
To Save Other's I Became Stronger

In a world that seemed determined to test the limits of a young boy's resilience, our protagonist breaks the system that would forever shape his existence. Life had dealt him a hand brimming with sorrow and grief, offering him no choice but to confront the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Felt_Devil · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 1: It's Easy to Ruin Someone's Life

A young boy named Izak, who, just 15 minutes prior, was seen sprinting downstream along the river while engaging in playful activities with his friends. Suddenly, their mothers' voices ring out, urging them to return home. The mothers' urgent calls prompt the children to disperse and head to their respective households.

Puzzled by the abruptness of the situation, Izak inquires, "What's the matter, Mother? You've never called us back this quickly before." With a grave expression, his mother silences him, instructing him to maintain absolute silence. The manner in which his mother speaks leaves Izak feeling a sense of dread, causing him to instinctively press his hands against his mouth in a gesture of shock and apprehension.

Beyond the walls of their dwelling, Izak's father engages in conversation with a group of knights. However, these knights are conspicuously foreign to their village, raising suspicions. A silence ensues, lasting for five minutes, and the scene shifts to the present moment.

Now, Izak finds himself seated, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to return outside and resume his playtime with friends, his mind brimming with inventive ideas for amusement. Yet, his thoughts are abruptly disrupted. A sudden blink of his eyes reveals a horrifying sight: a lifeless man's body hurtles into their home through a wide-open window. Upon recognizing the body as his father's, Izak is overcome with grief, his cries and screams echoing within the confines of his limited understanding.

In an attempt to console him, Izak's mother rushes to his side, swiftly guiding him toward the shelter of the surrounding forest. Confused and bewildered by the unexpected turmoil that has befallen their village, Izak casts a backward glance, attempting to grasp the unfolding events. What he witnesses sears itself into his memory—an agonizing tableau where his friends are systematically apprehended and mercilessly slain, one by one.

Struggling to overcome his inner turmoil, Izak attempts to muster the strength to turn and intervene, hoping to rescue his imperiled friends. However, an overwhelming sense of helplessness engulfs him, driving home the stark reality that his actions might merely lead to another tragic demise within the village and a devastating failure to safeguard his companions.

With tears streaming down his face and his heart heavy with grief, he tightly closes his eyes, muffling the anguished screams within his chest. Bracing himself, he dashes forward through the forest, his mother providing guidance and solace by holding his hand tightly.

"Keep hold of my hand, my son!" his mother cries out urgently as they sprint through the dense forest, pursued relentlessly by heavily armored knights. Instinctively trusting her words, Izak clings tightly to his mother's hand, his determination surging as he matches her pace, striving to increase his agility and ensure their chances of evading the impending threat to their lives.

After an extended sprint, they manage to put a considerable distance between themselves and the pursuing knights, yet they continue along the same trajectory. "Time is running short!" Izak's mother hurriedly ushers him behind a robust tree, pressing a pouch of gold into his hands. "Keep this money, just in case," she imparts to him. Without hesitation, Izak accepts the money, and together they forge ahead, leaving the forest's confines behind. In the distance, a sprawling plain comes into view, and they traverse it, strategizing to outmaneuver their pursuers.

Amidst their perilous journey, Izak can no longer suppress his burning questions. "Mom, what was happening back there?! Why were those knights killing our people?! And why did they take Father's life?" he inquires with a mixture of fear and frustration.

His mother's voice quivers, her tears held at bay by her resolve. "It's not a simple tale to tell, my son," she replies, her strength apparent even in her moment of vulnerability.

"Answer me, please! I need to know the reason! What did our people do?" Izak's persistence compels him to press for answers.

Gathering her composure, his mother shares the truth. "Because... because we are outlaws. We've been living on land that was never rightfully ours. We opposed the exploitation of our home for profit, particularly the felling of trees. Our village was never officially recognized; we were interlopers in this place."

Her revelation resonates, leaving Izak grappling with the complexity of their situation as they safely traverse the fields. However, the town they anticipated seeing isn't in sight, though his mother is certain it should be nearby. "Stay resolute! I'm confident we'll overcome this challenge. Let's maintain our pace!" she declares, her determination unwavering as they press onward, driven by the goal of reaching the neighboring village where they hope to find refuge.

After an exhaustive search spanning approximately 15 minutes, the village they sought comes into view along a less-traveled route. However, their anticipation is dampened by the presence of moving carriages, escorted by knights, indicating that they have arrived too late to avoid notice.

Recognizing the imminent danger, Izak's mother understands that their options are limited. The village may be their only haven for the night, despite the potential threats posed by the wilderness, including the possibility of encountering formidable wild animals. "Quickly, Izak!" she urges, her grip firm as she leads him through the terrain, skillfully using foliage as cover to shield them from view. Safely concealed behind bushes, they stealthily make their way to the village.

