
Chapter 615: A Virtue Called Sharing (5)

Steve Burton was trying to ease the atmosphere, but sitting across from him, Ruby Gregory stopped her chopstick-holding gesture when she heard his words. Her lips moved for quite a while before she finally raised her eyes and looked at Steve, saying, "Actually, I've cooked a meal for you before, but you didn't eat it."

Ruby's words were completely unexpected for Steve. The soup ladle in his hand struck the porcelain bowl with a crisp sound, and he was dumbfounded for quite some time before he finally looked up at Ruby. After hesitating for a long time, he asked, "You... you've cooked for me before?"

Ruby clutched her chopsticks tightly and stared at Steve without speaking, just giving a slight nod.

Her nod was tiny, but Steve saw it clearly.

Ruby had cooked for him? When did this happen? Why didn't he know?

Vaguely, Steve felt that he might have missed something very important.