
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 17: Exploring the Caves

Izak and Alex entered the bustling Town Guild, instructing Delaynie to gather his party while they approached the receptionist to discuss the quest.

Delaynie swiftly went off to assemble his comrades, while Izak retrieved a quest parchment they had registered for two years prior. The receptionist recognized them, expediting the verification process and promptly designating the quest as active.

Just as Izak and Alex wrapped up the acceptance procedure, Delaynie returned with his companions in tow. Among them were a skilled sorcerer in his thirties and two proficient archers, a young man and a young woman, both around the age of 20.

"I've gathered my party!" Delaynie exclaimed, introducing them to Izak and Alex. Since Delaynie's companions didn't spend much time with him, Izak and Alex were unfamiliar with them.

Delaynie began the introductions, starting with the sorcerer named Arkalis. Arkalis was a determined mage known for his unwavering focus when casting spells. His magic was characterized by its precision and accuracy, a trait that made him an invaluable asset to their party. As he greeted Izak and Alex, the depth of his commitment to honing his magical abilities was evident.

Maeve and Darnell, the two archers, stood beside Arkalis. Maeve was a formidable archer with a graceful yet deadly aim, while Darnell was known for his raw power and extraordinary training regimen. The admiration in Darnell's eyes was apparent as he addressed Izak, acknowledging the reputation that preceded the seasoned adventurer.

"How old are you?" Maeve inquired, curiosity evident in her voice as she sought confirmation of Izak's age. It was not every day that they encountered someone with such a legendary reputation, and they were eager to learn more about their new companion.

Izak, who had spent the better part of his life in intense training and thrilling adventures, was momentarily taken aback by Maeve's question. He pondered for a moment before finally responding, "I lost count of my age somewhere along the way. What year is it now?"

Alex, always the source of reliable information, promptly replied, "It's the 15th of February, 1149." Izak's admission that he is around 12 years or something left both Maeve and Darnell even more astonished.

"Well, if you've been learning and growing in strength since such a young age," Arkalis chimed in, "then there's no doubt you have the potential to become even more formidable in the future." His words carried the weight of experience, and it was clear that this newly formed party held great promise as they embarked on their adventure together.

Their journey continued as they walked through the town and eventually reached the outskirts on foot, where a hidden cave awaited. This cave, concealed by dirt and natural elements, seemed to be a well-kept secret.

Izak couldn't help but express his amazement at the sight of the hidden entrance leading directly beneath the town. "Does anyone even know about this?" he wondered aloud, surprised by the concealed passage.

Delaynie responded with a hint of exasperation, "Of course, we all knew about it! Why would we venture here without prior knowledge?" His words emphasized the importance of preparedness in their line of work.

As they cautiously made their way into the cave, Arkalis illuminated their path with the soft glow of his staff, casting a wide and reassuring beam of light that made the cavern's features more discernible. The group moved forward with care, aware that this place had likely remained untouched for ages, potentially harboring hidden dangers.

Alex, always vigilant, reminded everyone to exercise caution, especially given the unknown dangers that could lurk within. His words resonated with Izak and the others, serving as a constant reminder of the perils they might encounter.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, Delaynie recounted the crucial detail that the chamber housing the ancient vampire was likely sealed off with rocks, a preventative measure designed to keep any living beings from inadvertently disturbing the slumbering creature. It was a sobering reminder of the responsibility they bore in preventing the ancient vampire from awakening, a task that would require their utmost care and vigilance.

As the group ventured deeper into the cave, they encountered a gruesome sight ahead—giant rats cannibalizing one another for sustenance.

Alex immediately issued a hushed command, "Stay low!" He skillfully directed the archers, Maeve and Darnell, to ready their bows and take aim at the monstrous rodents, their predatory instincts kicking in as they prepared to eliminate the threat.

"Prepare yourselves!" Delaynie commanded, instructing the archers to nock their arrows and take aim at the rats as they greedily feasted on their fallen comrades.

The arrows flew with remarkable precision, striking the rats' moving heads with unerring accuracy. Izak couldn't help but express his admiration, acknowledging the archers' incredible marksmanship. "That was an exceptional shot," he remarked, marveling at how the arrows found their targets with ease, dispatching multiple rats in one fell swoop.

