danzo looked down at the ground with an annoyed expression, aggressively clenching his trousers.

"I'm going to be the decoy, obviously. You are the young flames that we continue to honour and protect the village with your Will of Fire. One of you will now take hold of the title and responsibilities of being Hokage."

The men were shocked. Tobirama, unmatched during his time as Hokage, was about to sacrifice himself.

"Which one of you will lead the village into an era of peace?" Tobirama asked.

He looked at them all. Every member of his squad was strong in their own way. But, there was a reason he left it open for a volunteer, rather than assigning someone straight away.

"Hiruzen. You know, as well as I, that everyone here expects me to choose you straight away. But, we also know that you won't volunteer. Unless... Danzo told you. I've already figured out Danzo is a traitor, but if you are an accomplice I know that he would have told you what I said. There is no way that either of you would accept having an Uchiha as Hokage. Kagami is the only Uchiha in this squad because I trust and respect his talent. I don't want an Uchiha as Hokage either. However, pretending to choose one was the only way to fool Danzo into making sure of my death on this mission. But now, I'm offering the title of Hokage on a plate. If, Hiruzen, you are indeed not a traitor, you will remain silent."

As Tobirama finished thinking, he was apprehensive about waiting for Hiruzen to volunteer. He knew that if he did, he would have to kill him. His offer to be the decoy didn't phase Tobirama's thinking, as Danzo also tried to volunteer. He knew that it could be a deception into trusting them.

Everyone remained silent. No one was bold enough to put themselves forward. Although, just as Danzo was considering to come forward, Tobirama interjected.

"Saru... protect those who love the village and those who believe in you. Make sure to take care of and nurture those to whom you will entrust the next generation to. Starting tomorrow, you will become the Hokage."

As he finished, both Danzo and Hiruzen looked at Tobirama with eyes as wide as the landscape. Hiruzen couldn't believe he had been chosen. These feelings were shared by Danzo. He took his eyes off Tobirama and focused them on Hiruzen.

Danzo debated with himself, "What is Tobirama playing at?! He told me that Hiruzen wouldn't be chosen if he didn't step forward! I thought Kagami was going to be made Hokage... but if not... why did he send a note for the Uchiha? Tobirama, you egotistical nuisance. As intelligent as you are... I've still won. You will soon be nothing but a figure of the past."

Hiruzen bowed his head forward, "Yes, Sir!"

Tobirama took a final look at his squad. He could sense disbelief in Kagami, Homura, Koharu and Torifu's eyes. He knew they didn't understand why he would be sacrificing himself. What they didn't know, is that Tobirama had no intention of doing so.