
To Reach You Again

" You're the moon, I'm the tide, Drawn to you, but kept aside. Our love a beautiful, forbidden dance, Destined for eternity, but denied a chance. " - Ling Yue Longing, a bitter sweet ache that grips the soul. This is a tale of love transcending space and time, a tale of longing of two parted souls who have been mercilessly teared apart again and again.  Yi Hua and An Yun, whose souls have been cursed to be defeated by evil, even when their hearts are blessed to be bound by love. How ironic right?  Their yearning made them meet each other in many life times but the evil won every time.  But, how can evil win over good? How can hatred overpower love? The almighty won't be so merciless right? After many lifetimes, after many separations, Goddess of light, Yi Hua and God of darkness, An Yun crossed their paths again. This time in the modern world, as Ling Yue and Li Wei. Will their scarred souls fall in love again. If they did, then will their love win? Or will they be defeated by the same fate they were destined for many lifetimes before?  " Unattainable love, a cruel game, Bound by circumstances, I can't claim. But in my heart, you'll always reside, A love that burns, though never to collide. " - Li Wei ----------------------- "To Reach You Again" is my first ever novel and I am looking forward for this journey. Hope you all join me on this wonderful ride. - Z https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094142227485 For regular updates and illustrations of our sweet couple and adorable pets you can follow the above facebook page. I would love to interact with you all. ---------------- The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it.

Z_Orion · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Night Street and Palm Reading

Chapter 66: Night Street and Palm Reading.

"Wahhh.. You have a bike. You know how to drive this?" Ling Yue asked in awe as she saw the black and yellow sports bike in Garage. Li Wei always drove cars. She didn't expect him to know this. Li Wei chuckled looking at her cute and awed expressions.

"Hmm. I can drive this. I usually don't get the chance for bike riding. We can go on a ride now." Li Wei said and Ling Yue jumped.

"Yup yup. I always wanted to ride a bike. I even had onee...." Ling Yue sadly exclaimed and Li Wei raised his eye brows. Seems like she tried many things in those mountains.

"Then what happened?" Li Wei questioned knowing that she wanted to tell him something.

"Uncle Shen took it away and said I should never drive a bike. Because of him I couldn't learn it properly." Ling Yue complained and pouted her lips.

"And why did he do that?" Li Wei questioned back and Ling Yue pursed her lips.

"I once fell down and got few little scratches and that's it. Nothing more than scratches. But he took it away saying that these things are dangerous." Ling Yue explained and Li Wei nodded and waited for her say more. He knew she had more than just complaining to do here. Li Wei took his silence as 'go-on' and continued.

"How about you convince Uncle Shen to return me my bike? Or even better, buy me a new bike?" Ling Yue asked expectantly and Li Wei chuckled. She was asking the wrong person. Uncle Shen accepting HIS requests? Never. Uncle Shen was now busy protecting her from him. There was no way he will help him get few points near her.

"How about you learn scooty first, before going for a bike?" Li Wei suggested and Ling Yue started sulking. No. She wanted bike. Not like she didn't have money to buy one, but her uncle will probably take it away again.

"No need..." Ling Yue said and waited for him beside his bike. Li Wei smiled and got on his to start it. Once started, Ling Yue too hoped in the back and Li Wei drove the bike out of the Li Mansion.

"Where are we going?" Ling Yue asked, her voice little louder than usual because of the night wind and also the helmets they were wearing.

"To the night street. I guess you never visited that place before?" Li Wei questioned and Ling Yue said yes. Though she never had a good night-long sleep before, she was not the type to go out and roam in the night. She preferred her library. It is was same for Li Wei too. He too didn't like roaming around in the late nights but thanks to his spoiled sister who would drag him out every now and then. That was also how ended up in Ji Jing few months ago and met Ling Yue.

"Then let me take you there and show you around." Li Wei said and Ling Yue got excited again. All the places she visited with the Li family were wonderful. And she knew it was not the place which was wonderful but the the company. And she liked Li Wei's company undoubtedly. In fact, she loved it.

Li Wei accelerated the bike causing her to jerk backward and Ling Yue didn't hesitate to hug him from back. She had no interest in falling down from a moving bike and later face Uncle Shen's wrath.

Going over the Highway, Ling Yue was pleased looking at the night lights of the city. There was no traffic at 1 am in the morning and knowing that it wouldn't take much time to reach their destination, Li Wei slowed down and showed few other places to Ling Yue while while driving, like the cable bridge over the lake etc.

"Woahh... This place is still busy." Ling Yue exclaimed as they reach the Night street popular for the night shows and also a famous couple hangout spot.

Ling Yue hopped down and Li Wei turned off his bike and got down. He helped her with her helmet before removing his helmet and gloves.

"Come let's go." holding her tiny hand in his huge and warm one, Li Wei guided her through the lanes of the night street. Just like the amusement park the night street too had shooting games and ring games. Ling Yue played all of them and this time she told it was in the military base she learned shooting and combat.

Hearing this Li Wei regretted not visiting those places with his uncle. He should have thrown a fit and went there when he was little. Might be he would have met her earlier. Ling Yue stopped when she won enough gifts for Li Mei and Li Wei carried them all in his right hand while his left hand never left hers.

"Why do you want to gift them to MeiMei?" Li Wei questioned randomly when he found her checking a headset for Li Mei. He had noticed that Li Mei had got too attached to Ling Yue these days. She didn't care if Ling Yue could be her sister-in-law anymore. She started seeing Ling Yue as her big sister and true best friend.

