
To Tame a Beast

“Just take his money and run Lexi. You deserve a better man, not one who's forgotten he ever hurt you.” - Tina After Lexi managed to escape her abusive husband, she thought she had closed the darkest chapter of her life. But fate had other plans. Daniel's fatal accident and subsequent amnesia offered her a twisted second chance. To try and recreate her marriage on her own terms. She was determined to mold him into the husband whom she had always wanted. As she starts to mold him, secrets about Daniel's past begin to unravel which threatens to destroy everything she knew about their relationship. Will Lexi's obsession with reshaping their relationship blind her to the dangers lurking beneath the surface, or will she finally see the truth and make a break for freedom?

authoressprecious · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter Nine

We found ourselves in a dark and damp cellar room. There was no light at all. The only light source we could see was the one coming from the flickering candles.

"What.. what happened?" Daniel groaned.

"I don't know." I exclaimed, "One minute we were in the room and, and the next… this."

River appeared in front of us with her eyes gleaming with malice. Now she reminded of someone. Someone that terrified both me and Daniel.

"Welcome to your new home Daniel," she cheered, "You'll be staying here…. For a while."

"You can't keep us hostage! What do you want from us?" Daniel questioned aggressively. 

"Oh, I want nothing from you dear brother. But mother… she has a few requests." She smiled sweetly.

Victoria appeared with her face twisted in cruelty.

"You see Daniel," she walked into the scene, "You've been a bit of a problem for me. And now, it's time to take care of that problem permanently."

Daniel and I exchanged looks. Honestly, my heart was thumping really fast. What kind of mother was Victoria? Cause she wasn't even acting like she birthed Daniel.

Victoria pulled out a syringe and walked closer and closer to where we stood. I shrieked and stood behind Daniel.

"No, you can't do this." Daniel said backing away.

"Oh I can." She smiled, "And i will."

"You see this concoction," she continued, "It will erase your memories… and your identity. You'll be nothing but a shell of your former self." She laughed devilishly.

She kept on coming closer and closer. I was really scared of our lives. I screamed really hard as she got close enough. 

"River," Daniel looked at her, "Please," he begged, "Stop her!"

"Sorry brother," River shrugged, "But I'm afraid mother knows best."

Just as Victoria was about to pierce Daniel with that dangerous weapon, a loud crash echoed through the entire room, followed by footsteps, then a figure emerged from the shadows.

Daniel's eyes widened in horror as he saw the figure.

"Father? You're here. What are you doing here?"

"Richard! How dare you?" Victoria screeched, "You're supposed to be dead."

"Oh Victoria," he chuckled, "you always were one for drama. I mean, look at this wonderful performance which you've just performed. Bravo." He clapped. "But this time my lady, I would say you've gone too far."

Richard went closer and fixed his eyes on Victoria.

"I'm here to stop your mother Daniel. She's been playing with fire… and it's time to put out the flames."

Victoria snarled and pulled out a small remote from her pocket.

She smirked, "You'll never stop me Richard. I've taken precautions." She pressed the button and the entire room began to shake, "...and now, we'll all go down together. My love." she laughed dramatically.

The walls began to crumble. I started screaming when the ceilings started collapsing.

"Father, do something." Daniel cried to his father.

"Don't worry son." Richard grinned, "I've got a plan."

He pulled out a small remote from his pocket and pressed a button and a hidden door in the room slid open revealing a narrow escape route.

"Go Daniel!" Richard yelled, "Get out of here! Now!"

Daniel and I took to our heels. We dived into the door as the cellar collapsed trapping Victoria and River inside.

We ran through that dusty route and when we came out we started gasping for air. We found ourselves in a deserted alleyway.

"What.. what just happened?" Daniel panted.

"I don't know," I said shaken, "I don't know but we need to get out of here. Now!"

We started running but then a car screeched to a halt right in front of us.

"Oh no!" Daniel said terrified, "they've found us."

The door opened and a figure emerged. It was no other than River. Her eyes were blazing with fury.

"You think you can escape me?" She snarled, "You think you can defeat our mother?"

She smirked, "You're so naive Daniel. You think you're free? You're not even close." She pulled out her phone, "... Mother has a surprise waiting for you…"

Suddenly the phone rang and River answered it. "Yes mother," River said smiling, "I have them right here… you want to talk to him?" She handed the phone over to Daniel.

Daniel hesitated but I urged him to take the phone. 

"Hello my son," Victoria answered sweetly, "I see you've met your sister," her voice turned cold, "now it's time to come home… or else.."

Daniel's eyes widened in horror.

"You see Daniel… I've been playing a little game with you. And it's time for the final move…" she paused to create a dramatic effect, "you see.. Lexi isn't just anyone."

I widened my eyes. What is this woman talking about? She has really gone insane.

"What do you mean? She is my wife and she has no idea what is going on."

Victoria laughed, "Oh dear Daniel. Lexi too has no idea she is being manipulated. She has been kept in the darkness just like you. But for different reasons."

"What's going on? What do you mean?" I said terrified.

