
Chapter 740: Giving You Six Yuan (10)

Maya Mitchell's hand, originally intended to cover her bruised face, stiffened slightly.

She didn't want to watch the scene that made her envious and furious at the same time, but she couldn't tear her eyes away.

She saw Steve Burton calmly extend his hand to button Ruby Gregory's coat, one button at a time, and even put a hat on her head.

In the hot summer, Ruby broke into a sweat as soon as the hat was on her head. She reached up to take it off, but Steve preemptively caught her hand and gently soothed her. He then pulled her into his embrace and gently leaned over to kiss Ruby's cheek.

Out in the crowded street, people couldn't help but glance over. Ruby's face turned red with embarrassment, and she instinctively buried her head in Steve's chest.