
Chapter 3 memories, Battle junkie?

Note to self when practicing that new skill, I got to make sure not to use my plant armor....because I nearly burned myself to death!!!

Right now, I'm in a small lake thanks to my little accident. Then again, I wanted t keep my dignity as a person and not show my ass off to the world. The fire breath puffed up my straight hair, skin slightly covered in soot from the burns!

I was too excited. Thus, I have forgotten about where I got my 'armor' from since it was that comfortable to wear that I didn't have to deal with any wedgies, haha! But back to cleaning myself off...

After washing myself, let us focus on the next issue. I escaped from the people because one, when the hunters I met earlier were talking, I didn't understand a single thing they said, thus means that fucking prick that gave me this chance to use such powers and have so much strength(which I am thankful however this is this that is that!) is really making my life hard!

Guess I'll hang out in the forest for a while and find myself some bandits to get a copy of this world's language and knowledge as I desperately need it that and I might find myself a damsel in distress then get down and dirty (good face).

Ok, jokes aside(not really... a man's gotta dream, no?), I really need to find myself someone that I can use, or I could use the other method, but how will this world react to my kind of magic?

I heard from my buddies that in some mangas healers are coveted by the church or factions like that or are supposed to be nobles and such even more so for sorcerers with such abilities since some require it to become stronger... since the world, I am in is a crossover version I may or may not have to deal with some greedy bastards sooner or later, meh I don't really know nor do I care about those guys I want to be left alone and reach the apex of knowledge and power.

I might create something similar to the sacred chalice; I won't use the more vile methods used in the stories. I will not succumb to greed as the others did as I knew of the consequences of doing so.

The version I played allowed me to become one of the monsters. While I can't do it now, I would definitely enjoy using the transformation spells again. It's just I lack such things now thanks to a certain prick, but I'll make do.

When I was relaxed while thinking about the games and some backstories about all sorts of traveling companions I had, upon focusing on my very first one, I felt something snap in my mind before Flashes of memories came and shook my core of being as a cold feminine voice rumbled in my ears.

"Rise! or this will be your resting place...." a woman holding off a goblin enveloped my mind as a sense of longing came crawling from my heart...

It looks like I got more than just my SS character's abilities. I also got to inherit his curse and memories!

The name of this hooded beauty was Sortiara, my/his partner when i/he tried joining Avalon before learning of their atrocities.

Shit, this will take a while as I was confused now as to who I really was and who was the owner of this body, so I rested for a bit, rearranging my mind to how it should be for now as I had little time on my hands as beasts similar to the lesser dragon they seemed stronger actually than the one I killed before had arrived. They aren't here to throw me a welcome party, that's for sure!

So I wrote a pentagram using a tooth from the dragon I killed earlier on my hand to create my weapon a blood spear as long as I had mana and blood to spare be it mine or of my enemies it will last up to a few hours.

With my memories jumbled now and the pain of loss and anger from having to sacrifice my beloved partner, I was looking for a way to direct my suffering somewhere, and these beasts happened to come at the best time!

I didn't realize I was grinning in such a manner that it was very similar to Sortiara at this very moment before charging at these pitiful animals as my arm began to throb, reminding me that she was still with me, including her bloodlust as I missed her dearly.

as I fought this grueling battle, my thoughts were elsewhere. (A/N this is where memories collide and confusion is building up)

Her cold words and insult dug deep every time she snapped, but her actions always contradicted her words, every time she saved me/him, shielded me/him, healed me/him, i/he was confused, but my/his heart was warmed by her actions each time despite our promise to one another not to get attached.

Until one i/he couldn't help but ask

"Why did you save me?"

All i/he heard was the same aloof and cold tone "leave me be."

With her back turned, i/he was dismissed, shaking my/his head, i/he decided to let it be and let her rest. As i/he did, Sortiara took to her feet and muttered something one that will be carved into my/his memories.

