
To the East

I wasn’t so sure if it was my own blood stained my wedding dress. I was so sure that I bathed in crimson as I tried to catch my breath. I held my chest as I can feel the pain for the bullet thoroughly tormented my flesh. My vision was blurry as I tried to see my groom with his devilish look while pointing a gun at me. I’m sure he already fired it, as I tried to stop the blood oozing from my chest. Tears rolled down as I recalled how happy I am at his grand proposal. How he whispers the endless “I love you” to me. How his lips brushed mine as he held me in his embrace.  How sweet his smiles as it were purposely painted like the sun on clear blue skies. Hugo. I looked at him with bitterness as I tried to brush off my tears. I don’t understand why our love ends up like this.  All the love I had shattered as I looked this unfamiliar man in front of me. He walked towards me and he pointed the gun he held in his hands earlier. “My sweetest Jane.” He planted a departing kiss as I tried to talk back but my lips won’t move. My body was trembling with fear with the monster that is willing to end my life.  “I know you must be shocked at this state.” As he played few strands of my hair as I tried to reach him to retaliate but my trembling hands landed at his face, stained his handsome face with the blood from my chest. My tears won’t stop from flowing as I watch him laugh hideously; he held my hands and feels it in his face. I could still feel the warmth in his face.  “Hu..Hugo…Please help me.” Trying to survive and plead. I wonder if one touch could appease his anger and withdraw his gun from my head. “Shhhhhhh….. Don’t cry love. You won’t be alone in your afterlife. You may join your beloved parents, what do you think?” My parents, their faces flashed in my mind as they were supportive in my wedding with Hugo. They were the one who arrange this whole thing as their only cherished daughter. I trembled with wrath as I grabbed his collar with my might. This cursed creature! “What did I do to deserve this!” I shouted with all my voice that left with me. I couldn’t let him go as I gather my strength to get even for my parents. My naïve parents who blindly supported me to be with him.  He laughed evilly and I couldn’t know him. I stood in silence as I listened him laughed in my state, Hugo have you ever loved me? Thought crossed my mind. “You were too stubborn to believe that I loved you Jane. You were easily deluded that I need to get rid of you.”  So this must be the most hurting words I heard. I let him go from my grasp. I know he was waiting seconds to end my life it was that I am a bit impatient. “Indeed I am deluded Hugo. I regret falling in love with you wholeheartedly.” I pulled the trigger from the gun he pointed at me and I fell into darkness. Everything was a lie. Before I totally lose my senses, I could hear a woman calling Hugo and stood toward his side. I could still gaze at the approaching shadow and it became clearer and clearer. I clenched my face of what I saw. It was my sister, Allison and behind her were my parents. I wanted to laughed with the twist of events. Nobody know I could still heard them talking in my dying self. I could feel my mother’s hand wring my neck to sure that I will die. I could not resist.  My death was stage. My death was….

KMEnd · History
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7 Chs

Honorable Death

Unaware of the surroundings, my feet brought me to the garden of roses and lilies as the fireflies sparkling. The moon also was too bright that it illuminated the whole place and reflected placidly on the clear pond. It shimmers in my eyes that I could breathe hard and pound my chest.

"This is the worst."

"Are you perhaps regretting?" it was his voice that echoed in my solitude that taken me aback. Czarrino.

"How disappointing. It does not even convince me to an inch."

He leaned closer and my heart races rapidly. I was shaking that I kept on moving backward when he moved closer to me. I eyed on his sword as I leaned a wall and cannot escape. If I cannot convince him then it will be the doomed of me. I unconsciously grabbed his sword. It was too heavy but I placed it between us. Both of our necks are few inches apart from the sword. My hand strained from holding the metal object yet I endured it all. He will surely kill me if I drop the sword.

"I wonder if these frail hands could even wield a sword properly." He lean closer and he was an inch from the blades of the swords.

"A lady confessed that she cherished me and even kissed me yet she drew a sword. How confusing." His darken expression glint by the moonlight that even I grew weak.

"This duke cannot forgive one's deed in mere apology. I wonder if I shall accept it with your death."

There is a killing intent in his eyes. If I will die tonight at least I could bring him along with me. My hands grew weak for this metal is unbelievably heavy. My arms are giving up.

"Even that lady confesses her fiancée doubted her more. I wonder if the Duke is willing to execute for my bold actions earlier." I sound confident but my heart sank in despair. I still remember his wrath on our wedding night. He tore all my garments and exposed my nudity. He roughly enters me that he wringed my neck while doing that. Even if I tried to escape from him, his large body imprisoned me and repetitively forces his way in me. Remembering those even in this life, I could still fell them in my heart.

With my last strength and will, I placed the sword in my neck and moved it away from him. If I would die again, at least I'll do the honor myself. Tears welled from my eyes and I can't hold them anymore. I only wanted to live even in this life. I looked at him which was puzzled with my actions. I stand straight and he surprisingly moved away. I still held his sword in my hands. I will surely depart to my death soon.

"If my Lord wishes to kill me, I'll be honor to do it in my hands for I've done an abominable mistake and tainted your reputation." I smiled sincerely for this honor. I will not ask for more.

"Goodbye my Lord." I closed my eyes as I tried to cut my throat with one swift motion. I was to determine to end it myself. My life is in circles. I am afraid I am contented to end it this way.

It was a forceful friction stopped my actions. His hand grasped the blade that it bleeds hard. I opened my eyes and the sword is taken away from me. The duke himself threw his sword at the nearest pond and I heard the sound of the water and a loud clank. I dropped on my knees and the last thing I've seen is total darkness.

Duke Czarrino was appalled by his fiancée's bravery. She even offered to kill herself for justifying her actions. He couldn't believe it in his eyes that she truly wanted to cut herself. It was his hands blocked that move. This was nothing to him and a few cut. He originally wanted to clear things with her but she was intrigued with her actions. Her sudden change of heart is way suspicious to believe. Czarrino thought that the crown prince and his fiancée already conspiring together and getting actions in getting his military decrees. That decree was declaring him as the sole heir to the crown yet the current emperor revolted and cause a rebellion to overthrow the former emperor. If that decree was discovered, his long plans will be ruined. He knew his fiancée to be arrogant and vulgar. She was way pampered in her youth that he brushed off ideas of his political marriage. Her stubbornness and dealings reaches even the east borders he defended. He already knew what the intention of the crown prince was, if his fiancée fancies him; she will be directly manipulated and could even get ahold of him. Even her noble origins could at par with his household; she will still not spare if she conspire with the crown prince.

He followed him curiously to draw her intentions, intimidation was one of his skills and he couldn't believe that she truly admits her deeds and clung to him instead.

"How annoying." He carried her to her feet. She collapsed after he prevented her from killing herself. She must be out of her mind. His child bride is a little bit strange.

"This is fascinating." He chuckled as he carried her to the main bedchambers.

Czarrino gently place him to the bed when the butler storm in.

"My Lord, you are wounded!" his butler put in hysteria that causes an uproar to his servants.

"Aristarcus!" His butler froze. It seemed his tongue is wired.

"Inform the Gremoire that Lady Maia collapsed and resting in my bed chambers."

Aristarcus quickly does his task as what he was told. They discreetly transported come and collect their Miss. They sneakily depart to from the duke's domain that no one would even notice. They just randomly excused that their household are in uproar and their presence is needed.