
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 16: 2 Years Later

"Ha ha!" Alex laughed, unable to believe his eyes at how much Izak had grown in just two years.

Approaching Izak, who was sitting on a tree he had cut down himself, Alex offered the Leather Water Pouch. "Here you go."

"Thanks!" Izak said, taking the water pouch and sipping from it.

Watching Izak's progress, Delaynie came up from behind and gave him a congratulatory hug. "Look at you! Today marks two years of your incredible growth," Delaynie said with a smile and a laugh.

Alex couldn't help but interject, playfully punching Delaynie's head. "You didn't train Izak at all! All you did was train him once a week, and then you took a long week break!"

Delaynie chuckled, rubbing his head where Alex had punched him. "Come on, Alex! I did do something."

Izak, trying to diffuse the tension, chimed in with humor. "Will you both continue fighting so that I can go back home and rest?"

As Izak began to walk towards his bag to prepare to leave, Alex reached out and grabbed his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

"Izak, hold on a moment," Alex said, blocking his path. "Your sword is in its worst condition. It's time for you to take care of it." Alex's concern for Izak's weapon was evident as he urged him not to leave without addressing the issue.

Alex's words resonated with Izak, and he paused, looking down at his beloved sword. Its once gleaming blade was now marred with nicks and scratches, a testament to the battles they had fought together. He nodded slowly, acknowledging the truth in Alex's concern.

"You're right," Izak replied with a sigh, his fingers gently tracing the imperfections on the blade. "This sword has been with me through thick and thin. It deserves better care."

Delaynie, his fingers tracing the rough, rusted edges of his trusty axe, lamented, "Mine too... it's got rust on it!" His brow furrowed as he watched his weapon catching on rust and the scars of countless battles. It was clear that their weapons were in dire need of some tender loving care.

Izak and Alex, both nodding in agreement, recognized that their swords were not in the best shape either. Izak clutched his sword, its blade showing signs of wear and tear from their adventures together. Alex, always one for a dual-wielding approach, inspected his pair of swords, both showing signs of use.

Exiting the forest, the trio made their way back to town at a leisurely pace, taking in the subtle alterations that had gradually transformed the path over the course of the past two years.

"It might be a good time to entrust our swords to the old man," Alex suggested, mindful of the blacksmith's advancing age as he approached his 47th year of life this year.

Izak chimed in with a knowing smirk, "I see what you're up to, Alex. Another round of friendly banter with the blacksmith about his age, perhaps?" It was common knowledge that Alex and the blacksmith had engaged in playful arguments about their respective ages over the past decades.

"Can we just hand over our weapons and come back tomorrow?" Delaynie interjected, hoping to forestall any further futile arguments that Alex might provoke.

With a resigned nod, Alex agreed, realizing that it was high time to cease his playful jabs that often irked the blacksmith.

They made their way to the heart of the town and entered the familiar confines of the forgery. As they approached the blacksmith, Alex, to everyone's surprise, refrained from his usual "Old Man" jest.

"Ughh... I suppose I should have called you Old Man," Alex admitted with a sense of understanding, realizing that the playful nickname had perhaps run its course. Nevertheless, he couldn't quite bring himself to use the term again, showing his newfound restraint.

"You'll get used to it," Izak assured Alex, offering a reassuring pat on his friend's shoulder.

Displaying their weapons to the blacksmith, they received a familiar response. "I can have them all fixed in a day, as per our usual arrangement," the blacksmith affirmed, a confident smile gracing his face.

Handing over their weapons to the skilled craftsman, the trio left the forgery behind and ventured into the bustling market square. They were eager to explore the vibrant marketplace, curious to see what new and exciting offerings had emerged since their last visit.

As they strolled through the market district, the trio couldn't help but notice the abundance of new shops that had sprung up since their last visit. Among the intriguing finds, they stumbled upon a recently opened food establishment that piqued their curiosity.

With one plate of the day's specialty in front of them, Delaynie couldn't help but express his delight after taking a savory bite. "Mmmm... this meat is absolutely fantastic," he exclaimed, savoring the rich flavors that danced on his palate.

"You're absolutely right!" chimed in Alex and Izak, sharing the same impressed sentiments about the meal. The shop owner, overhearing their praise, took a moment to explain that the delectable flavor came from a blend of new and exotic spices, which contributed to the food's deliciousness but also made it a bit on the expensive side.

Although the trio had the means to afford the meal, they couldn't help but notice that the high prices might deter potential customers. Alex, ever the perceptive one, spoke up, "I understand the value of these spices, but you might want to consider lowering your prices a bit to attract more business."

The shop owner pondered this suggestion for a moment before nodding in agreement. "You're right," he conceded, realizing that making his food more accessible might be the key to keeping his establishment thriving. With determination, he resolved to adjust the prices starting from tomorrow to strike a balance between quality and affordability.

With their message conveyed to the shop owner, the trio left the establishment, hopeful that their suggestion would contribute to the success of the shop in the days to come.

"It's getting dark," Izak observed, his gaze fixed on the deepening night sky. Feeling the peaceful serenity that the forest at night offered, Izak suggested that they head back to the familiar woods where they could lie down and gaze at the stars. He was eager to not only enjoy the natural beauty of the night but also to demonstrate a new magical skill he had acquired.

"Lead the way!" Delaynie enthusiastically agreed, taking Alex's hand as they followed Izak's lead back to the forest.

Upon finding a suitable spot, Izak prepared himself, locating a comfortable place to lie down and gaze at the twinkling stars above. Alex couldn't help but inquire, "Shall we simply lie down and enjoy the night, or are we in for a magical surprise, Izak?"

Izak, in response, began to weave his newfound magical abilities, casting orbs of gentle light that hovered and illuminated the surroundings. Simultaneously, he manipulated water to infuse the air with the earthy scent of wet soil, transforming their spot into a serene haven. The forest came alive with the soothing ambiance of the illuminated woods.

As Izak settled down, so did Alex and Delaynie beside him. They watched in awe as his magic unfolded, both surprised and proud of Izak's incredible growth in the past two years. Eager to learn from their friend, they started to inquire about the intricacies of his newfound magic. To their amazement, Izak, drained from expending his magical energy, dozed off, leaving their questions unanswered.

Observing their slumbering friend, Alex contemplated, "Perhaps he can become even stronger than us one day." Delaynie nodded in agreement. With that thought in mind, they returned their gaze to the starry night sky, closing their eyes in anticipation of the adventures that awaited them on the morrow.

As the night gave way to the first light of dawn, they were stirred from their slumber by the sound of Izak's vigorous exercise routine. Yawning and stretching, they slowly rose to their feet.

"Sorry if I woke you both up early, but I can't contain my excitement about how much stronger I've become," Izak confessed to Alex and Delaynie, his enthusiasm palpable.

"No need to apologize, Izak. It's refreshing to see your dedication to staying fit and ready for the adventures ahead," Delaynie reassured him with a supportive smile.

Alex chimed in, emphasizing the importance of caution. "Remember, as much as we're excited, let's not forget to be cautious and vigilant at all times."

With unanimous agreement, the trio began their journey back to the forgery, where they would retrieve their newly refurbished equipment and set out to continue the quest they had embarked upon two years ago.

Once they reclaimed their meticulously restored weapons from the blacksmith, they made their way with purpose towards the imposing structure of the Town Guild.

"Here we are," Izak breathed a sigh of anticipation, his eyes fixed on the Guild's entrance. The trio stood before it, a determined energy coursing through them, poised to embark on their quest to confront the ancient Vampire.