
To Shape and Change

Synopsis: AU. Time Travel. Snape goes back in time, holding the knowledge of what is to come if he fails. No longer holding a grudge, he seeks to shape Harry into the greatest wizard of all time, starting on the day Hagrid took Harry to Diagon Alley. No Horcruxes. *NOT MY STORY IF ORIGINAL AUTHOR WANTS ME TO DELETE I WILL* Original story link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6413108/1/To-Shape-and-Change

Drip_Monarch · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Festivities and Gifts

The rest of the week before December 23rd went by quickly for Harry and Neville. Sheltered within the Longbottom Mansion, Harry and Neville were free to relax and enjoy their time away from the rest of the world, well, for the most part.

Mrs. Longbottom had not really been pleased with the events that had resulted in them feeling the need to flee from the hospital earlier that week. Although she couldn't help but be impressed with what had occurred, she did not like the attention it had brought. Leaving the hospital had been an affair. Not long after the Healers had come into the room to find Andy healed, the word of the event had spread through the hospital. By the time it had gotten to the fifth floor, where she had been, people were saying Harry Potter was going room by room, healing people of every injury, sickness, and disease imaginable.

This rumor, of course, was incorrect; though, by the time she had gotten down to the first floor where Harry and Neville were, Harry was indeed going around nearby rooms to heal 'simple' wounds under the curious eyes of the Healers. It was amazing. Not even Augusta Longbottom could say otherwise.

It was only when patients from other floors began attempting to get to Harry that Mrs. Longbottom decided it was time for them to leave, no arguments. And so, they left by Healer Smethwyk's fireplace in his office.

Mrs. Longbottom didn't broach the subject of what had happened at the hospital to Harry or Neville when they returned to the mansion. As far as she was concerned, it seemed, the entire event was in the past and should be left there. She didn't want to deal with it, so left it alone.

Both Harry and Neville were grateful for her silence on the matter, though the paper the following morning had been a bit of a shock to them. The public was crazy about Harry Potter now, more than ever before. Every day, there was an article on him, speculating on what the werewolf community would do in light of this, if Mr. Potter would offer to heal other werewolves, and if he would be curing anything else. It was all very surreal. People, according to the Daily Prophet, were sending hundreds of letters to St. Mungos, seeking Harry Potter for healing. And this was only a few days after healing Andy.

Part of Harry was just waiting for people to start showing up at the mansion or hundreds of letters to be delivered anyway, but that, thankfully, didn't happen.

"So Professor Snape is going to pick you up at noon today and take you to Diagon Alley?" Neville asked Harry as they entered the library.

They had been reading everything they could find on nerves and brains, trying to learn more about them and what could be done to repair them. So far, they hadn't found much, but it had only been a few days.

"Yeah. I need to get some formal robes," Harry answered.

Neville nodded. "It's too bad you couldn't fit into mine to borrow. Diagon Alley around Christmas time can be crowded."

Harry sighed. "Yeah, I don't really care much for crowds. But Professor Snape will be with me," he said confidently.

Neville grinned. "No one will bother you while he's with you."

"Nope." Harry smiled.

O o O o O

"Albus, I must speak with him," Fudge said, speaking to Dumbledore from the fireplace.

He had fire-called the Headmaster roughly a half hour ago, desperate for guidance.

"I believe Mrs. Longbottom has made it clear that Mr. Potter is not to be disturbed while under her care," Dumbledore stated.

Fudge sighed. "Yes, but you don't understand. Representatives from other countries are coming to St. Mungos to verify the reports. It will only be a matter of time before they begin seeking an audience with the boy himself!"

"Cornelius, we don't know if Andy Hovel's case was unique or not. There are a lot of things to consider here. Yes, Mr. Potter healed young Hovel, but that doesn't mean he can heal anyone infected with Lycanthropy. Perhaps Mr. Potter can only heal those recently bitten."

"Well, then that is why I must speak with Mr. Potter so we can arrange a time to determine the limits of his abilities. I have already received a few letters from other political leaders of other countries, asking me what we've determined exactly. I cannot leave their inquiries unanswered, Albus!"

Dumbledore stroked his beard. "You are going to the Malfoy's Christmas party, are you not?"

Fudge's eyes widened. "Oh, I had forgotten the boy would be attending. . . ."

"There you go then. I am sure no one would be offended if you spoke to him for a few minutes there, and I am sure Mr. Potter would be willing to hear you out."

"Thank you, Albus. I must go prepare for it. I need to show Mr. Potter how much he is needed!"

Dumbledore's face suddenly grew serious. "Cornelius."

Fudge grew still, his flaming face in the fireplace staring at the Headmaster, taken aback at his shifted tone.

"Mr. Potter is only eleven years old. If I suspect even a hint of manipulation, I will not be pleased. Yes, Mr. Potter deserves to know what his healing young Hovel has brought about, but I will not have you turn him into some sort of prize to be danced in front of the other nations. Clear?"

"Yes, Headmaster, I understand," Fudge said with a heavy swallow.

"Good," Dumbledore said, his voice light once again. "Glad we've had this little chat."

Fudge nodded before bidding him good day and cutting off the fire-call.

Dumbledore sighed, before getting up from his knees and moving away from the fireplace.

"I'll be with Mr. Potter when the Minister speaks with him," Severus stated, taking a step out from the corner.

"Yes, which is the only reason I reminded Cornelius of his opportunity at the party."

The potions master nodded.

