
To Reach You Again

" You're the moon, I'm the tide, Drawn to you, but kept aside. Our love a beautiful, forbidden dance, Destined for eternity, but denied a chance. " - Ling Yue Longing, a bitter sweet ache that grips the soul. This is a tale of love transcending space and time, a tale of longing of two parted souls who have been mercilessly teared apart again and again.  Yi Hua and An Yun, whose souls have been cursed to be defeated by evil, even when their hearts are blessed to be bound by love. How ironic right?  Their yearning made them meet each other in many life times but the evil won every time.  But, how can evil win over good? How can hatred overpower love? The almighty won't be so merciless right? After many lifetimes, after many separations, Goddess of light, Yi Hua and God of darkness, An Yun crossed their paths again. This time in the modern world, as Ling Yue and Li Wei. Will their scarred souls fall in love again. If they did, then will their love win? Or will they be defeated by the same fate they were destined for many lifetimes before?  " Unattainable love, a cruel game, Bound by circumstances, I can't claim. But in my heart, you'll always reside, A love that burns, though never to collide. " - Li Wei ----------------------- "To Reach You Again" is my first ever novel and I am looking forward for this journey. Hope you all join me on this wonderful ride. - Z https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094142227485 For regular updates and illustrations of our sweet couple and adorable pets you can follow the above facebook page. I would love to interact with you all. ---------------- The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it.

Z_Orion · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
88 Chs


Chapter 35: Engagement.


Ling Yue woke up with a banging head ache. She was currently rolling and tossing on her bed when Li Wei entered her room with hangover soup. Ling Yue woke up not long after Li Wei left her room. Probably because her new found personal pillow was gone.

"Good morning little drunkard" Li Wei found Ling Yue quite adorable right now. He had always seen her neat and poise but now her hair was a total bird nest and to put it right, for the first time she was behaving like a teenager rather than a wisdom monk.

Ling Yue, who was busy thinking how her current headache was different than her usual headaches got startled by the sudden morning wishes. Her first instinct was to grab a weapon but soon realised that it was Li Wei.

She couldn't possibly attack the owner in his own house, right?

She got up and sluggishly sat on her bed, untangling her hair. Li Wei was still standing at the door looking at her. She looked so so so adorable.

"Why are you standing there? Come in" Ling Yue didn't know her effect on Li Wei yet. It was only then that Li Wei snapped out of his daze and walked towards her.

"Here is your hangover soup." Ling Yue looked at the soup curiously.

Oh. So her headache is that hangover she read in those novels. Fine fine. It's better than her usual headache.

"Thank You." Ling Yue happily received the soup before drinking it. This might be a really small or even an unnoticeable event for many, but for Ling Yue, getting a hangover soup from Li Wei as soon as she got up was a memorable one.

How many time had she enjoyed this privilege of getting things brought to her bed? Never.

She finished her soup and brightly smiled at Li Wei, handing the bowl back to him.

"I will fresh up and come down. What is the trio doing?" she didn't forget to ask about her three adorable pets.

"Dad and mom took them out for a walk."

Li Wei left the room, giving Ling Yue some space to freshen up.


"Little girl, we are going to amusement park next weekend. How about you join us?" father Li asked casually at the dining table. Everyone had assembled there to have breakfast.

Though father Li's tone was inadvertent, everyone else at the table looked eagerly at Ling Yue, their eyes filled with anticipation.

Ling Yue looked at everyone. Amusement park means 'crowd', and she doesn't like it. She wanted to reject, but their awaiting gazes made it impossible to do so. Sigh.

"Okay. I will clear my schedule" Ling Yue didn't know why she always gave in to this Li family. For her, giving in meant danger.

Hearing her, everyone at the table cheered up. The blabber mouth Li Mei didn't stop talking. She can go on and on about anything and everything.

The whole afternoon was spent by watching movies. As time passed, Li Mei became glued to Ling Yue. Though Ling Yue didn't have much to speak, Li Mei was enough to fill up the silence, and oddly enough, Ling Yue didn't feel irritated.

Li Mei, who got to know that Ling Yue doesn't know Korean, taught the only two words in her Korean vocabulary - 'Oppa'[1] and 'Saranghae'[2].

Evening Ling Yue got busy playing checkers with father Li.

Li Wei had been watching Ling Yue through out the day. His heart felt suffocated as the charred body of Xenxi settled on his mind. He wanted to hug her and tell her. But he wasn't sure how he was going to do that.


"Hahaha... What can we do when our kids are already in love, Su Rong. We can only give them our blessings." Lin Chao's father, Lin Chun spoke joyfully as he sat in Su mansion.

His son suddenly came and told that he is in love with someone, and that someone was the grand daughter of Qin family and the adopted daughter of Su family. Of course he will be happy when he got his hands on a gold mine.

Su Rong however, was not very happy to see this Lin family in his home. He calmed himself thinking about the benefits he could get if the Lin family bagged the resort deal.

"Yeah. All is well if the kids are happy." Su Rong forcefully smiled at Lin Chun.

"Good good. How about we let them exchange rings for now. After all we have already anounced about getting them already."

