
To the place where we belong

Its the year 2027, humanity has suffered from a catastrophe that should have ended all life but yet it still persists to live, though with the consequence of forever living in a world of death, humanity still pushes through, moving forward until the end. Amidst the chaos and madness, humanity still finds a way to move on, adapt, and to appreciate the joys of the old world and learn how to accept. Though the journey to get through acceptance will take a life and death situation which you'll find yourself in daily. Follow the story of 5 individuals, where even among the cold shattered lands of Earth, they still find hope, and happiness, even in death.

FenrirKuroKami · Horror
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10 Chs

That's where it ended

"That's it?" The man in the blue jacket asked for more stories to tell, something else to share with.

I got up from my seat and stretched my arms up, "Nothing else you'd like to know" I remarked

The man got up from his seat too and picked up his backpack and weapon, "Though doesn't it give you terrible memories again if you told that story?" he said as he wore his backpack and rested his wooden bat to his shoulder.

"I'm already used to it."

We both walked over to the door of the abandoned room we were in and ready to leave, Joseph is my trusty friend that I've come to met a few months ago while I was in a settlement away from Hank and the old man.

How long has it been since I last met them? Years?

He opened the door and I followed through, "Well when we get back home I can tell you my share of some weird shit I came across as well as some tragic stuff that happened to me" He said as we traversed through the floor making our way down the building.

Walking over to the flight of stairs, I was the first to go down and him going in last.

"We still have time for one more building, what do you say we go explore the clinic we passed by earlier?" I suggested, as we made our way to the ground floor, Joseph thought about it seeing as we were still early in the day, we might as well make it count if we found any medicine or any valuable supplies.

He finally decided "Alright then, let's just hope we find something good there"

It's been 7 years after everything that happened, the world I knew changed for the worse, and there was no answer to what happened and what caused this outbreak.

All I know are snippets of information or theories on what happened.

We got out of the building and walked through the densely covered moss road filled with abandoned vehicles and remains of the town that used to be lively, nature has taken it's course and turned this area a shelter for wildlife and passing animals.

As for the rest of humanity, well we made our own new settlements far away from abandoned civilization.

"I'm seeing the clinic Zain, let's pick up the pace" Joseph walked slightly faster towards our destination and entered the building first to scout for anything, I was left on my own pace and stood outside the building to take a look at the building, wondering what could've been if this place was lively.

"Alpine Clinic..." I read the sign quietly under my breath, I took a sigh and headed inside the building to find Joseph in the corner of the room rummaging through something.

He gestured me to come over and showed me pieces of...

"Magazines!" He was excited, back in our place we rarely had any leisure to read anything entertaining let alone enjoy doing something other than scavenging.

"Well, you can keep that if you want"

Joseph grabbed the magazines he found and stuffed it into his bag along with the other supplies we collected today, not only that but he found an unused box of tissue paper under the rubble.

He looked at me and showed me the box while I smirked at him the moment he locked into my eyes, "Perfect for doing the deed hmm?" Joseph shook a bit, almost embarrassed at what I just said.

"S-Shut up, I know you do it too" he answered back, trying to retaliate but ended up fumbling with his words.

He stuffed the tissue box inside his bag and avoided direct eye contact with me, while I just stood close "As if I need those things to do it" I hit back.

And he stayed silent for the rest of the scavenging hunt.


We managed to find everything we can in the clinic and gathered some medical supplies as well to be brought back to our base.

I looked at the sky, the sun is hours away from setting and it's the perfect time to get back, we both packed our bags and made our way to the settlement.

Joseph leaded the way as he led us out the abandoned town, and our walk back home was uneventful.

Though we did manage to have a quick talk, nothing serious but it's something to pass the time.

It's things like these that make me forget my past and eases stuff for me.

Once we did get back to base it was already night time, and we were just in time for dinner too.

Well, right now I'm still having my meal and it would be a shame if this got cold because of me writing this journal entry.

Today was nothing special, just the same old same old, hopefully something better comes out tomorrow.

And a quick note, make sure the others are the ones in duty tomorrow, I'll have to somehow force them to get out instead of me.


End log