"I hope Harry will be able to cope with his increased fame. He's no longer just The-Boy-Who-Lived now," Dumbledore said softly.

"I believe Mr. Potter will take it in stride, but I must admit I am not looking forward to taking him to Diagon Alley," Severus said. "However, I agree with the point you made earlier. We cannot hide Mr. Potter from the world. Doing so would just make it worse, adding mystery on top of everything else."

"Yes, we may not like it, but there is not much we can do about it," Dumbledore said.

O o O o O

Severus apparated near the edge of the snow covered property in his formal robes.

Since he and the rest in the hall had all received a nice shock in reading the paper a few mornings before, things had become a bit . . . familiar.

It was much like the days after Halloween in 1981, when the wizarding world had learned Harry Potter had somehow caused the Dark Lord to vanish without a trace. Just like then, people everywhere were talking about the boy, whispering in corners, talking about him over meals, and including him in bedtime stories. Once again, Harry Potter had captured the public's imagination.

Severus only hoped he could get the boy through Diagon Alley without everyone rushing toward him for an autograph or something.

Severus shook his head as he came to the front door of the Longbottom mansion and knocked.

"Good afternoon, Professor Snape. Mr. Potter is ready to go with you," Mrs. Longbottom stated, opening the door.

"Thank you, Mrs. Longbottom," Severus said with a short nod of his head. "He will be back here before midnight. If he is not, notify the Headmaster immediately."

"Of course," she answered.

"Come, Mr. Potter," Professor Snape said, watching Neville wave goodbye to Harry from the entryway as Harry hurried to his side. "Diagon Alley first. Stay close by my side at all times."

"Yes, sir."

With Harry by his side, he turned and began walking back down the path, away from the mansion and to the rim of the wards. He heard Mrs. Longbottom close the door.

"We will go to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions," Severus said, the coolness in the air making their breath visible.

"Yes, sir."

Severus glanced down at Harry. "Your work at St. Mungo's was noteworthy, although Madam Pomfrey was not exactly pleased with learning about it in the paper."

Harry looked up at him a little worried. "How angry was she?"

"Oh, I believe her exact words were, 'Mr. Potter, I oughta throttle you'."

"Pretty angry then," Harry muttered.

"Mr. Potter, I am not going to say what you had done was wrong, because it wasn't, but it was dangerous. What if you hadn't been able to remove the curse? What if it had spread to you? What if something had gone wrong and that boy had suffered for it?" Professor Snape asked seriously.

Harry sighed. "I couldn't not try. Could you? If you could use parselmagic, would you have been able to just do nothing if you knew you might be able to help?"

Severus' expression softened. "No. But I want you to remember, not everything will always turn out as well as this has. Things can go wrong."

Harry nodded, biting his bottom lip. "I understand, sir."

"I'm not trying to discourage you, Mr. Potter, I just want you to be cautious when you attempt things you've never done before. But I also want you to know I am pleased with your development. I admit you have surpassed my expectations. When I first gave you the Art of Parcel, I never imagined you would be healing a boy with Lycanthropy a few months later."

Harry blushed. "It really isn't a big deal. I just did what I could to help Andy."

"You cured his Lycanthropy, Mr. Potter. It is a big deal. I know you may find this very hard to believe, but it has been thought, for centuries, that it was impossible to cure Lycanthropy. In fact, in many books, it is stated as a fact," Severus informed him.

"I don't think people should rule things like that out, especially when the 'impossibility' could help someone."

"That is a nice view to have, but many would say it is unrealistic," Severus said as they made their way through the snow, leaving footprints across the Longbottom property.

"Maybe, but if no one went against people's doubts, we'd never get anywhere, would we? I don't believe anything is impossible - anything worthwhile anyway."

Severus smiled softly, recalling similar words that had been spoken by the future Harry. "You are quite correct, Mr. Potter. Which reminds me, your healing of young Hovel has created a bit of a stir. Do not be surprised if you are approached by a man named Cornelius Fudge."

"The Minister of Magic?" Harry asked, curious.


"You don't care much for him, do you, sir?" Harry asked carefully.

"He isn't a bad man, but he can be rather foolish and cowardly. He also seems quite determined in talking to you. If it hadn't been for Mrs. Longbottom, he would have already."

Harry's eyebrows rose at that.

"Be careful in what you agree to when you speak to him. He is not above using people to get what he wants. He is much like Lucius in regard to that."

"Like Mr. Malfoy?" Harry asked.

"Yes, much like Lucius, but he is nowhere near as cunning, thankfully. However, that hasn't stopped him from getting to where he is, so be cautious."

"Okay, I will," Harry said as they came to a stop. "Are we going to apparate?"

"Yes. We are going to apparate to Diagon Alley. Once we have finished there, we will be leaving from the Leaky Cauldron and take the Knight Bus to Malfoy Manor."

"The Knight Bus?"

"I want you to experience all modes of wizarding transportation. I believe it is a necessary knowledge that should be learned as soon as possible," he said as he stepped closer to Harry and offered his arm for apparition. Harry took hold and they vanished with a nearly silent crack.

They appeared at around the same place Mrs. Longbottom had taken him and Neville.

Severus quickly put a hand on Harry's shoulder, keeping him close as he began leading him to Madam Malkin's.

The place was crowded, and Harry supposed correctly it was because everyone was doing last minute shopping. And so, because everyone was sidetracked with getting gifts for their families, they didn't pay any attention to Harry, who was currently being shuffled through them with his head down beside the dark robed professor.