"I felt at peace. when I felt your touch."

thanks to the curse of an arm for any sorcerer when using magic, it differs from person to person her pain lessens when in battle and more so when I/he caressed her frame whenever she sobbed from the pain at night near the campfire.

It was unreal. It was simply a gentle touch as i/he meant nothing more from it.

Before returning to her usual self with that curt reply.

"shut your mouth! Be quiet, half-wit! is it death you crave?"

Her answers were always the same and never rang true.

that memory fade as carcasses of the beasts littered the area. I was covered in blood as my spear ate up all of the blood around me and on me before an even stronger dragon had arrived. It looked very similar to the very first one that I killed then sacrificed; however, this one was larger by twice and had a black shade of scales covering its back.

it was obviously much smarter than the previous ones I fought as it didn't blindly charge at me and was with these now dead beasts as it ripped a tree from the ground then threw it towards me when I sensed the building mana. I braced myself after conjuring a dragon-scaled armor that covered my body.

The Dragon blasted its fire breath at the incoming tree causing it to explode as its target got slammed into the ground as burning debris scattered, creating more flames to grow around them.

A small dust cloud covered my area blocking both my sight and the dragon's, so I used one of the items I wanted to use for alchemy, but it looks like I'll have to use it as an offering to change my way of seeing things if my gamble works!

So I activated it, allowing me to do something similar to echolocation, the said item which with the dragon heart, there are two ways to use it, first was strengthening a crude method. Still, it lasts for a very long time. The second method was to sync it with the heartbeat of another one of its species!

So upon activating it, I could sense its general location, the downside of it, those I connect to can sense me as well!

I bellowed out, resisting the pain from the flames and the rattled bones caused by the crash.

"Don't think you can kill me with a petty trick!"

I charged towards the direction of the dragon that was still surprised by that feeling I gave it earlier, giving me a chance to reach it and stab it with my spear in the abdomen area, which was sadly wasn't strong enough to pierce its scales but the force from my charge, my natural strength that is still growing, and lastly my armor's buff this scene was familiar.

I grinned at the beast as it curled somewhat from my attack, so I dug my feet into the ground then brought my spear closer to my body as my hand wrapped around it snugly as I moved my whole body with the attack striking where the heart should be.

That attack stunned the dragon once more before I spun my body and grabbed the spear with both hands, and swung it like a bat after I jumped towards the neck.

I released a guttural growl as I put as much force as I could, causing the stunned beast to fall to the ground, I cracked my left wrist in the attack, but my torrent of attacks wasn't done.

I used another offering to create a chain that got connected to my spear then threw it to the ground near the dragon's head.

which pulled me towards the direction that I had hoped. However, I crashed into the ground with a horrible landing as I was somewhat buried. I needed to end this battle or make it to where this dragon will suffer greatly.

I got to my feet only to cough up some blood as I was dizzy, and the spear acted as my support.

I finally collected myself then charged again rather clumsily but upon arriving at the head of the dragon that was beginning to stir as it tried to get up I delivered three quick stabs one to the forehead to make it flinch then aimed for the eyes.

one eye was destroyed, and upon digging my spear into the second, the pain from the first eye registered, making it pull its head back while my weapon was in the other, as it rose to its feet from pain and anger because the dragon swung its whole head upward so quickly as the dragon did it so suddenly my spear dislodged and I went flying with it

As for my now blind opponent, his fire breath burned its surroundings even more than earlier bring down trees from the sheer force and heat it had.

I swore that we'd have a rematch as my direction that I got sent flying to may or may not be a good one...a camp and group of people slaughtering its inhabitants.

While you guys assume he'll become someone else, I think more along with him actually inheriting a legacy in the unorthodox manner as that's how the soul sacrifice world is!

And sadly my current skills isn't doing that world much justice with how brutal and cruel it can be.

he will learn the skills, gain their experience, and most importantly know the mistakes they made to not repeat it.

Rauoncreators' thoughts