
To Save The World I Became The Villan

I fall to my Knees once again short of breath. I use the last of my strength to look up at that damned demon, looking at me with those eyes full of hate and malice. If I fall here then I know what It'll do again. Though the Mind is willing, yet the flesh is weak and gives up to limitations. I feel my consciousness drifting away... dammit I failed again. back to square one, I go and as always that wretched old man enters my vision, lazily dangling his fishing rod and whistling at the dock of our clan lake. Slowly he starts reeling in his hook and smirks "how many attempts does this make?". I grit my teeth in an effort not to drown the old man. Meticulously putting bait on his hook with the experience of a thousand lifetimes he asks"how many times are you going to watch them suffer? how many more heads will roll BOY?" Searing anger and shame filled my lungs. "I've tried EVERYTHING!" His eyes cast a condescending gaze "EVERYTHING?" I fall to my knees. "Every path a take ends in failure!" The old man throws his hook into the lake. "hmm.. there's a path to success I know of......but it requires a great sacrifice". My chest puffs up with confidence."A hero knows how to sacrifice! I'm willing!" "Who said you had the hero to save the world?" "What?" Just a WARNING I'm probably going to revise chapters a lot because I always have a feeling the story could be better. (Tragedy, Psychological, Fantasy, Villain, Mystery, Romance.)

89thBAMM · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 1. Respect your Elders!!

We make It to the base of Mammon Tai, who stood erect against the womb of heaven proudly. A dense forest sprawled across the mountain only leaving his jagged peaks unmolested. We enter the mountainous forest, and the density of the mana here falls heavily upon our shoulders.

Meladoras my mount began to growl in agitation, I clenched my crossbow "Almost there, be prepared for surprises" my eyes shift from left to right searching for mana beasts lurking in the shadows. with every step closer to our destination the pressure mounts, "you'd think a Dragon lives here with this mana density." Rhock grunts." That things close enough to one". I bent over and picked up a red leaf from the forest floor. 'it's close'.

As we trudge deeper we notice the forest floor covered in autumn leaves and blood-red trees peppered our surroundings. The deeper we went the more numerous they became. From the corner of my eye, I notice the pagoda shrine embedded into the side of the mountain. 'Wow.' Untouched by the wilderness, Maria could not help bet gasp at its pristine condition.

Inside there the shrine was filled with murals and statues, depicting mighty dragons soaring above mountains, benevolent angels calling forth light blessings, and demons inflicting plagues and brimstone upon the realms.

while the others admire the art I shoot straight for the altar. A massive fountain with a ball in the center spouting oil. I light it aflame with a quick cast of fire magic. It was only then that my party noticed the giant stone doors behind the altar slide open, giving way to the murky depths that led to the core of the Mammon Tai.

A gale of dead air blasted across my face, nostalgia overtakes me. Dazing me in a stupor at the entrance to the gates of hell, my feet refuse to heed my will. The memories of repeated failures freeze me in place. This is the place where we have died countless times.

Meladoras, a giant horned wolf black as the night, whom I raised as a pup sensed the disturbance in my emotions. In an attempt to revive my braver his massive soft tail wraps around me. His golden Ram horns vibrated against my chest soothing my erratic heartbeat.


Six figures stood before a dungeon though its doors were open the atmosphere was anything but inviting. Silence rained over the shrine, only to be interrupted by the crackling flames on the altar behind them.

Rhock, shield bearer by heritage of Grenspaal, was never one to show fear. Though he maintained a cool facade, a cold sweat falls from his chiseled jaw. His silver eyes were covered by a grave shadow, yet the gloomy nature of his thoughts was still plastered on his face. He could sense the tribulation that was to be faced in the. But as the bearer of the Shield of Lions and the Lance of Justice falter was not in his vocabulary.

Maria, a priestess of Baroque Cathedral, griping onto her rosary whispering supplications to her god. Her voice shook with fear her ginger bangs hung over her face as her feeble Visage shivered. A sensor is always privy to the emotions of all beings in their range. Never had Maria sensed such hatred and malice, even when she performed medic duties on the battlefields between kingdoms, she never sensed so much hate. It was palpable.

Azure eyes shifted to the mysterious young boy who always walked hand in hand with arrogance. His emotions were like a hurricane.' the lustful little freak is scared?' This truly shocked her. She did notice the moment they entered the forest that he was Awfully quiet, but now his bravado was nowhere to be seen. These emotions that he was displaying were a first for Maria 'the smurf hero of hero's needs to be comforted by his mutt. Why Is that ugly energy pulsing from you smelling of fear and desperation?'

Rosario, the grand wizard of the Opalescent guild puts a hand on her shoulder causing the caramel elf's ears to flinch "Fear, not the Great One is with us"; are blasphemous words from the strangely religious wizard. A warm smile crossed his face for a second it outshone the sun. Maria's blue eyes glimmered with hope and fanaticism as her face was kissed by the rays of the pope-like blond smile.

'green-eyed bastard' the boy awakened from his stupor and cursed

For a second the gut-wrenching fear in my stomach was replaced with a fit of burning jealousy.'The bastard always had a way with words seducing women with his purity. Doesn't he know the women should be for the hero?'

Boog, of Dol Razend sensing my thoughts, smacked the back of my head teasing "cease the brooding runt". Everyone's mood brightened, laughing at the boy's misery as he crouched over holding his head in pain. Even his brother, Berzerker Zwart, the dark red barbarian who rarely said a word let alone laugh, grunted at his brother's comment.

Meladoras in an attempt to comfort the boy licked the knot growing on the back of his head.

Realizing I was acting in a way that was not befitting an elder the boy gathered his poster and warned coldly " ahem….as your senior I will let this infraction slide as you are nothing more than children before me."

Feeling the need to level the playing field he mounted the 7ft Meladoras, looking down on them all.

"Never call me a runt again I'll be 100 in ten years so I'll be getting my adult form soon"

'Played it cool, played it cool. As a hero should. With crossed arms, he snorted in self-satisfaction.

As everyone was giving him a look as if they were fighting constipation I concluded they were properly intimidated by his noble elder hero's aura.

Rhock, feeling the boost in morale, motioned to Rosario "Pray to your god for our victory and safety."

They circled the Blasphemous wizard and held hands. The boy ensured he could feel up on Maria's hands. Rosario cracked open his book of prayers and began to hum and tune and Maria followed suit. As Maria carried on Rosario began

"Great One strengthen our step, fill us with your might.

Let all our enemies tremble in fright.

Let all wicked devils and demons be burned from your sight.

In your name we pray, may Yord af Drømme be once again bathed in Light."

Maria's humming intensified, crescendoing along with Rosario's prayer

A strange feeling of serenity engulfed the party, purging fear, willing them to step forward no matter what demon stands in opposition.

As Maria's humming died down, Rosario softly spoke.

"Though the flesh be fortified the will flickers: Make it a BONFIRE.

Though the will be indomitable flesh is weak: Make it a FORTRESS"

Maria Clenched onto her rosary with a jade light emanating from her eyes. Rosario calmly brought his book of prayers to his side and grabbed for his wizard's crook. Boog double counted his arrows and readied his crimson warbow. Zwart finished sharpening his battle axes Fenrir, they gleamed like the bloody fangs of a starved wolf. Rhock pulled down his knight's Visor. Tightening his grip on his shield and spear he boomed. "LET'S GO!!"

As the prayer's blessing was taking effect, a somber thought appeared in the boy's mind "I probably won't see the other side of 100 this time either."

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Probably gonna change this Chapter multiple times

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Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Edited 4:20 AM EST10/07/2022

89thBAMMcreators' thoughts