
To Reach You Again

" You're the moon, I'm the tide, Drawn to you, but kept aside. Our love a beautiful, forbidden dance, Destined for eternity, but denied a chance. " - Ling Yue Longing, a bitter sweet ache that grips the soul. This is a tale of love transcending space and time, a tale of longing of two parted souls who have been mercilessly teared apart again and again.  Yi Hua and An Yun, whose souls have been cursed to be defeated by evil, even when their hearts are blessed to be bound by love. How ironic right?  Their yearning made them meet each other in many life times but the evil won every time.  But, how can evil win over good? How can hatred overpower love? The almighty won't be so merciless right? After many lifetimes, after many separations, Goddess of light, Yi Hua and God of darkness, An Yun crossed their paths again. This time in the modern world, as Ling Yue and Li Wei. Will their scarred souls fall in love again. If they did, then will their love win? Or will they be defeated by the same fate they were destined for many lifetimes before?  " Unattainable love, a cruel game, Bound by circumstances, I can't claim. But in my heart, you'll always reside, A love that burns, though never to collide. " - Li Wei ----------------------- "To Reach You Again" is my first ever novel and I am looking forward for this journey. Hope you all join me on this wonderful ride. - Z https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094142227485 For regular updates and illustrations of our sweet couple and adorable pets you can follow the above facebook page. I would love to interact with you all. ---------------- The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it.

Z_Orion · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Jiang Yuan and Min Hua

Chapter 59: Jiang Yuan and Min Hua.

"Hahaha... What are you doing? Is this how you do pottery? Hahaha.. " a soft voice and cheerful laugh broke in the green woods which was soon followed by a deep voice.

"You seem to know a lot about pottery. How about you give me a hand, my princess?" the owner of the deep voice asked and the girl whom he just addressed as princess proudly lifted her head and walked to him.

"Alright. Since my heart is aching looking at your miserable art, I will help you" The princess announced and went to sit in front of the wheel.


"What are you doing?" The girl donned in simple yet pretty medieval clothing asked as the man pulled her abruptly into his lap.

"I am just making sure that my princess has a comfortable seat to sit on." The young man answered and the beautiful maiden in his arms blushed.

"Stop fooling around. Don't disturb me. Hmph" The girl turned around and the man helped her into a comfortable position before resting his chin on her shoulder. The girl in his arms started moulding the clay into a small pot but everytime she was about to get the shape right, the man would tickle her causing the shape to deform again.

"Yuan.. Keep doing this and I will hit your handsome face with this clay" The girl warned and the man named Yuan simply chuckled and hugged her tightly from back.

"You can do whatever you want. After all I belong to you my love" Yuan kissed the girl's hair and rested his forehead on her shoulder.

"Sigh.. Let's do this together. Put your hands to work." The girl ordered and man lazily replied back.

"Why are we even wasting our time on this. If you want to put my hands to work, then I have many ideas to keep them busy. And you will absolutely love it" The smirked suggestively as he completed his sentence. The girl took a deep breath before glaring at him. This shameless man.

"Commander Jiang Yuan, seems like your hands are experienced. I wonder how many loved those hands of yours?" The girl raised her eye brows and the commander gulped.

"Hahaha.. What are thinking princess? I am talking about my sword fight techniques. Let's do this now. " Yuan skillfully diverted the topic back to the pottery and both of them started using their hands on the clay.

It was not easy since none of them knew pottery and the man was using excessive strength always. But this didn't bother the two love birds as they played with the clay while occasionally smudging it on each other's faces.

"Pheww.. Done.. Yuan. Let's write our names on this. Jiang Yuan and Min Hua. " The girl excitedly suggested and the man chuckled looking at the jumping bunny in his arms.

"Writing names is so common. Let us do something different. How about we put both our handprints on it?" The man probed and the girl thought for some time before answering.

"Okay. We can think of each other whenever we are drinking something" Min Hua replied.

