
Let's Do It

Abruptly stopped by the nineteen-year-old Pelumi, she held the door open with her right leg as she blocked my exit from the class.

Staring holes into my soul, she scoffed, "How dare you? How dare you crush her dreams like that?"

Taking in the 5'6 shorty in a green print dress trying her best to block my way, I was drawn to the stubbornness in her eyes.

"I was not aware that Ms. Mille had a sidekick," I smirked at her contorted face and lean in closer.

"What did I do to you?"

I expected her to lean back, but she moved even closer to me.

Inches away from her fury filled face, I could not help but notice how dark her eyes were and how she smelled like peaches.

"Mille worked really hard on that proposal. You did not have to shut it down like that. I understand constructive criticism, but you just looked at it for four seconds and tossed it out."

She began to rage.

'Four seconds! On a project that she spent weeks preparing for! The least amount of respect you can show her hard work and effort is to properly and thoroughly look at her work!"

She leaned in even closer in anger and for a second there, I thought that she was about to grab me by my collar.

"Not everyone is a super smart young genius like you. Most of us have to work really hard to even get anywhere in this crazy world. How can you just discard all her efforts? Are you even human?"

Looking at the raging emotions in her eyes, I could tell that I was not the real reason she was so mad, so I chose to deflect.

"How did you even know I was going to be here?"

She leaned back and smoothed her dress.

"That's easy. I looked you up and hacked into your emails."


"You finished here at Union College three years ago and you're back Wednesdays every week for a special alumni guidance spot in your former teacher, Dr. Michael's class on Media and Entertainment. This classroom is the one you had the most classes in before, and it is also rumored that you met your first love Bami here in this very classroom, so you frequently come back here to reminisce. It's very easy to find you in Union College."

"Wow. That's like two truths and a lie." I was baffled by her long and creepily accurate tirade and started to wonder just who was the genius between the both of us.

"So tell me, did you find anything juicy in my emails?" I edged closer to her to inhale more of the pleasant peachy scent coming from her.

She eyed me down. "Stop changing the subject. I'm talking about Esther. She basically worships the ground that you work on and considers you her idol."

"Just because you are successful in the field thanks to your family's influence and personal smarts does not mean you can be so condescending! Just because you are mentoring a class does not make you a God!"

She smoothed her dress again and scoffed even louder like she was preparing more energy to keep on yelling.

Do you know that ever since you criticized Millie so harshly, her world has basically come crashing down? She won't even leave her bed! You made the poor girl lose hope! You basically destroyed her dreams! Why do you people do that?"

I wanted to laugh at how absurd she was being, but then I noticed the water forming her eyes, showing flashes of pain and weakness through her stubborn eyes.

Feeling exasperated at the crying and shouting unreasonable girl blocking my way, I started doing some yelling of my own.

"Who are you? Her older sister? Her bodyguard? Just how old are you to order me around?"

"Nineteen this year on March 25 to be exact, but as a 23-year-old this year on August 18, I don't think you have that much seniority over me. Yes, I'm her sister, so what?!" She snapped out of her moment of weakness and yelled back at me.

Unable to hold it in any longer, I began to laugh at the stubbornness mixed with confusion in the teary beagle eyes of the nineteen-year-old who knew so much about me. At that moment, I got an idea from heavens knows where.

"Seeing as you want 'justice' so badly for your 'sister,' I would like to propose a plan."

Her tense form relaxed, but she still eyed me with suspicion.

"Work for me for a week and if I am satisfied in your work, I'll take a 'careful' look at Millie's crappy excuse for a proposal and I promise to be much nicer about it."

I expected more yelling from her and being attacked with questions, but I was stunned to see her suddenly smile extremely wide, look at me up and down and say-

"Let's do it."