Entering the robe shop, which wasn't extremely crowded, Severus led him toward the back area of the place.

"May I help you, Professor?" Madam Malkin asked, having seen their entrance and quick course to the more secluded area of her shop.

"Yes," Severus said, stepping behind Harry and putting both of his hands on the boy's shoulders. "This young man needs formal robes and shoes. I trust they can be sized and fit for wearing within a few hours?"

"Of course," she said, moving forward and pulling out her measuring tape, glancing at Harry's forehead but remaining professional. "So, colors?"

Nearly an hour and a half later, Harry had a new set of formal robes. Under pitch black dress robes was a dark, forest green vest with golden yellow embroidery going along the borders. The golden yellow embroidery was also added along the rims of his robes, and it looked very sharp. With his emerald green eyes, Harry agreed that he looked very nice, formidable even.

:Harry, could I make a request?: Coral asked as Madam Malkin made some final adjustments to Harry's robes.


:I get cold rather quickly in this weather when I move away from you. Is there a way I could . . . perhaps . . .:

Harry smiled before glancing around. There was no one within earshot or paying them any mind.

"Um, Madam Malkin, could I make a strange request?"

"Certainly, young sir," she said. Having noticed Professor Snape didn't want people drawn to their location, she didn't use Mr. Potter's name.

"Um, could you make a narrow cloth tube to match these robes? It's for. . . ." Harry lifted his sleeve a bit to reveal Coral's head.

Malkin gave a small smile, already having seen her earlier and quite taken with the friendly serpent. "Of course. It should only take me ten minutes to get it woven. Silk or cotton?"

:Ooo, silk: Coral answered.

"Silk, please."

Malkin nodded and quickly got to work on it once she finished the last hem.

Fifteen minutes later, both Harry and Coral were ready for the party. Harry also got a nice pair of black leather gloves to give to Mr. Malfoy with an embroidered M at the cuff as a nice but simple party gift. Professor Snape had suggested it, as he knew it was Lucius' favorite sort of gift to receive. The embroidered M was Harry's idea.

"Thank you, Madam," Severus said with a slight bow of his head as Harry paid her.

Harry had his formal robes on, and his old ones were in his pocket, shrunken, while Coral had her little 'sweater' on. It was charmed to adjust to her size over time, and when there was a large temperature drop around her, the sweater would warm up, compensating for the temperature difference. The silk was layered in a special way to allow freedom of movement. It didn't completely cover her, but enough to keep her from becoming chilled when away from Harry. It was winter after all.

"Oh, it was my pleasure," Madam Malkin said, beaming. "And if you need any more of those special garments, just let me know. I'll be happy to make more for the little dear."

Harry smiled with a nod. "Thanks, she really loves it already."

Walking out of the shop, Severus assessed the area. A few people were now craning their necks at Harry, trying to get a good look at him, as if trying to determine if he was in fact who they likely hoped he was. Severus was actually a bit surprised it had taken people this long to notice the boy. Granted, they had been out of sight for most of that time, Harry having been in the fitting room for half of it.

Harry remained close by his side, clearly having noticed how people had begun to look at him now. Soon, it was clear they knew who he was, but they did not approach him. Instead, they stared, before turning to one another and whispering excitedly.

Severus scanned the crowd around them as they continued their way to the Leaky Cauldron.

Something was off.

He could feel tiny prickles at the back of his neck. A feeling he always got when something was amiss, and then he knew.

Someone was following them.

Leaning toward Harry ever so slightly, not slowing or adjusting their pace, he whispered. "We're being followed. Use that portkey if I tell you to activate it or if spells are exchanged."

Harry nodded.

Finally, they made it to the Leaky Cauldron through the brick wall, but Severus knew they were still being followed.

Entering the pub area, they wove around the tables and headed toward the front to exit. The place was not even half-full, but there were still plenty of people about. Harry kept his head down, trying not to attract any more attention, when it suddenly happened.

"Mr. Potter!"

A man behind them rushed forward, his hand reaching toward Harry. Harry felt himself yanked aside by Severus, the professor lightning fast.

The pursuing man was blasted back, and Harry never even saw Severus use his wand as he was ushered further behind the dark frame of the potions master.

The man landed in a heap beside the bar and everyone froze in the Leaky Cauldron, staring at Severus Snape standing boldly between the heap and Harry Potter. The heap shifted, revealing a man in worn cloths, littered with scars. He looked ten times worse than Remus Lupin.

"Mr. Potter!" the man cried, now on his hands and knees. "Please, please help me!"

Evidently, he didn't see or care that there was a very protective wizard with a wand pointed at his head right over him.

No one moved as the man continued to beg.

"Please, please help me like you did that boy at St. Mungo's. Please, I can't take this anymore. . . ."

Harry peeked around Severus' intimidating frame and really looked at the pathetic man, sending out a bit of his magic to evaluate the situation.

Harry's eyes widened, and Coral once again tightened around his wrist.

"You're a werewolf," Harry stated quietly.

The man nodded as a great deal of the people in the pub gasped.

"I don't know if I can cure you, sir. The curse hadn't been in Andy for very long, not even three days," Harry said finally, his voice echoing in the shocked pub.

"Please, could you just try?" the man pleaded. "I will do anything."

Harry looked up at Snape, whose wand was still pointing at the man. Severus wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not, but he knew Harry would do what he thought was right, and that meant he would try to heal this man, right then and there if at all possible. With or without the dozen people watching them.

Severus gave an internal sigh as Harry stepped up beside him and put his small hand on his arm.

