

"I ALPHA ALEX COLTON REJECT AMY WILSON AS MY MATE AND LUNA" I stared at him thinking he's joking, but when he left without giving me a single glance. I knew, it was my fate for being mated to a ruthless Alpha. Amy Wilson daughter of Alpha Jackson and Luna samantha. She was bubbly, stubborn and feisty. Alex Colton is the most ruthless Alpha in the world. He's well known for his cruel personality. What will happen these two cross each others path. Is rejection is the end of their story or there's something more into it. When their past knocking at their door, would they fall apart or continue to stay together. What if everything started to normal,she discovers she have another mate. How is she going to handle two mates which are polar opposite? Join their journey to find out more about their story.

Amy_Reason · Fantasy
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55 Chs


 3rd pov

Zander managed to untie her. But her eyes are cold. Her whole body is pale. It's like she is dead. 

"Scar wake up . " He shooked her, a few minutes later she started to respond to him. 

"Blake you must go, it's not safe here"

"Why? Please come back with me. It's been 6months." He pleaded to his sister. 

"I can't. He captured my soul. I can't go outside from here


"Who did it, tell me. I'll make everything back to normal"

"You have to summon white wolf and find a witch"

"Ok. I'll do that. Please take care of yourself and. I'll be back soon"

He assured her. He has to bring back his sister. It's Very difficult to summon white wolf it's near to impossible. He has to find the white wolf at any cost.