
To The Sky

The sun will set one day; the darkness will come to the world again, the dim starlight will reveal the shadows of horror that hide in the darkness, the moon will become the expected dawn and the sun will become one of the stories of the past that children hear about it from their elders, fear will become the currency of the world and the hope will be forbidden to talk about it and freedom will be dreams for children and elders they feed on it in a few moments before waking up to cruel reality…

AuthourZero · Action
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25 Chs

Volume One {The soaring Dragon} Chapter Fifteen {between the Darkness}

I don't know how many years I've lived in this darkness I've been waiting for a long time... I'm hungry... They throw me a little bit of food every day just to keep me alive but recently this quantity has increased exponentially which means that the time of freedom is approaching and I will return to life from New soon..

* * * * *

Under the horrified looks of Lola the world cracked and collapsed with a huge explosion.

Drago appeared in the same place again this time the scene was as Drago entered it for the first time without blood, parts or any indication of a battle that took place here.

Drago and Lola were separated by less than a meter...

"I didn't expect you to penetrate my delusion world" The girl sighed and started pushing herself to stand with Matthew and the sparrow above "You passed the test you are now entitled to be a member of the academy"

Drago ignored her and started walking towards the exit then stopped in front of it and said without turning around "I really regret it, how I wish it weren't an delusion and it was real then all of you will now be dead and the smell of blood would spread here but this is your luck so enjoy your last days you won't be lucky every time" …

Matthew telepath Lola "Why did you back down so easily? It's not your habit"

Lola ignored him and disappeared until she reached her house so she locked him tightly then she sighed and panic began to appear on her and beads of sweat rolled from her…

- I was going to die -

-Damn, who is that woman and how does he own such a thing?-

-Is it a holy spirit or an ancient ghost?-

She couldn't come up with an answer but the more she thought the more terrified she became until she came up with one idea.

- No one should ever stand in the way of this person called Drago -

* * * * *

In one of the classrooms Drago and the new class sat listening to the history lesson.

From what we know that humans appeared in the world about ten thousand years ago when history was called at that time BQH that is before freedom we don't know when the world arose exactly nor when the other three races appeared but what we do know is that this world can't support two races so what about With four...

"Wars were widespread on a wide and narrow level between the three races until they subsided with the emergence of the new race which is us humans"

"We were a source of curiosity for the three races and an opportunity to turn the tables and conquer the world but the result was disappointing as we didn't have any special power or any distinctive style only a new form that could entertain them a little"

"This continued for a long time [indefinitely] until humans finally showed their ability which is learning.

Not only were we able to learn to master the power of the three races but also to develop new methods such as sword and traps which made attention focus on us again and we became targets for training by the three races"

"They didn't train us out of respect for our efforts or need for us but because we are the ideal scapegoats by which they will reduce the strength of the other two sides before they move with full force and win the throne especially since the growth of our numbers (reproduction) was more than that of any race"

"The same idea was used by the three races but the matter didn't stop here. The question became who will be the fastest in preparing the army of rams? And whose army will be the strongest? And when will the next war take place?"

"Stagnation continued in the world and peace prevailed over the world for a long time during which there were only some small skirmishes that were only to measure the progress of the other side in teaching the new race.

The race that showed a high amount of obedience and submission to its masters in preparation for the great and final war between them"

What the three races didn't know was that our race was secretly communicating with each other in preparation for this day as well…

The day of the war finally came on the fifth day of the eighth month in the year 100 BC and although we aren't sure of this date it is the most likely time according to most historians. At the time this war was called the War of Relapse as the humans who were preparing a lot created a field called the Other Earth or the Last Refuge a place forged and refined with so many rare items and the power of so many heroes throughout the ages that it is impossible to destroy it with the cooperation of the three parties and this is under the assumption that they will cooperate"

"The three races found themselves facing each other after a long time which they thought would not come so quickly or at least in this way as the weapon they had been preparing for a long time now became an entity and force that stands on the same level as them or at least they own a special land that is difficult to destroy"

"There was nothing known as agreements or covenants between the three races or a truce to deal with the new enemy before returning to fight each other and for this they fought"

"War was their first thought and that is why the disappearance of a weapon or two is not important as long as the result is achieved and then they will return to attack this weapon"

"This was the belief of the three races and the belief of the human race was that the three races would annihilate each other or at least cause devastating damage and at that time they would go out to the scene and kill those who remained but the surprise was that this didn't happen and that the three races retreated after a certain point causing few losses in each other's forces ..

"Although the desired scene didn't happen it has now become for humans a strong foothold and an entity that supports them in adversity which doesn't allow anyone to dare to invade their lands but there was something known to the four races which is that a terrifying war is preparing in the shadows for the decisive day"

"This day wasn't too late only 90 years later and what is known as the war of freedom took place"

* * * * *

In a place where the light didn't reach there was a dark figure with red eyes and silver fangs whose shape didn't appear due to the intensification of the darkness.

He stared silently at the dark void extending to the horizon.

"Hello my son"

"Who are you? And who am I?"

"You are my son and I am your father"...

"Your son?! "..

"Yes you must obey all my words"

"Yes, Dad"

"Good soon you will go out in the light .you have a critical and urgent mission"

"I will obey whatever the Father commands"

* * * * *

In the dark area

A person in a black mask was sitting on the altar with a pained expression a pale face and sweat dripping from it…

Around the altar were the black figures spread out as before and the ghost was standing staring at them from afar staring at a small mound formed from the corpses of the black figures on the side of the altar.

The person stood at the altar with a happy smile on his face then stood up with difficulty like someone who had suffered from malnutrition for years before walking up to the ghost and bowing respectfully "It is done, sir"

The ghost nodded with satisfaction and a faint smile appeared on his face "Get up"

The person in black stood smiling as he prepared to hear the praise "Take off your clothes"

The man took off his upper clothes to reveal his distinguished forty year old face with a line crossing one of his eyes and the number 95 on his back…

The ghost placed his hand on his back. Steam appeared from the man's body and the number changed from 95 to 1

The man got down on one knee and said in a voice full of enthusiasm "Thank you, sir"

The ghost nodded quietly and pointed to the pile of corpses formed by the black figures which were thrown onto the altar only to catch fire in an instant.

"Do your work there is not much left"

The black characters move their heads with respect…

Ghost "number one waiting for good news from you"

No. (1) "Sure, sir"

The ghost quietly left the scene under respectful gazes full of admiration. When he was alone a voice came from next to him "95 talents to be able to control him I didn't expect his will to be so formidable"

"Neither do I, Zero. It doesn't matter anyway We succeeded"

"You are right" Zero spoke and came out of the shadows to reveal his face that resembles Master Zero as if it were a copy of him only the color of his hair was white.

The ghost revealed his intention "Soon we will paint this world with blood"

{Strange things happen, conspiracies everywhere and a new personality that has a resemblance to a person or that it really is him and we do not know... }

{Stay tuned.....My Regards, Zero}