Harry had done that a hundred times in the future.

When the battle was over.

When the enemy was defeated.

When there was no enemy to kill.

When there was someone to help.

"Go on, Mr. Potter. I will not stop you. But know I will intervene if I believe his intention is anything other than being healed by you," Severus stated.

The man looked up with wide, hope-filled eyes as Harry went forward and came to a stop right in front of him.

"Sit up and lean against the wall," Harry stated, deciding the man did not need to lay down like Andy had. The man did as he was told without question as Harry kneeled beside him and lifted his left sleeve to reveal Coral.

Severus kept his wand trained on the man, but he knew there was no danger. This man really did just want to be healed. There was no ill intent.

O o O

Harry stared at the man for a long moment, looking into his scarred face.

"Professor, could you cast something on him to keep him still? I was able to keep Andy still, but . . ." Harry said.

"Petrificus Totalus," Severus stated simply.

"Thanks," Harry whispered, trying to decide how exactly to approach this.

No one in the pub uttered a word as Harry put his right hand on the man's chest and his left on his forehead.

:He has been cursed for a long time, Harry: Coral stated.

:I know:

:This may not work. You can feel how deeply this curse has grounded itself in him. I am not sure we should attempt this:

Harry bit his lip before deciding something. :We must still try:

:Very well:

"Sir, this may not work, but I will try," Harry stated, gathering his magic at his center.

Unable to move, the man simply continued to stare at him with desperate, pleading eyes as everyone else in the pub simply watched.

Harry let his magic go into his hands, as he had done when healing Andy, before taking hold of the man's magic to help.

Exhaling and releasing a pulse of his magic, he whispered, :Curse, be no more:

Immediately, Harry realized this was not like treating Andy. The curse was deeper, thicker, and stronger. Much stronger. Clenching his jaw, Harry pushed his magic harder, not willing to even think this could fail. He felt his magic weave into the man's blood and gather at his heart where the base of the curse resided.

Harry closed his eyes, concentrating as hard as he could to surround every bit of the curse in the man with magic. He felt the man's muscles stiffen, despite the professor's spell, as he strained to combat the curse.

He heard echoing howls in his ears, distantly at first, but it began to grow louder and louder, until his ears were ringing from it.

This curse would not be defeated as easily as the curse in Andy.

Fear welled up in Harry as the Professor's words surfaced in his mind. Things can go wrong.

:No, No, this will not fail. This will work!: Harry hissed furiously as a different magic rose from within his chest and rushed down his arms and into the man.

The magic he had obtained from Andy in dissolving the curse.

Harry's eyes snapped open, surprised as he felt the white magic surge forth, reinforcing his assault on the curse, until, finally, the curse was overpowered and dissolved. Instantly, much of the magic left over from the newly destroyed curse quickly joined with the white magic and returned to Harry's center.

"Alright, Mr. Potter?" Professor Snape asked, his eyes searching Harry's own.

Harry blinked up at him, realizing he was still by the scarred man and had not been propelled back as he had been with Andy.

"I'm alright, sir. It was just a little harder than healing Andy," he said, pulling back his hands and slowly standing up as he turned his eyes down to the man who was still sitting against the wall, unmoving.

"Finite," Severus muttered, canceling his previous spell.

The man burst into grateful tears and went to Harry on his knees. "Thank you, Mr. Potter, thank you! I will forever be in your debt," he said, taking Harry's right hand and clasping it with both of his.

Harry noticed the man's eyes were different. His pupils seemed to blend in with the colored portion of his eyes. It was quite a characteristic.

"Is-is he really cured?" Tom, the pub owner, asked.

"Yes, he is cured," Harry said confidently, not feeling a trace of the curse in the man. "Though, I'm afraid your eyes are a result of you being cured after being a werewolf for so long," he added, looking back at the man.

"Oh, I don't care. Even if the cure had blinded me, I would still be just as grateful to you as I am now!" the man exclaimed, bowing his head and touching his brow to the back of Harry's hand.

"You are no longer a carrier or sufferer of the curse. You are no longer a werewolf," Harry said.

The man gave another grateful sob. "I won't forget this, Mr. Potter. I am forever at your disposal. My name is Walter McCaffrey. Just say the word and I will be where and when you need me. I swear. Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, sir," Harry said, not knowing what else to say.

"Mr. Potter," Severus stated, stepping beside him. Harry got the message. They needed to get going.

Harry nodded, before looking around them, finding everyone in the pub staring at him, amazed and astonished.

Severus didn't wait for them to gather their nerve to approach and quickly steered Harry to the door. Harry didn't object.

"Uh, M-merry Christmas, Mr. Potter!" Tom shouted as Harry and Snape made a quick exit.

O o O o O

They continued walking down the streets of London for a few minutes in silence.

Severus knew Harry was getting nervous. No doubt, he was wondering if his professor was upset with him or something. Truthfully, Severus was a bit unnerved with what he had just witnessed.

In the future, he had seen Harry heal many people with parselmagic, but he had never seen anything like what he had just witnessed. Harry's green eyes had turned white, glowing brightly with power.

"How difficult was it?" he asked, breaking the silence as they went past a few muggle shops.

Harry jumped at his sudden question before hesitantly looking up at him. "Hard, sir. For a moment there . . . I didn't know if I would be able to do it, but then the magic from last time-"

Severus raised an eyebrow. "The magic from last time?" he questioned.

