
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 12: Just A Round Stone

After Izak had decided to keep the mysterious round stone, its surface adorned with peculiar, enigmatic linings, he carefully stowed it away in his bag. With the ancient artifact now secure, he and Alex retraced their steps through the heart of the mountain, following the winding path that led to the cave's entrance. As they ventured closer to the exit, Izak caught his first glimpse of daylight breaking through the rocky opening. He quickened his pace, eager to escape the dim confines of the cave.

"It feels so good to be back outside," Izak exclaimed, his voice echoing through the cavernous space. It truly had felt like an eternity since they had ventured into the depths of the mountain.

Alex nodded in agreement, his own relief evident. The two friends emerged from the cave, greeted by the warmth of the sun but also by the sweet scent of the mountains beyond. The air was infused with the fragrant notes of wildflowers, pine, and the earthy aroma of the rugged terrain. The natural world had never seemed so welcoming.

Their journey out of the cave led them past the lifeless bodies of the trolls they had vanquished earlier. The creatures lay sprawled on the ground, a testament to the ferocity of their battle. The sun was beginning its descent, casting long shadows across the landscape.

Realizing that nightfall was imminent, Alex turned to Izak. "We should find a suitable spot to set up camp," he suggested, understanding that their quest to eliminate the trolls had taken longer than expected. Most adventurers chose to engage trolls from a distance, using ranged weapons to avoid direct confrontation. In contrast, Alex and Izak had taken on the entire troll population within the mountain during daylight hours, a feat that was both impressive and exhausting.

Alex beckoned to Izak, and the two friends ventured deeper into the woods. The day's events had been both perilous and oddly nostalgic, evoking memories of past adventures. Izak trailed behind Alex, his eyes scanning the surroundings as they strolled. The forest seemed to hold an air of ancient mystery, and the clearings that intermittently appeared provided a stark contrast to the dense, uncharted wilderness that loomed nearby.

Once they reached a suitable spot near the forest's edge, Alex and Izak settled down on sturdy tree trunks. They began collecting sticks and stones, preparing to create a controlled fire pit. They arranged the sticks and rocks carefully, ensuring that the fire they were about to kindle wouldn't spread uncontrollably.

With everything in place, Alex seized the opportunity to continue Izak's training. "Izak, it's time for you to demonstrate your skills," he declared, a twinkle of expectation in his eyes.

Izak blinked, momentarily perplexed. "Skills? What do you mean? I don't know how to start a fire with stones or anything like that," he admitted, his tone laced with uncertainty.

Alex couldn't help but roll his eyes, accustomed to Izak's occasional lapses in understanding. "As always, you're a bit clueless," he remarked with a teasing grin. "I meant, use your magic to conjure fire and ignite the sticks."

Following Alex's instructions, Izak closed his eyes and visualized the fire forming within his outstretched palms. He concentrated on the image of flames dancing and flickering, willing his magic to respond to his intent. Slowly but surely, the flames took shape, hovering just above his hands.

However, as Izak hesitated for a moment before transferring the fire to the waiting sticks, disaster struck. A tiny ember from the conjured flames landed on his hand, causing a sudden, sharp pain. Izak yelped in surprise and discomfort, his eyes snapping open as he tried to shake off the burning sensation.

Alex, unable to contain himself, burst into laughter at Izak's mishap. He watched as Izak hurriedly deposited the fire onto the prepared sticks, the fire pit quickly catching alight.

Amidst the laughter, Izak couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. He shot a glare at Alex and scolded, "It's not a laughing matter!" His hand still smarting, he joined Alex by the fire, nursing his minor burn and trying to hide a begrudging smile.

As the night descended upon the forest, Alex and Izak settled comfortably by the crackling fire they had created. They engaged in conversation, their voices mingling with the gentle sounds of the surrounding woods. With practiced care, they tended to the fire, adding sticks one by one whenever it threatened to wane, ensuring that its warm glow persisted through the hours.

Between their discussions and shared stories, they couldn't help but return to the enigmatic stone that had brought them on this unexpected adventure. Eventually, curiosity got the better of them, and they carefully retrieved the mysterious round object from Izak's bag. In the firelight, the stone's surface revealed its intricacies: the abnormal linings that seemed to tell a story of a forgotten time.