"Lexi dear," Victoria smiled, "you are just a tool in my plan. A tool to keep Daniel in line… and now you've served your purpose."

Daniel's eyes widened in horror while mine was filled with fear. What does she mean by I have served my purpose?

"No!" Daniel yelled, "You can't hurt her. She is my wife and I love her."

"Love is a weakness Daniel," she shrugged appearing from behind, "And weaknesses need to be eliminated."

We turned back and saw her scary face. Then she hanged up and made the phone disappear in thin air.

A cold hand grabbed me aggressively. "Time to say goodbye, Lexi." River smirked.

As River grabbed me, I felt a strange sensation wash over me. It was as if I was being pulled back and forth together. The next thing I knew, I was in a different location.

Where was I? What had happened to me?

I looked around disoriented. It was some kind of laboratory. I saw strange equipments around and technicians in white lab coats.

I saw a woman with short dark hair and green eyes approach me.

"Welcome Lexi," she said, "you're safe now. You are one of us."

I blinked trying to understand her words, "One of us? What do you mean?"

"You are a member of our organisation Lexi. You've been working with us for years."

"No," I shook my head in disbelief, "that'd not possible. I don't remember anything."

"We know," Rachel nodded, "your memories were erased for your protection but you're safe now. You're home."

I felt a sense of desperation. "But who am I? What's my name? What have I done?"

Rachel's eyes locked into mine, "Your name is Lexi and you're a valuable member of our team. We'll help you recover your memory but first, we need you to focus on the mission."

I was really really frustrated. I didn't know what to believe anyone but I knew that this time around, if I really wanted to survive then I'd have to follow Rachel's lead.

Rachel handed me a small device, "This is a memory stick. It contains your past Lexi but be warned, the memories may be painful."

I took the device, feeling a sense of trepidation. What secrets will I discover?

I inserted the stick into a nearby console and saw myself in it. Images and videos began to play. I saw myself battling with sticks and swords, firing guns.

I saw myself with Daniel getting wedded. I saw myself as a little kid and my mom..

My memory went forward in full velocity. That day that Daniel beat me up and I went to my mom crying and she told me…

"Lexi what are you thinking? You want to ruin your family home? Stay there and get that cash. At least if not for you for our family."

Then it drifted back to a scene. I saw Rachel right there. 

"This is Amala. She will be your mother." My eyes opened.

My mom is not my mom. She was also part of the organisation and was only playing the role as my mother.

"Lexi," I heard a voice and i pointed my eyes to the direction of the voice, "I see you remember everything now."

Standing flesh and blood before me was my mother.

No wonder she kept pressuring me to stay in that abusive marriage. Because I wasn't supposed to get out. It was a mission.

So all my life had been a game. And that was why I could never have children for Daniel cause my womb had been tied.

I was so shocked with this new revelation of mine. I couldn't take it anymore.

"I don't want this life anymore," I cried and looked up at Rachel, "I want to be with my husband. Where is Daniel? Where is he?"

"He is safe at home. Living his life as usual." I was relieved hearing those words.

It was strange though. Why would they release Daniel so easily? Maybe she probably remembered that she birthed Daniel. I mean, they all say blood is thicker than water and in this case this is a pure example.

I was happy though that he was back home. A string of hope hovered around me. When I get back home we would build our home together.

I stood outside the familiar door. The door to my matrimonial home, my heart was racing in anticipation.

I had finally found my way back to the love of my life and I couldn't wait to reunite with him. Oh! His gentle kisses and the taste of his lips. I couldn't wait to feel his warm hug and his arm around my tiny waist taking possession of me.

Rachel's words echoed in my mind: Daniel is safe at home. Living his life like usual.

I took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped inside. 

The house was spotless but something felt off. The air was thick with an unsettling silence.

"Daniel?" I called out my shaky voice.

A figure emerged from the living room, but it wasn't the man I knew. His eyes were cold and he forced a smile.

"Lexi," he said, his voice cold, "I've been expecting you."

My heart sank down. Something was terribly wrong. What really happened that night?

"Daniel what's going on?" I asked trying to keep my voice steady.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said narrowing his eyes, "we've been living separate lives for a while now. You abandoned me, remember?"

"I abandoned you? No that's not true." I defended.

I felt like my entire world was crashing down. This wasn't the man that I fell in love with. This was not the man that I was with last night. He has changed completely.

"I don't know who you are, or what you want," he came closer, "but I need you to leave!" He yelled pointing his finger at the door, "Now!"

My eyes welled up in tears as I realized the truth. My Daniel was gone. The man I knew was gone. What was standing before me was nothing but a puppet.

As i turned to leave, a voice whispered in my ears, "You'll never have him back Lexi. He's ours now." I spun around but there was no one there.

The voice seemed to come from all around me, echoing off the walls.

Daniel had already shut the door. It was clear that he didn't want to see me.

I sat on Tina's couch staring blankly at the wall as my friend tried to comfort me.

"Lexi I'm sorry. I can't believe Daniel… i mean, the man who you thought was Daniel treated you that way."