"Haha.. You are always on my mind no matter what I am doing" Jiang Yuan said as he kissed Min Hua's rosy cheeks making them turn even redder.

The put their hands on both sides of the almost-mug-like-looking thing and soon their hands were imprinted on it.

"Hmm.. Let's leave in the sun for now. I will pick it up later. Now take me in. I am hungryyy.." Min Hua wailed and Jiang Yuan lifted this childish brat in his arms and took her into a medium sided cottage in Ji Jing.

All the while, Li Wei was standing in the woods nearby them and watched them with an unreadable expression. His heart was beating crazy inside his chest as he looked at Min Hua and Jiang Yuan who were again exact replica of Ling Yue and himself. But just like Xenxi, Min Hua's eyes too didn't match Lung Yue's eye colour. Min Hua possessed a pair of brown eyes which looked happy and warm as Jiang Yuan held her in his embrace.

Li Wei slowly walked towards the wheel which was till rotating and looked at the mug placed on the ground. Ling Yue was right. One of the hand print belonged to Min Hua.


Li Wei opened his eyes to the darkness of the night and gazed up to the ceiling of his room. Remembering the clothing he can guess that they both belonged to a time much later than Xenxi and Rem's.

He turned his head a little to his side and found Ling Yue sleeping undisturbed while holding onto his hand. His eyes trembled looking at her beside him. He thought this was their second chance. But seems like they already had a second chance before.

He remembered the guide's story and sat up on his bed. He refused to believe that stupid story where she was made the ultimate villain.

Remembering the history site she showed this morning Li Wei turned on his mobile and opened the site. He even subscribed then and there to open the files. First thing he did was to download the files and kept scrolling the pages till he found the name he was searching for - Min Hua.

There wasn't much information about her, and what ever present was adverse. He looked at Min Hua's birth date and death date. Min Hua was 18 when she got married, and died two years later. Xenxi's age when died was around twenty too. He shook his head and moved onto the latter information about her.

Min Hua was tagged as the most spoiled princess ever and her father gave her whatever she wanted making her a big bad bully. But that only made her crave for more and soon she got enticed by the queen's throne offered to her by Huang Meng. Min Hua was labelled as a wanton woman who was not satisfied with her husband alone and indulged in debauchery.

It was written that she maintained a whole harem for herself in her quarters and was most of the times lost in drugs. Her health soon got deteriorated because of her drug addiction. Some people back then spoke about an affair between Min Hua and the new ruler Jiang Yuan but those rumours were eventually shot down after people witnessed how efficiently Jiang Yuan held the reigns of the vast empire.

Li Wei's grip on the phone tightened as he read more. He didn't see any much to question the history but he knew there was more to the story. But what weighed heavily on his heart was the fact that she again died young. Too young. Fear gripped his heart as a thought of history repeating itself crossed his mind.

"Uhmmm..." Ling Yue's moan effectively brought him out of his dark thoughts and he bent down to kiss her closed eyes.

"I am here. Go back to sleep." Li Wei said softly. Not too loud for her to wake up, and too soft that she wouldn't register it. Ling Yue moved her hand on the bed to find him and held onto his shirt.

"Pat my back." She delivered the same order she gave him the previous night and Li Wei concurred again. He held her his warm embrace as he contemplated about why they ended up parted both the times. These things were completely new experience for him.

Li Wei didn't get good sleep for the rest of the night. Reason being him not wanting to sleep in the fear of seeing Min Hua dying in his dream. He had already watched Xenxi dying and he didn't want to see the same thing happening again.


"Big sis. Are you not going to Z heights?" Li Mei asked while eating breakfast. She had been going there almost daily to learn different things but these days her Big sis was not visiting her own company at all.

"No. Ning Tang is there to look after everything. And I didn't work hard in states for no reason. These are my holidays." Ling Yue said as she and father Li were competing to solve the sudoko puzzle first. These days it was Li Mei's job to copy the sudoko onto another white sheet so that Ling Yue and Father Li could start with their morning match.