"She is studying hard these days. We should keep her motivated. And even Z Heights is looking more lively because of her." Ling Yue smiled as she said this. She bought a head set for Li Mei and then bought a play station for Father Li. She asked them to deliver that to Li mansion tomorrow.

"Why are you buying this now?" Li Wei questioned looking at the play Station. His sister was definitely not into this. in fact these days she didn't even do movie night outs anymore and was busy with her studies. That was a huge relief to Li Wei.

"This is for Uncle Li. This will keep him busy from fighting with Uncle Shen." Ling Yue replied and Li Wei nodded. Those two old friends were fighting over his Yueyue non stop.

"Why did you choose that?" He knew she always put a lot of thought while gifting someone. And that privilege went for only few. The gifts usually sent out by Z Heights during their parties and banquets were mostly done by her assistants.

"Hmm.. Don't know. Some times I have this urge to buy toys for Uncle Li, and sometimes to play games with him. Hahaha... You know? Once I saw a cute baby cradle in a store and I suddenly remembered Uncle Li. I thought I would feel funny but I didn't. And then I felt like crazy... The same things sometimes happens when I am with Li Mei too. Sometimes I feel like I should dress her up like a cute doll. Hahaa.. Your sister is really cute though.." Ling Yue kept babbling and continued walking ahead but Li Wei stood rooted looking at her back.

He didn't expect that Ling Yue was this good at discerning her emotions. Her past life impressions were too deep that those emotions still lingered. Those tearful eyes when Xenxi saw the toys and cradle she made for her to-be-born child burnt and destroyed was not something he could forget.

"Wei?" Ling Yue's voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he followed her in the street. Ling Yue asked his if he was okay and he said he was fine and was just lost while thinking about something. Ling Yue didn't press further and they went into a small restaurant and ordered hotpot.

Li Wei didn't want her to eat that spicy hotpot but Ling Yue insisted saying that it is not everyday she wants to try outside food. Of course Li Wei couldn't win against those puppy eyes and ended up ordering hotpot. This girl can be really handful sometimes.

"Wei. Do you believe in palmistry and astrology?" Ling Yue questioned pointing at a traditionally decorated building holding a banner of fortune telling etc etc.. Li Wei looked at it and he honestly didn't know the answer.

"I don't know. What about you?" Li Wei questioned back.

"I too don't know. But I never tried it before. Shall we try?" Ling Yue asked and Li Wei nodded. He would never stop her. Ling Yue didn't need to ask him for anything. But she still did. And that showed how much she valued him.

Li Wei gently held her hand and led her inside. There were few couple inside but it was not as crowed as other shops they went to. They didn't have to wait long before going in. Ling Yue somewhat looked excited. Going in, they found a middle aged woman with round framed spectacles and various rings on her fingers sitting behind a desk. She smiled as soon as she saw this attractive couple and asked them to have a seat.

"So, what do you both want to know?" the woman asked and Ling Yue was the first one to answer.

"Past life and also the future." Ling Yue answered and the woman raised her eyebrows. People generally don't get this excited. Her customers were usually little nervous when visiting her. Well, for Ling Yue this visit was just for fun. She wouldn't take any of this seriously. She only and only believed in herself to carve her future and about the past, she didn't care. Ling Yue turned to Li Wei and Li Wei said he only wanted to know future. He had already seen the past and didn't need someone to check it again.

"A person can have many past lives. Which one do you want to know?" The woman questioned Ling Yue and Ling Yue thought for some time.

"I want to know about all the past lives." It was past because it had already passed. And it's not like she remembers any of them to get hurt. She will just hear to them as a third person's story. Now Li Wei somewhat regretted coming here. Was this needed?

"Alright, give me your left palm first. It is the store-house. It carries your past." The woman said and Ling Yue extended her hand. Li Wei too became attentive. He would now find out if he was going to simply waste his money here, or actually learn something useful.

The woman took Ling Yue's palm and read her lines. It took her sometimes to read her palm and she occasionally frowned. Both Li Wei and Ling Yue now got interested to know what the woman had to say.

"Hmm.. Interesting.. According to what I can read, this is your fifth life." The woman said and Li Wei raised his brows. He had seen two of their past lives. Were there really another two?

"Oh.. Then can you tell me about what happened in those lives?" Ling Yue questioned and the woman nodded. She looked at her palm again.

"You were a princess in your fourth life but you committed suicide." The woman said plainly and Li Wei's heart skipped a beat. He looked at Ling Yue who seemed to be little taken aback too. Suicide? This was definitely not something Ling Yue expected.

"Ohh.. How did I die?" Ling Yue asked and the woman said she couldn't see her entire life and it was just the death and role she played in her life which she point at. Ling Yue simply nodded and asked about the third life.

"Hmm.. You were a witch in that life." The woman said and Ling Yue tried not to laugh. A witch? As in Salem witches? Hahaha.. Who is going to believe it? But Li Wei simply pursed his lips. Though she was not exactly a witch, that was what the people called her.

"What about my second life then?"

"Hmm.. You were a maid." The woman said and Ling Yue smiled. She actually wanted to laugh but didn't want to embarrass the elder.

"Okay.. Then what was I in my first life?" Ling Yue asked again. This was really fun.

"You were a fallen angel.." This time Ling Yue laughed out. Fallen angel? Seriously? But she soon stopped and apologized to the woman and asked her to check Li Wei's.

"Wei.. Let's look into your past lives too.. Pleaseee..." Ling Yue requested and Li Wei rolled his eyes but still accepted. He could now find traces of Min Hua in her. This was how she would stick to Jiang Yuan.

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