Harry swallowed and Severus heard a quiet hiss from his sleeve. Obviously, Coral was giving him some advice. Hopefully, good advice.

Harry sighed. "When I had healed Andy, some of the magic left over from the destroyed curse went into me."

"And the rest of it?"

"Went into Andy."

Severus frowned. "Did you inform anyone of this?"

Harry looked down, knowing he was about to receive a reprimand as they stopped at the side of an empty street. "No."

The potions master bit back a growl. "Mr. Potter, did it ever occur to you that this might be some information the Healers might want to know when examining Andy, or that this might be detrimental to your own magical health and development?!"

Harry continued looking down at the snowy sidewalk. Severus felt frustration boil within him.

"Damn it, Harry, look at me!"

Startled, Harry raised his face, his eyes wide.

Severus wanted to smack himself. He had not meant to slip and call Harry by his first name, but there were more important things to be upset about at the moment.

"Do you understand how dangerous that was?! I cannot believe you were so foolish! How long have you known about the magic you got from the curse?"

"I felt it go into me soon after I healed him. I knew it wasn't bad. It felt good and clean. Pure."

"That is beside the point! Why did you not tell anyone?"

"I knew it wouldn't really help anyone. The Healers were already going nuts with what I had done. I didn't want them to think the curse was still there in Andy or that it had spread to me or something. I just wanted things to calm down," Harry rattled off quickly, fighting down the lump in his throat.

He hadn't wanted to disappoint the professor, but evidently he had.

"Please, professor, I'm sorry. I didn't think it was a big deal."

Severus briefly closed his eyes and calmed himself, knowing upsetting the boy would get them nowhere. He reopened them and looked at him, reminding himself that Harry was still a first year, no matter how advanced his magical abilities were.

"Your eyes glowed white when you healed Mr. McCaffrey, Potter. Am I right to assume the magic you gained from the curse is white?"

Harry blinked before nodding.

"Did you get more of this white magic from healing Mr. McCaffrey?"

"Yes, though some of it remained with him, like it had with Andy."

Severus nodded, trying to build an understanding of what this magic was doing exactly.

"It helped me, sir. When I was beginning to struggle with the curse, it rushed in and took care of the curse really fast," Harry said, hoping the Professor wasn't as mad at him as he had initially feared. "It was like the curse's kryptonite."

Severus paused, processing Harry's words.

"We are going to need to watch this, Mr. Potter. This is very new territory here. I have never heard of this sort of thing before."

Harry nodded mutely, looking up at him with apologetic and slightly tearful eyes. Obviously, the thought that he had disappointed his professor was hitting him quite hard.

Severus knew he needed to smooth things over, while at the same time ensure Harry understood why he had not been pleased with him keeping the knowledge of the white magic to himself. Granted, he was sure Harry had gathered why during his short rant.

"Mr. Potter, do you understand why I was upset with you?" he asked slowly, keeping his voice level.

Harry swallowed and nodded stiffly.

"Why?" Severus asked, wanting to hear it.

"I-I had kept something secret that could be important for others to know."

Severus nodded, slightly pleased he had not needed to aggressively entice the answer from him and that Harry was able to keep himself together in answering. He didn't want a crying first year.

"I understand at the time it seemed best to keep that information to yourself, but you could have owled the hospital later so they could have checked Andy over more carefully after they were confident the curse was gone. I'm also sure Andy would like to know this white magic had entered him, and his parents certainly have the right to know."

"I'll owl them tomorrow," Harry said softly.

Severus nodded. "However, I think, all things considered, you did right by not telling them about some of it going into yourself. But, you still should have informed someone about it. And by someone, I mean an adult."

Harry raised an eyebrow before he could stop himself.

Severus sighed. "I could curse the Dursleys," he whispered venomously before refocusing. "You could have owled me or Madam Pomfrey."

Harry looked down.

"Look at me, Mr. Potter," he stated gently. Harry did so. "Learn from this; that is all I ask. Remember there are adults who want and need to be told about things concerning you, whether or not you feel it is important."

Harry gave a tiny nod, but it was enough for the Professor.

Severus put a strong but gentle hand on Harry's shoulder. "Well, I am sure the Daily Prophet has already been notified of your deed. Let us get to Malfoy Manor before any reporters manage to catch up with us."

O o O o O

"It was amazing! He just touched the man, whispered something, and then there was a flash of white light!"

"His eyes glowed white when he had done it."

"Oh, I can't believe I was there! You could feel the magic rise in the air when he did it!"

All throughout Diagon Alley and in the Leaky Cauldron people were talking excitedly. It only took a few minutes for reporters to begin showing up, inciting the people to recount the event all over again.

Tom's business boomed that day. Everyone wanted to see where the healing had taken place and kneel where Harry Potter had.

O o O o O

Harry and Severus got off of the Knight Bus and stepped onto the road near the heart of Wiltshire.

The ride had been what Severus had expected, which was unfortunate. Severus had to keep Harry level most of the trip, but he accomplished what he wanted. The boy now knew about all the traditional wizarding ways to travel and how to use them. It was a small detail, but it could prove important to Harry in case of an emergency.

"So this is where the Malfoys live?" Harry asked, walking closely beside the professor.

"Yes, Mr. Potter. It has been in their family for many centuries," Severus said, glad Harry had bounced back so quickly after their discussion. Going up the long path that led to the front door, Severus put his hand on Harry's back. "Remember, your words hold weight."

"I remember, sir," Harry said.

"Always stay within my sight," Severus stated.