Su Rong didn't react. He never anounced anything like that. They anounced it all by themselves and he has got nothing to do with it.

Later Su Rui and Lin Chao exchanged ring. Su Cheng looked at this. He and Lin Chao were both big bad bullies but Lin Chao always had a upper hand. Why? Well, he was the legitimate heir while Su Cheng was the illegitimate one.

He didn't know Lin Chao had such a bad taste. He looked at Su Rui who was blushing. Ackk.. It looked ugly.

They had a small celebration during dinner. Both the families were busy scheming on each other. Qin Luo had no interest in this but since it's her sister's daughters engagement she put on a lovely facade. Not like she hated Su Rui, instead she liked her more than anyone in the Su family and the Qin family. But that liking always came after herself.


"Big sis. Let's watch this." Li Mei excitedly turned on a BTS show and Li Wei's face turned ugly.

Ling Yue, Li Wei and Li Mei were now settled in Li Mei's room to watch something but Li mei turned on BTS.

Soon seven figures on the screen started dancing and singing in sync with Li Mei's screaming.

"Big Sis. Aren't they handsome? What do you think about that middle guy?" Li Mei asked to which Ling Yue took her own sweet time to think making Li Wei anxious.

What the heck was their to think so much? The answer is a simple 'NO'.

"They are all OK OK." Ling Yue replying after quite sometime. Li Mei was left agape while Li Wei was relieved.

Li Mei understood her Big Sis is an extraordinary beauty and will have high standards, but ... but BTS is not just anyone. How are they all OK Ok?

She turned and looked at her brother who was trying hard to fight back that smile blooming on his face.

"Then what about him?" Li Mei pointed her finger at Li Wei. Ling Yue followed her finger and her sight landed on Li Wei.

Li Wei who was previously relieved, now felt like sitting on a hot seat. He had absolute confidence in his looks. He alone can put anyone in the entertainment industry to shame. But Ling Yue just had that air and elegance that can make anyone feel inferior, mainly when it comes to looks.

Ling Yue again took her time scrutinising Li Wei head to toe before opening her mouth to report her analysis.

"He is definitely better looking than them. Actually he is better looking than anyone I have ever met."

The complemented one in the room, Li Wei didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Alright. She complemented his looks. Cool. But ... Why isn't she blushing? Does she even see him as a man or not? Sigh.

Li Mei pursed her lips. Okay. Her brother was more handsome. But still BTS was her babyyy... Wuhuu..

Li Wei too pursed his lips and continued watching whatever jumping and dancing those seven kids were doing.

Meanwhile, the analyst, Ling Yue, slightly blushes and her cheeks had a faint reddish blush. Her face slowly heated up when she stole a glance at Li Wei. She didn't what was exactly happening to her that she felt the room with a full blown AC suddenly turn hot.

She shook her head and continued watching BTS absent minded while sneaking peaks at Li Wei every now and then. Her heart was thumping faster and faster. She took a deep breathe to calm her nerves and focused her attention on the TV.

Unbeknown to her Li Wei had a slight smirk hanging on his handsome face. Did Ling Yue think that he really wouldn't notice? Hah.. He noticed her blushing and taking deep breathes. Sigh.. Seems like Ling Yue just didn't realize it yet. Or perhaps she doesn't have a name to give it and settled with 'friendship'.

Li Wei leaned on the headboard and gazed at Ling Yue. He didn't get his hopes high. He discerned he still had a long way to go. Her scars were soul deep and he was the artist who crafted those ugly scars on her.

He didn't know what good deeds he have done or what fortune he has acquired, but he got a second chance to love her. He will not leave her hand this time.


Li Mei was glaring at her brother who was commanding her to leave the room. How dare he? Why should SHE leave HER room?

Li Wei too didn't back off. He too glared at her with the same intensity.

The third presence in the room, Ling Yue, was oblivious to the ongoing fight between the siblings and was enjoying her beauty sleep on Li Wei's shoulder.

Li Mei wanted to sleep with her Big Sis today in her room and Ling Yue too concurred. But her brother had to come and shatter her night plans.

Doesn't he stay the whole week with her Big sis? Can't he give her a single night? And how dare he think of getting into her Big sis's bed? Her Big sis was so innocent. She can't leave her unprotected with this devil.

Li Wei smirked. He thought glaring would do, but appears like it didn't. It's alright. He was not short of weapons.

He carefully took out his mobile from his pocket, making sure Ling Yue is not disturbed and played a video in mute before turning the screen to his sister.

Li Mei's eyes widened as she watched it. She pressed her lips together and glared at her brother. How dare he collect these evidences of her crimes and store them to blackmail her?

The video was of Li Mei driving father Li's favourite car, which was his third baby without his consent and dashing it into a pole while trying to park it. After successfully causing a huge dent on the car, she escaped the scene as if nothing happened. She was lucky that father Li was on his honeymoon trip and she got the car serviced later.

She took a deep breathe before taking her brown teddy and leaving the room. Of course she didn't forget to throw a death glare at her vile brother.


[1]Oppa - Elder brother or close elder male friend in Korean

[2]Saranghae - I love you in Korean

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