
To the Highest Bidder Go the Spoils

A year ago Gavin was plucked from his life in New Orleans and moved fifteen hours away. With his family not talking to him, he now has to rely on the man he lives with, Zeke. He has to adhere to the rules Zeke carefully crafted long before he even met the younger man. They don't bother him most of the time, and he even can negotiate for things he wants even though sometimes there were some steep repercussions. When life suddenly slaps Gavin in the face, his once carefully crafted plans are thrown into turmoil. He worries that Zeke won't want him anymore or care for him. He starts making plans to have other places to stay, but can Zeke surprise him?

Andy_Taggart91 · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 3 (+18)

Gavin's back hit the bed hard. He pushed himself up and back, moving to the head of the bed as quickly as he could.

"Can we not tonight?" he asked. "I have a lot of homework to do before Monday, and I don't want to spend all day tomorrow doing it."

Zeke pulled off his jacket and slipped the cufflinks from the holes. Gavin flinched with each one as they landed on the metal dresser with a soft clink. He heard the fwip of the silk tie as it was undone and pulled from the collar. Zeke's olive skin glistened in the dim light when he shrugged out of his blue shirt, muscles rippling as he folded it neatly on the back of a chair.

He gulped audibly when the older man turned to him, silk tie in hand. He knew what was coming next. He knew he couldn't look away. That would result in more punishment, but he didn't want to do this tonight. He just wanted to study and do his homework. He wanted to be able to drive himself to and from school and other appointments.

Zeke's knee made the bed dip slightly. Gavin watched him as his mouth dried out. The older man reached for his foot, and the younger did everything he could not to pull away. Doing what Zeke said was the easiest way for this to go smoothly. If he didn't… He didn't even want to think about that.

He was dumbfounded as Zeke took his foot in his hands and slowly started massagining it. He dug his thumb under each toe, popping them one by one. His long fingers smoothed over the sinewy skin on the top of his foot, watching as it went back to its original position when he was done.

"How did your classes go?" Zeke asked.

Gavin met his gaze momentarily before he went back to watching his hands. "My nine o'clock was cancelled, and my lab was the usual. All I could do was look through a microscope to see if our projects are still alive. Mine was so I must have done something right. As for the other two, I think I choked on my test, and biochem is a piece of crap."

Zeke pinched his foot painfully. Gavin tried to pull it away. The more he struggled, the harder Zeke pinched. "What do you mean you choked on your test?" he demanded.

"Please! Just let go! That hurts!"

"Tell me what you mean."

"Just that I didn't answer some because I didn't know them. I don't think we covered them in this last lecture. Please, let go."

The older man did as he was asked, but he gripped the other foot. Gavin pulled the injured one to him and looked it over. The top of his foot would be bruised by the next morning.

"Did anyone say anything to the professor?" Zeke asked. He popped Gavin's toes on the other foot.

"One of the girls on the nursing track did. She whispered it, but she has no concept of a whisper so we all heard it. I'm not certain what the professor will do with the grades."

Zeke hummed. He left Gavin's foot and traveled up his calf to his knee. He dug into the tendons before it, testing the bend and flexibility. Gavin knew what he was up to, but he didn't protest. As long as he didn't hurt him again, he could handle it.

"Zeke, please," he begged. The older man had unbuckled his belt and was working on his pants. "Can we just sleep tonight?"


Gavin's mouth snapped shut, and he pulled his bottom lip into his mouth. He watched as his jeans slid down his hips, leaving him bare. Per orders, he was not allowed to wear underwear. At first, it was uncomfortable having the roughness of the denim rubbing against his sensitive spots. But the more Zeke used him, the more he was grateful for it. Those sensitive spots couldn't take the pressure underwear put on them.

Zeke's eyes gleamed predatorily as he looked at Gavin's manhood. The younger man couldn't help the shiver that ran through him. He was surprised he hadn't been manhandled up until now, but he didn't want to test fate either.

His hips jolted when the older man leaned down and kissed the dip in his hip. It was tender, but he had no doubt that tenderness would wear off soon. Zeke wasn't in a good mood, and hearing about the professor sneaking questions on a test had raised his ire even more.

"Lay down." Gavin shimmied down the bed until he was directly under Zeke with his head on the pillow. "Arms up."

Gavin pulled his arms over his head, and soon his shirt followed. The cool air made him shiver deeper than before, but he kept his arms above his head. He wanted to cover himself and hide, but Zeke wouldn't allow that. He stayed how he was and waited.