"I will, sir," Harry promised as they came to the front door.

With that, Severus knocked on the ornate door.

It opened a moment later, a well-dressed woman holding it open for them.

She was in a very fine, layered, green dress. She had bright red lipstick and liberal eye shadow with blond hair and brown highlights. Harry instantly compared her to a character in one of his aunt's favorite soap operas. She looked very . . . rich.

"Good afternoon, Severus," she said, bowing her head in formal greeting to the professor before turning her eyes down to Harry.

Harry gave her a small smile, deciding it would be polite, before he moved to hold out his right hand to introduce himself; however, he didn't get that far.

"Mr. Potter," she breathed, taking a step forward and putting her soft hand on his cheek.

Harry stood there, frozen.

She removed her hand after a moment, looking slightly embarrassed, which was a curious sight.

"Forgive me, Mr. Potter. I have been quite eager for your arrival and couldn't help myself just then. I am Narcissa Malfoy, Draco's mother," she said, her eyes brimming brightly as she continued to look at him.

Harry's eyebrows lifted in understanding. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Malfoy," he said.

She smiled and stepped aside. "Please, come in."

Harry and Severus entered, following her through the entryway, up the stone stairs on the right and into the formal dining room. The dining room had a very long narrow table directly next to a large fireplace. On the other side of the table, away from the fireplace, was an open area for dancing or other socializing. There were already snacks all along the table and roughly two dozen people mingling in the decorated room. There was a Christmas tree in the corner with many hovering ornaments floating around it.

Harry and Severus entered and came to a stop.

Harry spotted Draco, speaking to his father and another man he didn't know. He had a top hat and was wearing the most horrendous green suit Harry had ever seen. He also spotted Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, and Daphne Greengrass snacking on cookies and crackers beside their parents near the table.

"Lucius, our honored guest has arrived," Narcissa announced, cutting through the conversations going on in the room.

"Ah!" Lucius said, turning purposely toward his wife's voice. "Excellent!"

Harry remained where and as he was. Standing straight beside Severus. Coral tightened her coils around his wrist comfortingly as Mr. Malfoy approached them. Draco followed beside his father, smiling broadly at Harry as everyone turned to watch.

"Mr. Potter! Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last," he said, coming before Harry and taking hold of his hand to shake.

Harry returned the grip and shook, giving him a nod in greeting before Lucius released his hand and welcomed Professor Snape. Harry took this moment to retrieve his gift for the host and when Mr. Malfoy turned his focus back to him, he held the gift out for Lucius to take. "I was told a gift for the host was appropriate for events such as this," Harry said. "I hope you like it."

Lucius took it and found a pair of black leather gloves with cuffs bearing a bold cursive M. He gave a small smile, honestly quite taken with the practical gift.

"Thank you, Mr. Potter, and though I will happily receive this gift, I trust you know it is I who should be bestowing gifts to you for what you have done for my family," he said, his voice smooth. Dangerously smooth, Harry thought.

Harry glanced at Draco, finding his friend suddenly looking rather serious. He reminded himself of the Professor's letter and advice.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy," Harry answered, deciding to keep it simple.

Lucius smiled, though Harry got the feeling it was rather forced. "Please, Mr. Potter, take whatever you wish from the table to eat. Narcissa spared nothing in preparing everything for today," he urged, leading them to the long snack covered table. "Now, let me introduce you to my other guests."

Harry politely took a small stack of crackers to tide him over before dinner as he turned his attention to the closest group of guests.

"I am sure you have met young Mr. Vincent Crabbe at Hogwarts," Lucius began. Receiving a nod from Harry, he continued. "These are his parents, Markov and Deborah Crabbe."

Everyone else in the room was still and quiet, watching the exchange occurring before them.

Harry was then taken around and introduced to the other guests, including the Goyles, Parkinsons, Notts, Flints, Greengrasses, and a few Board of Governors with their wives.

Harry tried to ignore their awestruck stares as Mr. Malfoy introduced the guest family heads and they in turn introduced their families. Greg Goyle was as dull as always. Theodore Nott was impressed with Harry, but remained as stoic as his father. Marcus Flint was stiff but shook Harry's hand with vigor. Pansy Parkinson gave a floppy, bashful wave. Daphne Greengrass and her younger sister, Astoria, gave small curtsies, though Daphne was less frazzled with meeting Harry. The governors and their wives were curious about him, but courteous.

Soon after, Harry was directed away to the man he had first seen speaking with Mr. Malfoy when he had entered the room.

"Mr. Potter, this is Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic," Mr. Malfoy introduced. "Minister, Harry Potter."

Fudge eagerly took Harry's hand. "So glad to finally meet you, Harry. May I call you Harry?"

"Sure," Harry said with a shrug as Fudge glanced at Professor Snape beside Harry.

"Professor Snape," Fudge greeted.

"Minister," Snape returned with a nod.

Fudge refocused on Harry, instantly ignoring the professor's presence. "Harry, may I have a word?" he asked, motioning them away from the rest of the guests.

"Sure. What about, sir?" Harry asked, following the Minister to a quieter area of the room.

Professor Snape followed, but not closely. He was close enough to hear and, if need be, intervene.

"I've recently met with the Hovels," Fudge began. "They are really grateful to you."

Harry thought fast, wondering if humility here was best or not. "I was happy to heal their son," he answered simply.

Fudge smiled. "I'm sure you were," he said, patting Harry's shoulder and pausing.

"You wanted to talk about something, Minister?" Harry asked when Fudge had yet to continue.

