
To Reach You Again

" You're the moon, I'm the tide, Drawn to you, but kept aside. Our love a beautiful, forbidden dance, Destined for eternity, but denied a chance. " - Ling Yue Longing, a bitter sweet ache that grips the soul. This is a tale of love transcending space and time, a tale of longing of two parted souls who have been mercilessly teared apart again and again.  Yi Hua and An Yun, whose souls have been cursed to be defeated by evil, even when their hearts are blessed to be bound by love. How ironic right?  Their yearning made them meet each other in many life times but the evil won every time.  But, how can evil win over good? How can hatred overpower love? The almighty won't be so merciless right? After many lifetimes, after many separations, Goddess of light, Yi Hua and God of darkness, An Yun crossed their paths again. This time in the modern world, as Ling Yue and Li Wei. Will their scarred souls fall in love again. If they did, then will their love win? Or will they be defeated by the same fate they were destined for many lifetimes before?  " Unattainable love, a cruel game, Bound by circumstances, I can't claim. But in my heart, you'll always reside, A love that burns, though never to collide. " - Li Wei ----------------------- "To Reach You Again" is my first ever novel and I am looking forward for this journey. Hope you all join me on this wonderful ride. - Z https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094142227485 For regular updates and illustrations of our sweet couple and adorable pets you can follow the above facebook page. I would love to interact with you all. ---------------- The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it.

Z_Orion · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Scary Emptiness

Li Mansion.

As the day slowly faded into night, the dark sky draped itself over the majestic Ji Jing mountains and the bustling city of M. Li Mei, feeling a tinge of unease, decided she didn't want to sleep alone tonight. Clutching her pillow and blanket, she marched towards Li Wei's room. Meanwhile, Li Wei had just settled into bed, ready to surrender to the embrace of sleep, when the door to his room swung open with a sudden force. Startled, he watched as his shameless intruder unceremoniously tossed her blanket and pillow onto his bed before commandeering the TV to indulge in some Netflix entertainment.

"What? Let us go for a movie marathon tonight. Do you have any suggestion? Hmm?" Li Mei eagerly asked her brother, her eyes shining with excitement. Li Wei, not bothering to respond, simply stared back at her with a deadpan expression. Unfazed by his lack of reaction, Li Mei wasted no time in making herself at home. As winter drew nearer, the temperature dropped, adding a chill to the air.

She settled comfortably on the bed, cocooning herself with the warm embrace of her blanket. With a few deft swipes on the remote, she surfed through the options on Netflix, searching for the perfect movie to enjoy. After some deliberation, she finally settled on the intriguing title, 'Knives Out.' Reluctantly, Li Wei resigned himself to the movie night, knowing that his sister had an impeccable taste when it came to selecting films. Like always, the movie she choose was good and fun, however, as the minutes ticked by, Li Mei's eyelids grew heavy, and before long, she had succumbed to sleep. Li Wei, ever the attentive brother, gently switched off the TV, ensuring his sister was comfortable before retreating into the silence of the night.

Both of them were tired as they racked their brains for answers and explanations through out the day. Li Wei watched his sister who was now peacefully sleeping. Li Mei was very important to him. She held a special place in his heart. Both of them were very close since they were kids, and he always felt that there something more than mere sibling hood. As an heir groomed from a young age, he had witnessed how some siblings were constantly at odds with each other, their relationships strained. But with Li Mei, it was different.

Li Mei was 7 years younger than him. Being socially reserved and burdened with a demanding schedule, Li Wei often found himself longing for company during his rare moments of respite. However, Li Mei's birth changed everything. From the first day, he knew he would never tire of caring for her, even though tending to an infant was no easy task. Their bond only strengthened with time. Li Wei always pampered her and gave in to all her wishes. And he did that only because he knew Li Mei is a sensible child, though sometimes she can be handful.

Li Mei would always accompany him whenever he would be attending some banquets or business events to hush away those ladies who would try to get close to him. Call her overbearing, but she was always like that, telling him that she would not allow anyone to steal him away from her. However today Li Mei encouraged him towards Ling Yue. It signaled her genuine fondness for the girl and her desire for him to grow closer to her.

His thoughts went back to Ling Yue, the girl residing alone in that forest. She was just an year older than Li Mei, who would soon turn 17, but their lives were too contrasting. While Li Mei was a pampered princess and an apple of their eyes, Ling Yue was like an exiled queen in the cold mountains. He remembered her enchanting emerald eyes. While Li Mei's eyes sparkled with brightness and liveliness, carrying a streak of innocence and mischief, Ling Yue's eyes held calm stillness, indifferent, yet capable of piercing through one's soul, cold, yet carrying warmth and attentiveness, dark, yet concealing a protective nature.