My eyes welled up in tears, "I feel so lost Tina. I don't know what I am without him. We we're supposed to be forever." I cried blowing my nose into a hanky.

Tina hugged me tightly, "You are strong Lexi. You can get through this. You can stay with me as long as you need."

Tina was such a good friend and I was glad to have a friend like her. I was sorry for having her get involved in our family issues.

Perhabing I had left Daniel a long time ago, then maybe she would have never been shot. I mean the universe is literally telling me to leave Daniel. The writing on the letter, the strange guy Alex, his mother and sister who are pure evil on their own. The universe was telling me all these things but I wasn't paying attention. That was why I was being punished.

"I think it's high time I cut ties with Daniel."

Tina's eyes sparked as I made that statement, "I am so happy for you," she held my cheek softly, "you made the right decision."

I knew it took me too long to make such a decision. It took me so long to get back to my right sense. To think like any sensible and normal human being should. 

The next morning I packed my bags to leave for a new country. I planned that I was going to move to a quiet and peaceful town in Europe. A very quiet place to forget everything.

Life in Europe was nothing else by bliss upon bliss. I no longer had to deal with the excessive drama that surrounded my life. I managed to get a job as a librarian in a local library.

Sometimes less drama could feel boring but that peace it gives is worth it. If I really wanted to see drama I would just go to the cinema. Or go straight to Netflix.

My new neighbours were also amazing. They were from Spain. The Rodriguez family, they welcomed me with open arms into their humble abode. And Maria, their mother would often invite me over for dinner, feeding me with their Spanish delicacies and sharing stories of their triumphs and struggles.

I loved listening to her talk. She was such a good storyteller. I found myself looking forward to those evenings. For the first time in a long time I could feel something that I had been missing all my life, a family. A true family. Not an arrangement one where the mother only advices you just to keep a mission going while watching you die.

One night while closing the library, my mind wandered towards the manuscript which I had been writing. It was inspired by the Rodriguez family about the true meaning of family.

As I locked the doors and became to walk home I saw something. I noticed a figure seating on a bench outside staring at a notebook. There was something about this figure that drew me closer to it.

As I approached the figure it looked up at me and our eyes met. I felt a jolt of surprise. This stranger's eyes we're piercing blue and his hair was messy and endearing.

He smiled and my heart skipped a beat.

"Hi I'm Max," his voice was deep, I was deeply falling into it, "I'm a writer. I was hoping to find inspiration but it seems I found something better."

I blushed, feeling a flutter in my chest, "Lexi. I work at the library. What kind of writing do you do?"

Max stood up, his eyes never leaving mine, "I'm working on a novel. It's a romance actually. I'm trying to capture the essence of love and heartache."

"Interesting," I grinned, "let me see your work." I said while he handed me over his work.

I read a few lines and I was impressed, "this is beautiful. You have such a flair for words."

He giggled and it revealed his beautiful dimples, "you flatter me."

"No, I am being honest," I laughed.

I and Max talked and talked and talked. Turns out we had so much in common. He is a lover of literature just like me. He also loves homemade cooking and Spanish delicacies. We talked about so many topics ranging from books and writing down to life. Time was passing so quickly, I felt a sense of magic in the air.

"I should get going now," Max said. "But may I ask Lexi. Would you like to grab a cup of coffee with me sometime? I'd like to continue this conversation."

I smiled, feeling a spark of excitement all over me. "I'd love to," I bit my lips.

We finally exchanged numbers. I felt this gentle peace in me that I have never seen before. This deep connection to a human on our first interaction. It was so heavenly. I felt like dancing around and shouting yoo hoo!

Today was the best day of my life and tomorrow will be even better.

When I got back home i was disappointed at what I saw. The entire house was a mess. Clothes flung here and there, dished piled in the sink.

I sat at the couch blankly staring at the TV screen while randomly scrolling through my social media feed. Everyone's life seemed perfect except mine.

I was the woman who tried to save an already damaged man. Sometimes when I remember those memories I just laugh. It's been two years since I moved out of Los Angeles. And then there's Max.

Who knows where life could take us? You know what they say, they are many fishes in the sea. I should have applied that same technique to Daniel. 

I remembered my upcoming coffee date and I was filled with nothing but excitement.

My mind drifted to the past and the memories I was trying to forget. The fights with Daniel, the feeling of being controlled, the tight grip on my body.

I thought I had escaped but the scars were still there. They had never left. They were there all these years.

I got up and walked to the kitchen pouring myself a glass of wine. As I took a sip I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. The smile I wore for the world was nothing but a mask hiding the pain and fear that lingered within.

I felt like I was living two separate lives: the one I presented to the world, and the one I hid from everyone. I longed for someone to see beyond the pretence, to understand the real me.

As I stood there lost in thoughts my phone buzzed. A text from Max.

Looking forward to tomorrow, Lexi. Can't wait to get to know you better.

My heart skipped a beat. Maybe, just maybe, this coffee date would be the start of something real. Something authentic.

I took a deep breath letting the hope settle in. Tomorrow was a new day and a chance to start afresh.