"Yes, yes, there was, Harry. After what you've done for little Andy, I was wondering if you'd be willing to try to help others. You see, there are people coming to me asking for you, and . . . well, I can't simply leave their requests unanswered - I'm the Minister, after all."

"What do you want me to do exactly?" Harry asked, recalling the professor's warning about the Minister.

"Well, I'd like to schedule a time for us to determine the limit of your ability to heal Lycanthropy. For example, can you heal adult werewolves? Can you heal those who had been bitten a long time ago, or can you only cure the recently bitten?"

"I cured an adult about an hour ago," Harry answered easily. "He'd been a werewolf for a long time and has the scars to prove it."

Fudge startled. "An adult? A few hours ago? Where?"

"At the Leaky Cauldron."

"Did anyone see you?" Fudge asked, stunned.

"Oh, yeah, sure. Everyone who had been in the Leaky Cauldron at the time."

"And he's truly cured?" Fudge asked.

"Yeah," Harry answered, watching Fudge's eyes grow very large.

"Please excuse me, Mr. Potter. I must return to the Ministry."

"Alright, sir. It was nice to meet you."

Fudge bid a quick farewell to Lucius before bolting out the fireplace.

"You told him about Mr. McCaffrey, I see," Professor Snape said, amused as he came to Harry's side.

"Yes, sir, but why did he need to leave so suddenly?" Harry asked.

"He needs to verify what you said, and once he does that, I imagine he will need to prepare for the press."


"Don't concern yourself over it," Snape said, leading them back to the party. "It's done. Nothing anyone can do about it now."

Harry sighed. "This is going to be bigger than healing Andy, huh?"

"Without a doubt, but it will eventually settle and, hopefully, you will be able to help more people," the Professor whispered.

Harry gave a soft smile.

"Hey, Potter," Draco said, coming to his side.

"Hi, Draco," Harry said, relieved there was at least one person (besides Professor Snape) who acted normal around him.

"Dinner is about ready to be served. Father wants you to sit next to him on his right," he said. "I'll be on his left."


"Daphne Greengrass will be next to you. Is that acceptable?"

Harry nodded, wondering why he was being asked about seating arrangements.

Five minutes later, the table cleared itself and Mr. Malfoy beckoned everyone to sit for dinner as he pulled the chair out at the head of the table for Harry to sit.

O o O o O

"His name is Walter McCaffrey, Minister," the Healer told him outside of the room at St. Mungos. "And we have him on record as being a werewolf."

"Have you done the test yet? Is he still a werewolf?" Fudge asked.

"We've done the test and have just gotten the results back. And no, he's not a werewolf . . . not anymore."

"I want to speak with him."

"Of course, Minister."

O o O o O

Everyone took their places, standing behind their chairs. The table had been cleared of snacks, and now it was only covered with a formal, deep green tablecloth.

Mr. Malfoy was at the head of the table with Harry at his right and Draco at his left. Pansy Parkinson was beside Draco and Professor Snape was beside her. Next to Harry was Daphne Greengrass, and beside her was Mr. Greengrass. Narcissa was at the other end of the table with Mrs. Greengrass to her right and Mrs. Nott to her left.

Lucius Malfoy called his glass from the table into his hand and then tapped it lightly with his wand, causing it to ring magnificently.

"Before we sit and dine, I would like to thank you all for coming this evening. I trust you all have been enjoying yourselves thus far," Lucius said with a cunning smile, before turning his attention to Harry beside him. "I would also like to once again formally thank Mr. Potter for what he has done for my family. Thank you for coming Mr. Potter. It is an honor to have you here."

Harry inclined his head respectfully. "I am happy to be here, Mr. Malfoy."

Lucius raised his glass in salute to him before motioning them all to sit. Once they were all settled, the food and drinks appeared and Mr. Malfoy took the first bite, allowing dinner to begin.

"What got you interested in healing, Mr. Potter?" Mr. Greengrass asked as everyone began digging in.

"In school, I always liked the idea of becoming a doctor, a muggle healer, so when Professor Snape gave me a book about parselmagic and told me it's the most powerful healing and protective magic there is . . . it just stemmed from there," Harry answered.

"What are your future plans?" Lucius asked.

"Continuing Hogwarts, of course, and improving my parselmagic."

"How are you liking Hogwarts so far?" a Board of Governor asked.

Harry couldn't remember his whole name, but his last was Perkins.

"I like it a lot. It's become, well, more than a second home to me," Harry said honestly.

"You've grown up at your relatives' home, with your mother's sister, correct?" Lucius asked, before taking a bite of his food.

"Yes, sir. The Dursleys."

"Muggles?" he asked, though he wasn't quite asking, and his voice held a slight sneer.

"Yes, sir. They don't like magic much, to be honest. They tried to prevent me from attending Hogwarts, but Hagrid got me anyway," Harry said with a smile.

"They don't like magic?" Draco asked, stunned. "You would think, being muggles, they would be amazed with magic and impressed."

Harry shook his head, unable to see Professor Snape cringing internally, wishing the conversation would change directions. "You would think."

"Foolish muggles," Lucius practically snarled before graciously changing the subject of the conversation. "So how is Hufflepuff treating you, Mr. Potter? I admit that was not the House I had been expecting for the Boy-Who-Lived."

"You're not the only one, but I think the sorting hat got it right. Professor Sprout is great," Harry answered, before finishing his salad.

