
Toaru Kagaku to Majutsu no Accelerator

The real Accelerator got replaced by certain healthy male from the real world.. (by the power of Author) With the appearance and power of The Strongest Esper in the Academy City before nerfed, what will (fake) Accelerator do?.. Accelerator:"Yo Aleister-kun!, i've come to bargain" Awaki:"....." Aleister:"....." Author Notes & (SPOILER) -THIS IS FANFICTION! I OWN NOTHING! -my english suck so please bear with me :"D -if u looking a story with amazing detailed explanations about how science and magic works, this is not for u. Im to dumb to make my own theories about that and just want to make it simple or vague... -OP MC FROM START, lazy and not genius like the original -Author still noob at describings... -HAREM, Wish Fullfilment of author, (SI?), AU -If u looking ruthless MC this fic not for u, MC soft againts women but ruthless againts men(call him sexist if u want) -Following Canon of Anime Index and Railgun with few modifications to my liking -no dead Frenda, less tragic than original, no choker Accelerator, no brain damaged Touma -RELEASE RATE IS RANDOM -MC will become Touma sidekick because MC is too broken and it will be boring if he oneshot everything plus MC respect our misfortune Protagonist -MC will not stealing all Touma harem

AllWorldsEvil · Anime & Comics
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2. Musujime Awaki

July 1/Joseph's Coffee and Restaurant/09.00

Accelerator sitting alone in the single table, using his phone after enjoying his meals, now hes still looking informations regard Awaki where her school is, he doesnt really remember much about Toaru series, and hoping this world is same as he knows...

Accelerator even bringing a paper with 'Aleister we need to talk!' writing showing to the world, hoping Aleister will call him soon..

Accelerator already tries to call the unknown numbers from his call logs but it cant get trough...

Accelerator decide he will still ignore the lvl 6 shift project even without meeting Aleister...

Accelerator:"Kirigaoka Girls Academy huh? in district 18 hmm~ ok then" smiling, he finally found some informations about Musujime Awaki or Move Point if he remember correctly...

after paying the bills Accelerator left the restaurant...

hes glad original Accelerator is quite rich, theres many numbers in his bank account, but its strange enough he know the password....

on the way hes trying various ways using his esper abilities, like blocking his ear from any sound, sound manipulating, blocking heat while still enjoying the wind, moving with sliding, flying, hovering, jumping, etc....

on his way he stoped at the replica weapons store, he buys reinforced wooden katana plus modified strap, BB SW 500 Magnum Revolver, BB bullets, and waist bag for the BB gun and the bullets. he thought buying that so he can be more edgy and cooler, because he think his esper abilities is so disgusting simple broken that he didnt need to do anything flashy, with a touch he can destroy anything physical. thats why hes buying wooden katana, hoping he can recreate unneeded flashy moves just like usual shounen anime....




Kirigaoka Girls Academy

sitting on a bench not far away from Kirigaoka gate while holding magazine, theres a hole in the magazine so i can look to the gate in hope evading suspicious looks from passer by, eventho theres straped wooden katana beside Accelerator, and hidden BB gun in normal looking waist bag, yes its normal not suspicious at all...

hes waiting with patience for Musujime Awaki come out the gate, hes really bored theres no FGO, GBF, PGR, Im@s CGSS, NH or something cultured to waste time..

while waiting on the bench, hes doing, humming, singing, crouching, practicing his abilities, trying to get away from boredom...




few hours later...

in the afternoon the students of Kirigaoka high start comes out from the gate....

then Accelerator start looking at the gate through the magazine hole...

Accelerator:'wait why should i hide? what am i afraid of?' sigh he sigh helpless, he wonder why he doing this hide of all things...

he then throw the magazine to the nearby trash bin, he put the Excalibur (reinforced wooden katana) to his back using the special strap, he wear the waist bag. then he began walk to the gates just like a chad....


Accelerator:"excuse me beautiful ladies, do any of you know Musujime Awaki?" with gentlemen tone and smile

Girl 1:"Musujime Awaki?"

Girl 2:"yeah we know"

Girl 3:"do you have something with her?"

Accelerator:"yeah i have a matter with her, is she still in school?"

Girl 2:"yeah shes still in school, we met her earlier"

Accelerator:"ah can u guys help me to reach her, please tell Awaki, Aleister want to meet me" ofc i lied

Girl 3:"okay ill let her know, Girl 1, Girl 2, lets go" start pulling the others

Girl 1:"ehh seriously??" start walking in protest

Girl 2:"please wait here handsome" with wink shes gone with the two...

ignoring glances from the girls on the gate, im waiting the trio hoping Awaki truly come....


inside Kirigaoka Girls Academy

few moments later...

Musujime Awaki sitting in cafetaria playing her phone, suddenly she got greeted, when she looks who greets her. its the trio who met Accelerator...

Girl 2:"ne Awaki, why you not tell us u already have boyfriend Awaki" she start teasing her

Awaki:"ah you three, hm? what do you mean?" she confused and frowning...

Girl 3:"just ignore her, theres white haired boy, with wood katana on his back, that want to meet you Awaki, he said 'Aleister want to meet me'"

Awaki surprised, doumbfounded,and restless, what is happening, how can a person know Aleister doing this kind of thing....

Awaki:"can u guys tell me his looks?"

Girl 3:"white hair, pale skin, red eyes, and skinny, u know him?"

Girl 2:"and good looking"

Awaki:'white hair, pale skin, red eyes, theres no way its the number one right..of course its not, but why hes looking for me if he know Aleister?, Aleister didnt even inform me anything, anyway better safe than worry' she thought. "yeah i know him, thank you guys, wheres he now?" she lying to the trio

Girl 3:"at the gate"

Awaki:"thank you guys, ill go then" after say good bye to the trio shes go to the gate

Awaki:'he knows me i can go to Aleister, yet Aleister still not contacting me, this boy is not ordinary...better play safe than worry' she thought while frowning...



after waiting for few minutes Awaki come, and hell yeah Accelerator happy seeing his waifu, but concealed it...

Awaki:"are you the boy who want to meet me?" she asking Accelerator with waryness..

Accelerator:"yeah but lets change place first.." hoping shes agree..

Awaki:"yeah lets go" holding her bag with left hand she start lead me to change place, i follow her..