Izak turned the stone in his hand, examining it from various angles. "It's so strange," he mused aloud. "Why is it round, and what do these carvings signify?" The stone remained a puzzle, its secrets hidden beneath the surface, but despite the mysteries it held, it had become Izak's favorite. Its presence was a constant reminder of the unexpected twists that life could take, the adventures that awaited them, and the enduring friendship he shared with Alex.

Alex's words carried a note of caution, and he gently reached out to take the mysterious stone from Izak's hand. "Perhaps you're right," he agreed, cradling the artifact in his palm. "This stone holds mysteries we can't begin to unravel now, and it's best to keep it safe. Who knows what significance it might have, or how it might be of use to us in the future."

Izak nodded in agreement, realizing that their journey had already been filled with unexpected challenges and discoveries. The stone, with its peculiar linings and round shape, remained an enigma, but they were content to let it rest for the time being, knowing that its presence alone was a reminder of their enduring friendship and the adventures that lay ahead. They carefully stowed the stone back in Izak's bag.

With the night settling in and the fire now casting a warm, flickering glow, the time for rest approached. Izak, though not in the most comfortable of positions, settled onto the tree trunk. It was far from an ideal bed, but it offered a measure of rest that would suffice for the night.

Alex, ever watchful and protective, positioned himself beside Izak. He sat there, a silent guardian in the moonlight, his eyes occasionally shifting between his slumbering friend and the expansive canvas of the night sky. Above them, the heavens were adorned with a multitude of stars, their gentle radiance piercing the darkness like diamonds scattered on a velvet canvas.

The night held a serene stillness, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the crackling of the fire. Alex found solace in the tranquil beauty of the night, taking comfort in the celestial display above as he watched over his sleeping companion, their unspoken bond stronger than ever amidst the wilderness.

Alex's vigilance remained unwavering throughout the night. Though he allowed himself some rest, he kept one eye open, ensuring the safety of both himself and Izak. As the hours passed, he remained half-awake, attuned to the sounds of the forest and any potential threats that might emerge in the darkness.

With the arrival of dawn, when the first rays of the sun began to paint the horizon with hues of orange and pink, Alex finally allowed himself to rise from his makeshift bed. He stretched his limbs and performed his usual warm-up routine, the rhythmic movements helping to shake off the remnants of sleep and prepare him for the challenges of the day ahead.

As he went through his exercises, Alex maintained a watchful eye on their surroundings, scanning the forest for any signs of danger or unusual activity. Their safety was paramount, and he took his role as their guardian seriously. In the tranquil moments of the early morning, with the world gradually awakening around them, he felt a profound sense of responsibility for both himself and Izak.

The soft, ethereal glow emanating from Izak's bag caught Alex's attention like a beacon in the early morning light. He moved swiftly and silently, carefully extracting the mysterious stone without disturbing Izak, who continued to sleep peacefully.

With the stone now in his hands, Alex studied it intently, his fingers tracing its unusual, carved linings. The glow gradually dimmed, leaving the stone in its original state. However, what happened next left Alex in a state of awe and curiosity. As if in response to his touch, a series of cryptic words began to materialize on the surface of the stone.

The characters etched onto the stone were unlike any language Alex had ever encountered. They seemed alien, as though they hailed from a distant time or place. He squinted at the script, trying to decipher its meaning, but the words remained a baffling enigma, their significance eluding him entirely.

Realizing the gravity of this discovery, Alex carefully concealed the stone once more, tucking it away in a safe compartment of Izak's bag. He knew that they had stumbled upon something far beyond their comprehension, and the mysteries held by this ancient artifact were only beginning to reveal themselves. As the sun continued its ascent, Alex kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, pondering the significance of the enigmatic words and the path their journey might take because of them.

Izak awoke to the gentle commotion of the morning. Yawning and stretching, he pushed himself up from the tree trunk, his eyes bleary with sleep. He took a moment to rub the last remnants of drowsiness from his eyes and brushed off the stray wood particles that clung to his clothes and skin. As his senses fully awakened, he greeted the new day with a cheerful, "Good morning."

Alex, who had been preoccupied with the mysterious stone, turned his attention to Izak's awakening. He offered a warm smile and returned the greeting. "Good morning," he replied, keeping the discovery of the stone to himself for the time being.

With the morning sun casting a golden hue over their campsite, they settled in and waited patiently for the arrival of the carriage driver, their thoughts filled with anticipation for the day ahead. The mysteries of the stone and the adventures it might lead them to were momentarily set aside as they focused on the practicalities of their journey.