
To The Undying

Necromancers can only walk an unholy path! In this world, there are mages and martial artists. Scorned and feared by all, necromancers who possess contracts with the devils. Those necromancers then gain the ability to raise the dead without mana. Here comes the protagonist on a quest to collect different artifacts under the guidance of the Underworld Sovereigns. Hidden under an inexperienced and quick-to-anger cover is her true goal of finding her father. Also will be on RoyalRoad!

WeirdlyHope · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Calypso part (2)

How exactly did she expect to win while still leaning against that wall? Cali felt a chill behind her and quickly jumped forward. It was another icicle forming at the last second. It was a clever move, although distasteful. No one in that group had shown any moral character before, but it was still surprising to have an icicle nearly kill you.

"Ah, this is where you were?" A tall elf rounded the corner. Cali did not like meeting a second elf in the desert. Especially when this elven woman made her stomach turn in the most unpleasant ways. "Albia, you have done enough." The frenzied spell casting stopped, and the leader approached the elf. "Enough? I am just starting! This woman, she-." Sound of gagging cut off all speech as the elven woman gripped the leader's throat. Shocked and now on edge, Cali noticed the bloodied gloves on the elf. It seemed the other two members would not be joining them anytime soon.

The leader struggled in the elf's grasp, kicking and hitting until she made a final attempt for freedom. An icicle rose from the ground and extended toward the elf. The elf made no move to dodge the attack, instead allowing her shoulder to receive the icicle. Smiling, she ended the leader's life with an eerie snap. Cali did not like the quiet that remained.

The elf before her had most likely hired those people after finding out they worked for Cali. The question remained as to why. Why go through the trouble just to come here themself? Soon enough, the elf added questions to Cali's questions. "Did you see that? That glimpse of hope when the icicle hit? How it faded when her neck snapped?" The elf grinned at Cali. "That look would suit you well."

"Are we familiar with each other?" Cali did not recognize this crazy person, but the elf knew her. "Boy, were you hard to find! You left Saclesh two years ago and kept moving around like a flea." The elf began to rant, ignoring Cali's question. Saclesh? Cali's body visibly tensed at the mention of that small town. Saclesh is the town where Cali first saw an elf. "Are you starting to remember?" The elf hummed as if amused by the thought.

Compared to dark elves who remained in seclusion, other elves would stay in communities surrounded by nature. In Saclesh, Cali met and befriended a pair of elven sisters. The older, Omelia, and the younger, Ellis. Two men cornered Omelia the day before Cali left Saclesh. She rushed to save her friend, only to realize Omelia had lured the men there herself. Hunting men at night was Omelia's sick hobby. After discovering this secret, Cali became the elf's next target. Their brawl left no room for past fondness.

That day when Omelia died was the last day someone would call Cali by name. Cali quickly left the next day and forgot all about the youngest sister. Unfortunately, the sister did not forget about Cali. Yes, the elf in front of her had to be Ellis. Cali revealed a pained expression. Why did she take after her sister? "Calypso, I have missed you."

Writing hard, brain hurt.

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