Li Wei had been groomed as the heir to their family's legacy since a tender age, yet he had chosen this path willingly, aware that his parents would never force him. Their happy family of four had always been content and he never felt the pang of loneliness, even during the times he was away from home, because he always knew where he had to return. But today, when he looked into Ling Yue's eyes, he caught a glimpse of what true loneliness felt like, and inexplicably, he found himself feeling a similar emptiness deep within. The emptiness was scary and for the first time in life, he felt like an insignificant wanderer who was lost in this world.

Li Wei stealthily slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb his slumbering sister, and tiptoed towards the study. The soft glow of the moonlight filtered through the window, casting a faint shadow on the floor. With silent steps, he approached the grand mahogany table where his cherished camera rested. Gingerly picking it up, he cradled it in his hands, feeling the weight of memories it held.

Taking a seat in the dimly lit study, Li Wei delved into the depths of his photo gallery. His fingers gently swiped across the screen, revealing a tapestry of captured moments. The majestic hills, winding rivers, and graceful birds unfolded before his eyes, evoking a sense of tranquility and serenity. However, as he continued scrolling, the images gradually shifted, leading him to Ling Yue and pets. Putting his camera away, Li Wei turned on his computer and he soon started typing on his keyboard.


Ji Jing mountains..

Ling Yue lay upon the plush mattress, her gaze fixated on the ceiling, lost in a whirlwind of restlessness and frustration. Her heart pounded with an unexplained unease, leaving her feeling both frightened and agitated.


Startled, Ling Yue looked at the intruder and found BaoBao who gracefully leaped onto her bed and was now cuddling beside her. She smiled as she turned to his side and hugged him.

"BaoBao?" Ling Yue gently called BaoBao. She knew BaoBao came here because he was aware she needed company. BaoBao just barked in response.

"Why did you like those two siblings so much?" Ling Yue questioned, her words hanging in the air. BaoBao offered no verbal response but instead regarded her with deep, thoughtful eyes. He tenderly nudged her chin with his cold, wet nose before drifting into a peaceful slumber.

Ling Yue was somewhat taken aback with it's action. This was not the first time she saw BaoBao behave like this. There were times when BaoBao would just keep staring at her while silently accompanying her. Just like she had seen all her pets grow from playful pups and mischievous kittens, her pets too watched her struggle, fight and grow to become what she was today. They understood her on a level that surpassed words. However, BaoBao's intense gaze remained an enigma she couldn't decipher.

Her mind wandered back to their first encounter. Ling Yue had been wounded and fleeing from pursuers when she stumbled upon this forest. BaoBao was one of the guard dogs they were training, still young and learning. Ling Yue had initially believed she had successfully evaded her pursuers, but it was BaoBao who had discovered her hiding place behind the rocks.

Ling Yue's breath had caught in her throat, expecting an attack from the formidable canine. But to her surprise, BaoBao simply sat a few feet away, locking eyes with her in a profound and mysterious gaze. Overwhelmed by fear, Ling Yue dared not approach him.

Moments later, as distant footsteps echoed through the forest, BaoBao silently signaled for her to follow him. Though she had harbored doubts about trusting BaoBao, circumstances left her with no choice. BaoBao guided her to the mountaintop, where, like every morning, Ling Yue found solace and her racing heart grew calm. Though there was no place to hide atop the peak, the people searching for her remained oblivious to her presence. Ling Yue gazed at BaoBao with intrigue, and as if sensing her unspoken inquiries, he led her down a different path, away from the peak. He revealed other hidden routes down the mountainside.

Initially, these paths appeared deceptively easier compared to the treacherous, unmarked trail she had navigated before to the top. However, Ling Yue soon discovered their lethal nature as she encountered a series of traps, claiming the lives of those who were chasing her. She didn't feel bad for their death. If she had to live, then they have to die.

She initially thought BaoBao was trained in these mountains but later dismissed that idea thinking how even those people would be aware of these traps if that was the case. She stopped doubting BaoBao and there started their friendship.


Ling Yue came back to present as she watched BaoBao doze off. She too was tired today and closed her eyes thinking that meeting the siblings was just a coincidence which would never happen again.

But alas, fate had different plans for her and no matter what she do, she wouldn't be able to escape her fate.

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