"So your schedule is free for the coming days?"

"Not exactly. I still have a business meeting tomorrow. The other party is giving me a little hard time, so I will have to look into that. If I get what I wanted, then I might get busy later." Ling Yue explained and Li Mei nodded. These days she too was understanding business management and was aware of how busy her Gege and Big Sis can be.

"Who is giving you a hard time?" Li Wei asked as he adjusted his tie, ready to go to office. He still had a lot of work to do and he was not lucky enough to have a CEO.

"Some business owner. Not their fault though. My clauses were so vague and they are just being cautious. I will explain it to them tomorrow." Ling Yue answered while marking down the numbers in sudoko box.

"What about your's Wei. Zhang Chen was telling me about profitable deal you were refusing?" Father Li asked while tapping his pen on the newspaper. He has to win this game at all costs.

"That deal is too profitable. We might get into trouble if we jump without knowing more about it. Let me meet the client tomorrow and see how it goes." Li Wei explained and father Li nodded. Caution is needed everywhere.

Li Wei left soon and Li Mei went out to play with BaoBao and DouDou. Mother Li went to her early in the morning for shooting and the entire house of gaming arcade for Ling Yue and Father Li.


"Zhang Chen, get me some information about some saint." Li Wei asked his assistant and Zhang Chen blinked his eyes twice before speaking.

"Bring information about what Boss?" The assistant questioned. What did he hear before? A saint? From where will he get saints?

"Ahem.. Saints, or monks, or some astrologist." Li Wei said again with a straight face. He too didn't know where someone can find saints.

Zhang Chen was baffled for few seconds before he assured that he would get the information about them. Li Wei even instructed him to filter out the information of bogus and charlatans. Zhang Chen nodded and left.

Li Wei took a deep breathe before leaning back on his chair. Though everything was bizarre, Li Wei couldn't shake off the feeling that everything will repeat again. But he also felt that him seeing their past life was universe's way of helping him not lose his love this time. He should get into the bottom of everything.

He thought of starting from the reason why everyone called her witch or a monster. He remembered Ling Yue telling him about some monk who said she was cursed. He should first dig more about this.

Li Wei soon busied himself in work and going through the documents for tomorrows meeting. The deal offered to them was really profitable and Li Wei would have actually agreed to this had it come to him before he knew about Ling Yue's health condition. Now that he was aware of it, he couldn't accept to this deal any more.


Ling Yue lay on the soft mattress as she played Brainvita[1] on the bed. She was trying to end the game with one ball when the room door opened and a tired Li Wei walked in. Well, his tiredness was transient and quickly washed away as soon as he saw Ling Yue playing on the bed. Looking around the room he confirmed that he entered his room and not her's.

"You are late." Ling Yue said as she sat on the bed. He ate his dinner out in the office since he was busy. Not like she has complaints about it. She was well aware of the work he has to complete.

"Hmm.. I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon. I was just looking into it." Li Wei said he removed his blazer and tie before unbuttoning his sleeves.

"I will freshen up and come." Ling Yue simply nodded and Li Wei entered his washroom to clean up. It felt nice having the girl he loves in his room and waiting for him. These kind of moments made him think more about their married life.

Both of them then shifted from Brainvita to Fruit Ninja on Li Wei's tab. They laughed, cheated and threw pillows on each to disturb the opposite party. Noticing the time, Li Wei and Ling Yue decided to call it a day and slipped into dream land. Okay, dream land for Ling Yue and Nightmare land for Li Wei again.

But this time Li Wei was mentally prepared to see whatever transpired in that life. He couldn't ignore that life just because he didn't like it.


[1]Brainvita: It is board game with tiny balls placed in a plus shape and the player keeps removing the balls following the rules so that there will be only one ball left in the end.

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