
Chapter 836 Time of Stunning Beauty: The Wedding (Finale 6)_1

Anita Madris's expression became somewhat rigid.

Howard Coleman was silent for a few seconds, then, without hesitation, continued to speak, "The reason I came was out of fear something might happen to you. Now that you're safe, I'm heading home."

As he spoke, Howard pulled his hand away from Anita's grasp.

Anita jumped off the bed abruptly and hugged Howard's waist from behind, "Howard, you love me. You've said before that you'd only love me for your entire life."

Howard's back stiffened as Anita, who was hugging him, shed tears, "Howard, you know it wasn't my choice to go abroad. It was your Dad who forced me to leave. He gave me a large sum of money and sent me overseas for work against my will. You know my English isn't good, and how terribly I've suffered abroad. Only after that project finally ended could I come back this once. You said you would love me for a lifetime, you swore it. Now that I have returned from abroad, are you saying you don't want me anymore?"