
Tobirama's Final Mission: The Untold Truth

After centuries of disunity and unrest, the fractured clan of the Senju was unified by the great Hashirama. His ongoing attempts to establish peace among the warring clans were passed onto his brother, Tobirama Senju, after his mysterious death. Having taken this burden upon his shoulders, he is faced with the First Shinobi World War. However, Tobirama senses a traitor among his squad. Who is it? He does not know. When will they strike? Only time will tell. With the deep, unnerving sense that his time may be coming to an end, he prepares himself for one last mission: To expose and kill the traitor hiding within his squad.

DaRealVinci · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Danzo's Change of Heart

Having finished speaking with Itari, Kagami made his way back to the arena. He had it firmly in his head that he was going to speak to Torifu and let him know of his plan to evacuate the Senju and keep an eye on both Danzo and Hiruzen.

Even though he regarded Torifu as his best friend, he still felt somewhat nervous. Sweat slowly dampened its way upon his hands. As he got closer, he could see that everyone was leaving. Through the crowd, he noticed Torifu sitting down, with Fugaku next to him jumping around with joy.

"Fugaku!" Kagami shouted.

"Kagami! It worked! You were right!" Fugaku responded in a buoyant manner.

"I told you, didn't I?! We always have each other's back, don't we?"

"Yeah! Soon I'll be beating everyone."

"I'm sure you will, Fugaku. Make sure you keep training and don't get too big-headed."

Torifu butted in, "Sorry, Kagami. He wanted to wait to say thank you for helping him. I told him I'd stay with him until you come back. I promised I'd get him home as soon as possible."

"Yeah, that's fine, Torifu. Thank you. Go on, Fugaku, your parents are waiting for you to get back. Torifu, I need to speak with you when you return."

"Alright... where should I find you?"

"Meet me at my house. If I am not there, I will be on the hill that Lord Second used to stand."

"Alright, see you soon."

As Torifu took his leave with Fugaku, Kagami just stood, watching as they left. As the sunlight was finally settling down, he made his way towards the hill. He took his time, thinking about what he should say, and how he should say it.

"Surely, Torifu will believe me. We're best friends." Kagami thought to himself. He kept repeating statements similar to this over and over again as if trying to convince himself of Torifu's loyalty as a friend.

Kagami was so focused on what he should say to Torifu that he became oblivious to any sound around him. It was as if he walked within a vacuum. The only thing he was aware of was his own thoughts. He noticed someone standing atop the hill. It was Danzo. Kagami suddenly stepped to the side behind a tree, stalking Danzo as if he was prey.

"Tobirama loved standing here, didn't he?" Danzo muttered.

Kagami remained still, trying to decipher whether Danzo had realised he was here or if he was speaking to himself.

"Having finally stood here myself... I can see why. The village is beautiful during the sunset. Don't you think... Kagami?"

Unsurprised that he had been noticed, Kagami slumbered into the open.

"Join me, Kagami."

Hesitantly, Kagami made his way up the hill to join Danzo. Every step he took, he leaned onto the leading leg, delaying the time it took him to ascend.

"I'm surprised to see you here, Danzo." Kagami said.

"Why? Can't I at least try and be like Tobirama?"

"We both know what you did, Danzo. If it wasn't for Lord Second's request, I would have already dealt with you."

Danzo continued to keep his back towards Kagami, gazing off into the distance. Danzo then responded, "What I planned... what I did... was for the village."

"You murdered Lord Second! Have you no shame? No loyalty?!"

"Kagami... we all want what's best for the village. All of us. Both Hashirama and Tobirama were very keen and dedicated to making the village as united as possible."

"Why are you lecturing me?"

"The point is... that I am no different to Tobirama. As in, we both want what's best for the village. I just didn't think he was the right person to lead us to that objective, Kagami. So many clans are uncomfortable with the Senju being in charge... there would never be true unity until Tobirama was removed."

"And who were you to make that decision?! Where would we be without both Lord First and Lord Second?"

"Under Uchiha rule?"

"And you would hate that... wouldn't you?"

"I would... but I don't hate you, Kagami. That's another thing Tobirama and I had in common... we both know how good a person you are. You are not corrupted by hate. You know, you're probably the only person I consider to be a true friend."

Kagami's face sank until his chin touched his chest.

"Danzo... I don't doubt that you want what's best for the village. But... I can't accept the means you took to achieve your objective. If the time came, and I got in your way... would you be able to kill me too?"

Danzo's breathing became heavy. He finally turned his head towards Kagami, looking over his shoulder.

"Maybe you're right, Kagami. Maybe I did take things too far. But what's done is done. I can't go back and change what happened. I am... sorry, Kagami."

Danzo turned his whole body towards Kagami and walked towards him. As he got beside him, he placed his right arm on Kagami's right shoulder.

"Forgive me, Kagami. Let's try and move on from this." Danzo then continued to walk, making his way down the hill.

Kagami's eyes began to well-up, unspilled. As much as it hurt, he knew that Danzo had been a good friend. Although, he couldn't overlook the fact that Danzo ignored his question about killing him.