
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 19: It's Okay

Alex's attention was abruptly drawn to a swift-moving figure overhead. His gaze shot skyward, and there, he witnessed the vampire soaring through the air, swiftly disappearing from view.

"Hey, everyone!" Alex exclaimed, urgently directing their attention to the spectacle. "I just witnessed the vampire flying away."

Delaynie immediately tapped into his magical abilities once more, verifying Alex's claim to the entire party.

"Damn it! Despite all our efforts, it looks like we've lost him, and with it, the rewards," Delaynie lamented to the group. He considered it best to take a break and discuss the day's events later.

Alex nodded in agreement. "I'll go check on Izak's health first and then head back to my inn."

"That seems wise," Delaynie replied, acknowledging that it was the most reasonable course of action. Disheartened by their failure to capture the vampire, they made their way to the town guild to mark the quest as a failure.

Meanwhile, Alex quickly reached Izak's inn. As he entered, he spotted Izak in the lobby, engrossed in his meal. Before Alex could approach him, the innkeeper intervened, noting that Izak was not in the mood for conversation.

Alex assumed it was just Izak being himself and decided to approach him nonetheless, taking a seat beside him. "How are you feeling now?" he inquired politely, avoiding any mention of the vampire for the time being, with plans to discuss it further tomorrow.

"How do you think?" Izak retorted.

"I suppose...," Alex replied cautiously from his perspective. He attempted to keep the conversation alive, but Izak appeared unwilling to share more, understanding that he couldn't reveal everything in one go.

"Well, my friend, don't let it get you too down," Alex reassured Izak, offering words of encouragement in the face of their recent disappointment. He wanted to convey that setbacks were a natural part of life.

As their conversation meandered with no clear direction, Izak finally inquired, "What happened to the Vampire?"

Alex responded honestly, "We lost him. He was hiding in the town for a while and then suddenly disappeared into thin air, out of our sight."

Sensing that Alex was unaware of the vampire's presence in Izak's room, Izak decided to come clean, admitting, "Actually, the Vampire was in my room, examining the artifact that I have. It seemed to be something from his time, perhaps created by someone he loved or something like that."

At first, Alex thought Izak might be joking, but the sincerity in Izak's expression and tone made him realize that something was amiss.

"What are you saying?" Alex inquired, seeking clarity.

Izak explained, "The vampire actually came to my room. He was inspecting the artifact we discovered in the mountains two years ago. It turns out that the artifact is from his time and was used to keep his kind away from these lands." Izak recounted the story of the vampire's covert visit to his room, where he had been examining the artifact that presumably had a connection to someone he once knew.

"Now that's something I never expected," Alex remarked, his mind reeling from the revelation. He had always thought of vampires as ruthless predators, but the idea of a specific person, someone significant to the vampire, creating an anti-vampire artifact was a whole new perspective.

Recalling the cave where they had faced off against the vampire, Alex remembered how the light emitted by Izak's artifact had forced the vampire to shield his face. It was clear that the artifact had held some power over him.

"It seems it's lost its effectiveness," Izak chimed in, acknowledging, "The vampire mentioned that this artifact no longer has any sway over him. It's now just a shadow of what it used to be."

"Did he say anything about what powers the artifact?" Alex inquired, his curiosity piqued, hoping to glean further knowledge about this mysterious object.

Izak sighed, clearly fatigued. "No, he didn't provide any details. But right now, I need some more rest. Come see me tomorrow, or I'll meet up with all of you in the forest," Izak suggested as he finished his meal. He then rose from his seat, heading up to his room and shutting the door behind him.

Alex understood that Izak was not in the mood to discuss this topic any further at the moment. With a nod, he decided to let Izak rest and consider their next steps for tomorrow.

The night passed in silence as Izak slept, only to be awakened by the arrival of a new dawn. The morning felt like any other day, and as Izak rose from his slumber, he followed his usual routine, trying to put most of yesterday's events out of his mind. However, there was one matter he couldn't forget, something he needed to discuss today.

Izak dressed for the day, carefully putting on his clothes and making sure his sword was prepared for whatever lay ahead. As he examined his weapon, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of shame. It remained as pristine as ever, a stark reminder that he hadn't even landed a single blow against those rats during their encounter, Let alone killing that vampire.

Izak emerged from his room and made his way to the inn's lobby, where he retrieved his breakfast and proceeded to consume it in the customary manner. The innkeeper, perhaps sensing something amiss, inquired, "Are you feeling alright?"

With a noncommittal shrug, Izak replied, "I suppose," before finishing his meal and leaving the inn.

On his journey toward the forest, Izak soon spotted Alex approaching from a distance. "Ah, you're finally awake," Alex quipped as they met, and together, they headed toward the familiar training grounds within the woods.

Upon their arrival, Delaynie, with a hint of jest in his tone, playfully remarked, "Arriving a tad late, are we?" However, Izak's response was delivered with a stern demeanor. "And if I am?" His words held a weight that promptly silenced Delaynie, ending the playful banter.

Darnell, a keen-eyed archer, observed Izak's unusual demeanor and couldn't help but voice his concern. "Are you alright, Izak?"

Izak met Darnell's gaze with a somber expression. "I'm physically fine, but I'm not in the mood for light-hearted banter or small talk," he replied, a weightiness to his tone suggesting something significant weighed on his mind.

Alex, not one to beat around the bush, addressed the group about their previous day's misadventure. "What transpired yesterday wasn't an auspicious sign. Our failure to apprehend our quarry and the subsequent release of a menace we should have vanquished is a serious matter."

Sensing the tension in the air, Delaynie sought to offer a perspective that might temper their collective disappointment. "Listen, everyone, I understand this is disheartening, but let's not assign undue blame to ourselves. Engaging an opponent of such remarkable agility, one capable of evading capture, is no small feat. It merely highlights the challenges we face. It doesn't diminish our strength or skill."

His words were intended to soothe, particularly Izak, whose inner turmoil was evident. The weight of their failure hung heavily in the air, and Delaynie aimed to provide a counterpoint to the prevailing sense of defeat.

Arkalis, with a watchful gaze, addressed the group. "It seems that the news of the vampire has spread throughout the guild. Given the gravity of the situation, the town guild has officially posted a bounty on the vampire. But this bounty is allowed for everyone which means that anyone within the guild is now permitted to pursue this bounty at their discretion."

"I want to grow stronger," Izak declared, a resolute determination filling his voice as he recalled the reasons behind his pursuit of strength and the urgency of the matter.

Alex immediately resonated with Izak's sentiment. "Indeed, we all should be dedicating ourselves to training, especially if we're to face that vampire again."

Izak took out his mysterious artifact, presenting it to the assembled group. "I don't possess much knowledge about how to harness the power of this artifact, but it's a relic from centuries ago, a tool our ancestors used to fend off vampires. This artifact is our best chance against that vampire. The only conundrum we face is how to make it more potent, and that knowledge eludes me."

"May I have a look at it?" Arkalis inquired of Izak, reaching out to take the artifact gently into his hands. He recognized the gravity of the situation, understanding that examining this relic could hold the key to their collective fate and unlock its hidden powers.

Izak nodded appreciatively and handed over the artifact to Arkalis, thanking him for his willingness to assist. With the artifact now in the hands of their most knowledgeable companion, the group commenced discussions on the essential actions they needed to undertake moving forward. Their primary objectives were clear: they must ensure the safety of their town, avoid shadowy places, and leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of the vampire, sparing no effort to eliminate this formidable threat.

As the afternoon wore on, the group dispersed, each member making their way back to their respective homes.