Zeke got up and went to the bathroom. Gavin heard him rummaging around in the drawers on the vanity. He wasn't searching for a condom since he didn't use them. He didn't sleep with anyone other than Gavin, and he definitely didn't allow Gavin to sleep with anyone else. He had tests done twice a year to make sure he was clean, and in the meantime, he did what he wanted.

He returned with a final slam of the drawer. Gavin saw what was in his hand and sat up. One piercing gaze from Zeke had him laying back down. Zeke took the silk tie and wrapped it around Gavin's wrists. He fastened them to the head of the bed before bending his knees into the position he wanted.

"Sampson said you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow?" he said.

Gavin nodded with a lump in his throat. "Yes. It's at ten in the morning."

"Do you know what they will be doing?"

"Blood work and other tests. Plus I have a physical."

Zeke nodded. He ran his finger along the crevice exposed to him. Gavin pulled his restraints taught as he trembled. "Alright. I won't be too rough on you tonight."

Gavin's hopes were dashed as the same finger that teased him suddenly invaded him without preamble. His body jerked without his permission at the sudden intrusion, but it settled with the steady thrust that accompanied it.

"What do you want?" Zeke asked. Gavin looked up at him, surprised at the sudden question. "Do you want my fingers? Or my dick? Or a toy? You choose."

Gavin's prostate was grazed and he trembled with the sensations. If he allowed Zeke to use his fingers, his insides would be scraped all to hell. If he used his dick, Gavin wouldn't get any sleep. Zeke had an insatiable appetite and could go for hours without a break. That had happened last night, and the only reason Zeke had stopped was because he had a meeting at eight.

"Use a toy tonight," Gavin opted.

Zeke made a face then produced a vibrating egg. He stuck it in his mouth to wet it before easing it into the hole he was already toying with. It stretched Gavin some which made him flinch but he settled once it passed the ring of muscles. He heard the click before the egg turned on and made his insides shake.

The older man added a second finger and thrust his hand into the man quickly. Between the buzzing and friction, Gavin felt his arousal begin. He squirmed, his legs coming up even more than they already were. He gripped the tie and squeezed until his knuckles turned white.

Zeke watched the response and smiled. He removed his fingers and gave Gavin a few moments reprieve before he grabbed another egg vibrator and slicked it up. He pressed it to the twitching nerves and gently added it. When the device was turned on, Gavin's back arched. He bit into his right arm to keep from crying out.

"You don't have to hide it," he said. He cranked the level up on both of them. Gavin's legs started to twitch as he held back the mewls that threatened to come out. "Gavin, let me hear you."

He'd spent the last several months hiding how good he was feeling because he didn't want to get caught up in something he had never wanted. But Gavin couldn't deny how good this felt. When Zeke wasn't torturing him, this felt so good.

Zeke saw the dilemma on Gavin's face and rose up on his knees. He urged Gavin away from his arms and kissed him. He swallowed the little noises he made as he kissed him back. Usually he wouldn't, but he was feeling good.

"It's okay to let it out," he whispered. Gavin made a noise against his cheek. "Just go with what you feel."

He cranked the power level all the way up. Gavin gasped loudly that led into a deep, breathy moan. He began to fidget as his body began to convulse. His breath stuttered out when Zeke gripped his heavy erection and stroked him. He wanted to push him away, but his hands were bound. Kicking was against the rules so he had to bear with it.

His body tried to fold in half as his body began to twitch uncontrollably. He pulled on the tie tightly as cum exploded on his hips. He gasped as Zeke stroked him fully, blue-green eyes blazing in satisfaction. Gavin couldn't look at him, but he knew he was feeling good by the small line of drool rolling down his mouth.

Zeke reached up and released the knot on the tie. Gavin's arms fell and he rolled to his side as he caught his breath. Zeke kept his legs separated as he turned the vibrating eggs off and gently pulled them out. Gavin flinched as each one was removed.

The older man wrapped his arms around the younger and pulled him up. Gavin held him around the neck and went with him. Zeke held him close as he began to clean him up. The younger man rested his forehead on the older's neck as cool water washed away the stickiness on his stomach.

"You'll get your pants dirty," Gavin groused.

"Shh," Zeke whispered. He ran his hands gently along Gavin's side. "Do you need a shower before you do anything else?"

