
To The Sky

The sun will set one day; the darkness will come to the world again, the dim starlight will reveal the shadows of horror that hide in the darkness, the moon will become the expected dawn and the sun will become one of the stories of the past that children hear about it from their elders, fear will become the currency of the world and the hope will be forbidden to talk about it and freedom will be dreams for children and elders they feed on it in a few moments before waking up to cruel reality…

AuthourZero · Action
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25 Chs

Volume One {The soaring Dragon} Chapter Five {the Appearance of the Dean}

You can injure the dragon or even try to kill it but don't try to abuse its dominance or try to hurt its pride because then it will kill you, even if it costs it to annihilate all existence…

"Who do you think will win?"

"Are you an idiot? The result is known"

"Yes, it is known but the fight will be intense"

"You're really idiots or you don't know why Drago got the title?"

Their faces were painted with respect

"I will never forget the feats he performed at the time"

"Neither do I, No wonder he is ahead of us even though we are older stronger and more experienced"

* * *

"You dare to challenge me little one, even your father wouldn't dare to easily challenge me"

"My father" the young man's sneer expanded "Do you dare to compare yourself to the destroyer when you don't even compare to me? Tell me how many titles you have... Come on, tell me... Not even a one"

This fact was the title of the King of Lightning or the King of Fire and others .it is the title of the master of the family meaning that it is an inherited title and not a personal one unlike Drago, who got his own personal title…

"What do you think old man to go and fight my father and to be honest you and your family will no longer exist?"

The crowd sneered and laughed loudly

Does that fool compare himself to the destroyer?


The place shook with his screams

The crowd sneered further as Zero said "Mark, compare yourself to me and no one will laugh at you but to compare yourself to the Destroyer that's make you a fool, Even the Emperor should take this character seriously and don't forget the exploits of the Dragon Family in the War of Dignity"…

Didn't answer…

In fact he couldn't but because of his arrogance he forgot and crossed a forbidden line…

Unfortunately this was his arrogant nature unlike the dragon's pride…

"You are right I may not be compared to a destroyer but teaching his son a lesson will not be a problem"

"And how will you deal with the anger of the Destroyer?" Master Zero made the crowd to laugh at the Lightning King.

They didn't need to be afraid of him as they also have strong backgrounds and even if they didn't the academy guarantees their protection since they are its students…

"Ha-ha... What do you think about leaving this matter as a dignity for this old man?"

A voice erupted from space followed by the appearance of a short old man with a curved back and hair with a white beard that reached his knees leaning on a wooden stick and walking very slowly suitable with his age…

The Dean appearance didn't make Mark afraid "You have nothing to do with this, Adrian"

The Dean didn't back down "What if I insisted?"…

Likewise the King of Lightning "Then I will take your died body with me"

"Well why don't you come with me and talk a little?"…

The Lightning King was silent for a moment before he agreed

"This way"

The Lightning King disappeared with the dean leaving only Drago, Zero and the participants…

"Alright let's start the second test"

Master Zero waved his hand and the pressure surrounding professor Jin exploded…

"Go back to your place" Then he also disappeared as he had appeared for the first time

The professor Jin moved his head and say

"Now let's begin the second test" He raised his hand and a black hole appeared in the sky "This is the entrance to the second test which will be a special task given to each one of you secretly, As long as you can complete it you can pass the test and become our official student. Otherwise, there are ten numbered cards from one to ten, which are special rewards as the number became greater you can get a greater reward which you will take after the end of the test, This test is open which means that killing is available and without any importance to the background of any of you whatever it is"…

"The duration of the test is one day and it starts from now"…

The participants jumped into the black hole successively, although they escaped from the jaw of death a while ago and needed any period of relaxation but they weren't ordinary people, even if their experience was little and also the fighting has now become between each other and as long as they stay away from Ban and Drago they will win or at least they will not die…

Drago entered after them leaving only Ban and Professor Jin…

As soon as Drago entered the hole closed and four giant screens appeared staring at the four sides…

Professor Jin moved quietly to disappear from the scene but Ban stopped him "I find it strange"

Professor Jin stopped and asked "What order?"…

"I don't think from what I know about you that you would put such a simple test, after all this blood only what you love is the blood"…

A fierce smile appeared on Professor Jin's face and he said in a voice that only ban could hear "It will be a massacre"…

* * *

In a majestic hall Zero sat at the head of a large and ancient table with many golden inscriptions that increased its beauty and showed its quality…

In front of Zero there were many professors and above the table there was a screen showing the scene inside the black hole where the second test was located…

Professor Jin entered quietly smiling "Hello everyone?"…

Zero motioned for him to sit down before saying "Now we are watching a new batch and it's time as every year for us to choose the right seeds for the Peak Legion"…

"I only see Ban and Drago in them and yet we will not be able to include any of them"

"I agree with you professor Jin, this batch is completely rubbish and that is why I strongly support its extermination, rather than including it to be just extra mouths that we need to take care of"…

"But isn't it an exaggeration what you have done Professor Jin this year?, Even if we don't join them at least we can expel them Why do we need to kill them?"…

"Teacher Zak…" He paused for a moment and said "It is a warning for future generations to understand that our academy isn't place to entertain their children it is the world in miniature"…

"I still find this excessive" said teacher Zack…

"Whether it's exaggerated or not you don't have an opinion" Professor Jin sneered "I am in charge this year, when your year comes do whatever you want with it"…

While the crowd fell silent Zero talked with Professor Jin "What mission did you give for Drago?"

A faint smile flickered across his lips before he replied "Massacre"

"Do you think he is capable of this? Don't forget that this person is also in the test"…

"Believe me he will win, you don't know anything about a dragon's anger"…

"I hope so otherwise if something bad happens to him we will enter into a terrifying war with the Dragon Family that may end in our destruction"

"Don't worry I've never made a mistake"

"I'm still worried that this boy is not as simple as he seems"

"I know so I hope we watch an interesting show"…

{A new development... Who is this person, and is he qualified to compete with the soaring dragon or not}

{Stay tuned.....My Regards, Zero}