Concealing their identities by wrapping cloth around their faces, they navigate toward an inn. Upon entering the inn, a sense of relief washes over them—within these walls, the odds of capture appear significantly diminished. With cautious optimism, they inquire about the cost of rooms for the night, relieved to receive an affordable response. Izak's mother secures lodging for both of them.

Finally ensconced in their room, they release a collective sigh of relief, their weariness and apprehension weighing heavily upon them. Without exchanging words, they seek solace in much-needed rest, the events of the day a haunting backdrop to their contemplation. Determined not to succumb to the same fate they witnessed earlier, they find a renewed sense of determination to safeguard themselves and each other from the perils that surround them.

"Izak," his mother's voice carried concern, "we must strike a balance in our spending. Our village economy differs from the one here, so make judicious use of the funds you have." Izak nodded, comprehending his mother's cautious words and the need to manage his resources thoughtfully.

"Now, my dear," his mother's voice held a reassuring tone, "we will be alright. No harm will befall us here. Our only option is to remain concealed, and we can sustain this for a considerable duration."

"Mom, I'm starving," Izak's voice revealed his hunger after the lengthy pursuit. "Can we find something to eat?" Responding to his plea, his mother led him to the lobby, where they ordered budget-friendly food to satiate their empty stomachs.

"This place is pleasant and all, but my heart aches for our home. It's hard to fathom that I've lost my friends and my father," Izak's voice carried a mix of sorrow and determination. His mother pulled him into a comforting embrace, advising him to focus on the present moment instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

They retreated to their room, finding solace in sleep as the night unfolded. Reluctant to confront the forthcoming day, they understood that there was no changing what had already transpired.

Gazing upon Izak, his mother tenderly tucked him in, ensuring he stayed warm beneath the blanket. Her deepest desire was for him to forge a positive future despite the traumatic events of the day. She marveled at his strength in not succumbing to constant tears, interpreting his resilience as a sign that he was already resilient. She held onto the belief that he would carve a new path for himself from that day forward, granting her the peace to finally let go.

Quietly, Izak's mother stepped out, gently closing the door behind her, leaving him to his peaceful slumber through the night.

In the stillness, a sudden flash of white light seeped from beneath the wooden door. Deep in his slumber, Izak remained undisturbed, only stirring awake as morning approached.

"Mom..." Izak's voice broke the morning silence as he awoke. The melodic chirping of birds drifted in from the balcony. Rising from his bed, he set out to find his mother, only to discover her absence.

He made his way down to the lobby, which was mostly deserted during the early morning hours.

"You're awake, my child!" The innkeeper's face brightened with a wide smile, her expression revealing her relief to see him in good health.

"Miss Innkeeper, have you seen my mom?" Izak inquired, his concern evident in his voice.

"Your mom? I haven't seen her. Nobody else came by yesterday or today. Was she supposed to be here?" The innkeeper inquired, her tone reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern, as if expecting Izak's mother to be there but not finding her.

"No, she was here last night, but when I woke up, she was nowhere to be found today!" Izak explained, providing his perspective on the situation.

"Was she? I honestly didn't notice. The last thing I remember is tucking you into bed because you seemed upset, although you didn't say why. Did something happen at your home? If you tell me, I might be able to inform the guards," the innkeeper offered, her concern evident as she sought to ensure Izak's safety.

Unable to make sense of the situation, Izak steadied his thoughts and asked one last time, "Are you absolutely sure you didn't see anyone else?" The innkeeper's reply was a resolute "No."

Rushing back to his room, Izak's mind raced as he counted his money. What he discovered left him stunned and baffled. His pouch was nearly as full as before, as if they hadn't spent much money at all. The realization slowly dawned on him that he had never actually been with his mother, but had been imagining her presence ever since she gave him her gold-filled pouch in the forest.

The pieces of the puzzle fit together now — his mother had stayed behind to hold off the knights, allowing him to escape. He had carried on, fueled by the imaginary image of her guidance and support. Overwhelmed with the memory of her sacrifice and his deep love for her, Izak sank to his knees and wept.

Indeed, as Izak reflected, he realized that everything his mother had seemingly spoken about in the fields had actually been said during their time in the forest. The rush of realizations had been too overwhelming for him to process in the moment.

Amidst his tears, Izak made a solemn promise to himself. He vowed to make those responsible for his mother's sacrifice suffer, particularly the king who had caused this tragedy. The fire of determination burned within him as he embraced the weight of his resolve.

I am making this story fantasy and a little detailed.

Makeing it easier for the readers to imagine the scenes.

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I will Continue making Chapters endless and more over add more of little details slowly but surely.

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