Shaking his head, Gavin tucked his arms between them. "No. I'll get one before I go out tomorrow. I have a couple of errands to run after my appointment. Mr. Sampson said something about a gala or event next week."

Zeke nodded and adjusted Gavin on his lap. He ran his hands along his back, traveling up to stroke his hair. "It's a fundraiser for the Mortimer Group. Benedict Mortimer is starting a nonprofit in his mother's name for Alzheimer's. He's extended an invitation, and I RSVP'd for two."

"I wish you would have asked me. Grandma and Grandpa are flying in. Grandma's ninety-fifth birthday is next week. My mom booked a hotel suite for them, and they want to go out to eat for her birthday."

"We may be able to do both."

"Zeke, I never get to see them. I haven't been to New Orleans in a year, and you never have time to fly down with me."

"Okay, okay. You don't have to go to this event, but we do have a charity event on Sunday we cannot miss."

"Alright. Maybe Grandpa will donate if you ask him."

Zeke's eyes lit up. "That's a good idea. I'll call him tomorrow and find out his itinerary. Maybe I can get an invitation for them as well."

"Please don't overextend them. I just got into their good graces." Gavin didn't mention the only reason he was in his good graces. That was a fight they had already had numerous times over the last year.

Zeke picked him up, turned and dumped him gently to the bed. "Okay. If they can go, I will invite them as my honored guests. If not, I will not press them. However, you have to be in attendance."

Gavin nodded. He folded his legs underneath him and dropped his arms to his lap in some semblance of privacy. He didn't get much anymore, but this made him feel a bit better. "Alright. I'll have Mrs. Richards pull out the dark green suit and send it out for dry cleaning."

The older man rubbed his dark head fondly. "That's fine. Have her add a lilac pocket square." He ran his fingers through Gavin's mussed hair. "I'll have a haircut added to your schedule for tomorrow. It's getting long and unruly."

"Can I keep it?" Zeke raised an eyebrow at the question. "I like my curls, and if I style them, they look halfway decent. I haven't had the chance to tame them recently."

He knew Zeke would know what he meant. His day was scheduled completely so that hair care was barely in the running. He had enough time to shower, do his skincare, and eat before he had to go out the door. It would take an extra twenty minutes to make sure his curly head was tame. Gavin just dried and let it go in the winter months. In summertime he could let it go wet because he didn't run the risk of catching a cold or worse having it freeze.

Zeke tugged gently on a curl. "It needs a small trim. I'll look into finding someone who can help maintain them." Gavin smiled, his dark eyes lighting up by one shade. "I've got some work to finish. Do your homework and go to bed when you're ready. I'll be up later."

Gavin nodded and watched the older man leave the room. Despite his bossy tendencies and insane sexual desires, Zeke was a good man. He took care of Gavin even if it sometimes went overboard. Gavin didn't need anything, and any time he said he wanted something, it was in his room by that evening.

But what Gavin wanted more than anything was some semblance of freedom. He wanted to be able to go out without having to schedule it, and he wanted his friends to be able to visit his house without any reprimands. Sometimes he felt alone in this massive house, but he knew he had some friends in the staff. Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Richards always played cards with him on Saturday nights since it was their nights off. It was a nice reprieve even if it didn't fulfill his desire to have fun with his friends.

He got up and pulled on a pair of shorts. He grabbed his bag and pulled out his laptop so he could start his homework. He didn't have much, but he didn't want to be working on it Sunday night at the last minute. Despite being cooped up all the time, he liked to have his weekends free to be able to do things with the staff.

Mrs. Morgan brought him some juice and a snack as he was studying. She gave his head a fond ruffle before she left. Her night would be ending since she'd cleaned up dinner. He was happy she had taken on the motherly role for him. He always needed someone to talk to since he couldn't call his mother.

The thought of seeing his family next weekend made him happy. Since moving here a year ago, he hadn't been able to go home. Zeke wouldn't allow him to travel alone, and his family hadn't come up here. He could see them and spend some time with them. He should be upset that he was auctioned off like cattle, but he still loved his grandfather. He wanted to have a good relationship with him even if he was a hard man to get along with.

Yawning, Gavin persevered and got his work done. He had had a long day, but he shouldn't be this tired. He plugged in his laptop to charge and got up. He would go to bed and hopefully feel better in the morning. He had another long day on Friday, but he wanted to be able to enjoy his day as much as he could.