Light conversations cropped up as the meal continued, finished dishes and plates vanishing before new ones appeared, loaded with the next portion of the dinner. Harry answered the occasional question, but he was a bit surprised no one asked him about Andy or his healing of werewolves. Perhaps it wasn't proper etiquette to discuss such things?

Finally, they reached dessert.

"Mr. Potter," Mr. Nott said, beginning his slice of pie. "I am curious, how long have you been practicing parselmagic?"

"Well, I healed Neville on the train to Hogwarts and he was the first I ever healed."

Lucius raised an eyebrow. "So you had only started using parselmagic a few weeks before the accident?"

It was obvious that the accident he was referring to was the one that had nearly cost Draco his life.

"Yes, sir," Harry said.

"Unbelievable," Marcus Flint whispered. "And you use a snake to do this?"

"Yes, Coral helps me."

"Go on, Potter, show them Coral," Draco insisted suddenly. "I know mum has been wanting to see Coral ever since she left the infirmary that day."

Lucius and the others straightened in their seats and a few shifted forward a bit as Harry pulled up his sleeve, revealing Coral wrapped around his scarred wrist and hand.

"She's marvelous," Perkins said, sparing a glance at Harry's scar but deciding not to comment on it.

Coral lifted herself proudly.

"She is a magical coral snake, I see," Lucius said approvingly. "A magnificent creature."

"She's brilliant." Harry placed a finger gently on her head. "If you want to pet her, you may," Harry offered them.

"Ew, no, tha-," Pansy began, only to be cut off by Daphne.

"I will," Daphne said, reaching her hand toward Coral.

Coral happily offered her head and was gently stroked.

:I like this one, and her last name. Greengrass. Perfect: Coral hissed.

Harry smiled.

"Did she say something, Potter?" Draco asked, a bit more in tune to when parseltongue was being spoken than most other people because he was a friend of Harry's.

"Yeah, she likes the name 'Greengrass.' She recognizes that it is a good, strong name," Harry answered.

Daphne and her sister blushed. Mr. Greengrass straightened, pleased, while Mrs. Greengrass gave a soft, approving smile.

Soon after that, Mrs. Malfoy stood up and raised her glass, quickly getting their attention.

"I would like to take this time to give a toast," she began, before raising her glass to Harry. "Mr. Potter, may magic and fortune always smile upon you, and may your life be long and fulfilling. To Harry Potter."

"To Harry Potter," everyone but Harry repeated, lifting their own glasses and taking a sip with Mrs. Malfoy.

Narcissa smiled, lowering her glass but remaining on her feet.

"Mr. Potter, my husband and I would like to now give you a gift as thanks for saving our son's life," she said, giving Lucius a meaningful glance.

Lucius rose to his feet.

"Dobby," he called.


Harry gave a slight jump at the sudden noise and appearance of the odd creature now beside him and Mr. Malfoy. Harry blinked, trying to figure out what he was looking at exactly. The creature was in a raggedy old pillow sheet, and he had huge ears and a large pointy nose.

"Dobby is here, master. What can Dobby do for master?" Dobby asked with a deep, low bow.

"Mr. Potter, please, stand here," Lucius said, pointing a foot from the corner of the table beside Dobby.

Harry did as he was told, getting a very subtle nod from Professor Snape.

"I, Lucius Malfoy, in gratitude, do hereby give complete ownership of Dobby, the house elf, to Mr. Harry James Potter. Mr. Potter, do you accept this transference of house elf ownership and gift of appreciation?"

Harry blinked, glancing down at the house elf gazing up at him with unbelievably huge eyes before looking back up at Mr. Malfoy. "I do. Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. This is a generous gift."

Suddenly, Coral gasped. :Harry, did you feel that? There was a shift of magic:

Lucius gave Harry a short nod before motioning Harry to return to his seat.

Dobby remained fixed where he stood, still staring at Harry with wide eyes. Harry looked over at him from his seat. Harry held out his hand for Dobby to take.

"Master?" Dobby asked uncertainly as he took Harry's right hand.

"Nice to meet you, Dobby," Harry said kindly.

"You may order him to do whatever you wish. You are his master; he is bound to you now," Lucius provided flatly. "You may have him wait for you outside if you wish."

Harry got the distinct feeling Mr. Malfoy no longer wanted Dobby in his house.

"Um, go ahead and wait for me at the Longbottom mansion, Dobby, if it's no trouble," Harry said.

"Of course, Master, it is no trouble. Dobby will wait for master there," Dobby said quickly, before leaving with a pop.

"You'll like having Dobby, Potter," Draco said. "He's pretty entertaining at times."

Harry smiled, though he was internally reeling. Had he just been given a slave?!

O o O o O

Severus breathed a sigh of relief when the dinner party finally came to an end.

"Thank you for the pleasant time, Narcissa," he said.

"Oh, it was our pleasure, Severus," she said.

He and Harry were standing at the entryway with the Malfoys. Most of the other guests had taken their leave a few minutes before through the fireplace.

"Mr. Potter, thank you for coming," Mrs. Malfoy said sincerely. "I hope you enjoyed yourself."

"I did, Mrs. Malfoy, thank you," Harry said. "And Coral did too. She liked the attention."

Narcissa smiled, glancing at Harry's covered wrist, though she spotted Coral's tongue flicker out from under the robe's sleeve.

"Mr. Potter," Lucius said, stepping forward and holding out his hand.

"Thank you for inviting me, Mr. Malfoy," Harry said, taking Lucius' offered hand.

"It was my pleasure, Mr. Potter."