"Let's keep moving," urged Alex, leading the way through the cave system. Their journey led them to another encounter with a group of rats, these creatures scurrying about, seemingly having made this part of the cave their nesting ground.

Observing the rats' presence and the potential threat they posed, Alex made a quick assessment of the situation. It was clear that these rodents had established a home in this section of the cave. However, their progress was halted when Arkalis, the sorcerer of the group, stepped forward with confidence.

Arkalis, with his mastery of magic, took charge. He conjured a searing fireball, directing it with precision into the heart of the rat nest. The intense blaze consumed their makeshift home, effectively incinerating any immediate threat. His display of potent magic left no doubt about his abilities and their effectiveness against the challenges that lay ahead.

As always, Izak's eyes widened in astonishment and awe as he witnessed the sheer power displayed before him.

"Izak, don't be too shocked. This is just a regular display of our abilities," Delaynie reassured him, before setting off alongside Alex toward the area that acted as a barrier to the ancient vampire.

"Alright," Izak replied, his initial excitement giving way to a sense of acceptance. The archers and the sorcerer followed suit, forming a determined and capable group as they continued their journey.

After what felt like an arduous search, Alex and Delaynie finally stumbled upon an unusual arrangement of rocks forming a barrier—a sure sign that this was the path leading to the Vampire Chamber.

"How do we proceed from here?" Alex inquired, his eyes fixed on the obstructive rocks.

Delaynie suggested, "What if we try to clear the rocks?"

Alex quickly countered, "But be careful, we don't want to risk collapsing the cave on ourselves."

Izak, growing impatient, interjected, "Did we come all this way just to encounter another problem that isn't easily solvable?"

Delaynie, with a mischievous grin, had another idea. "How about we have Izak try squeezing through the rocks?" Without waiting for Izak's response, he lifted Izak and tossed him into the narrow opening between the rocks.

Izak, initially alarmed at the prospect of getting stuck, managed to pass through the gap with ease due to his smaller stature. On the other side, he stood unharmed, much to his surprise.

"IDIOT!" Alex exclaimed, scolding Delaynie for his reckless decision. Delaynie's impulsive throw had inadvertently turned out to be a successful move, though it left everyone a bit stunned by its unexpected outcome.

"Hey! Guys! How do I let you in from here?" Izak's voice echoed from the other side of the rocks, his words filtering through the narrow gaps.

Alex contemplated the situation, searching for a solution. "Is there anything unusual near the rocks?" he shouted back to Izak. "If you see anything out of the ordinary, try interacting with it!" Alex suggested, hoping that Izak could discover a mechanism or trigger to open the path for the rest of the group.

Izak diligently searched for any sign of a mechanism or trigger, but his efforts yielded nothing. Frustrated, he decided to experiment by moving some of the supports that held the giant rocks in place. The ground trembled beneath him as the rocks shifted and made way for the group, the noise echoing through the cavern.

Izak, now able to see clearly thanks to the light provided by Arkalis's staff, announced, "I've cleared the path!" His accomplishment was met with a sense of relief and gratitude from the rest of the group as they began to make their way through the newly opened passage.

With their hearts racing and a mix of nervousness and excitement, the group finally entered the chamber that lay just ahead. The gravity of their mission weighed heavily on them, but they knew they had to stop the impending threat from entering the world.

In that chamber, the group beheld the sole reason for their mission—the ancient Vampire, still encased within its hibernation shell. It emitted an eerie, faint blue light, a testament to the centuries it had spent in slumber. Alex and the rest of the team swiftly readied their weapons, a sense of determination etched onto their faces.

"Listen, everyone," Alex began, his voice resolute. "Our top priority is to prevent that creature from leaving this cave, no matter what it takes." They were well aware that disturbing the shell would awaken the vampire, and facing it head-on without any advantage was an outcome they needed to avoid.

With unwavering resolve, they stood prepared to confront the ancient Vampire, fully aware that the battle ahead would be their greatest challenge yet, and that the fate of the world rested upon their shoulders.