
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 8: Unfortunate Memories

After obtaining the flowers that Izak needed to complete his quest. He walked through the dense forest back toward the direction of his town.

As he gets out of the dense forest, he looks out at every sign he marks on the trees. He followed them backward, leading him slowly to his town.

But the signs didn't help for too long, as he was lost in his way of following them simply.

"Where is the next one...??" he murmured, looking at each tree for another sign. Even looking above at the sky to guide himself in directions, the sun is not at an angle to be fully visible.

He kept walking in the same direction for quite a while, but he soon got caught up in the same loops again.

Izak, disappointed and annoyed, said, "Not This Again!!" and walked back on the path he came from, only to stumble across the same areas.

"Why does it have to be me!" angered, he sat down in one place and waited for the sun to be visible.