
To reach the limit

Nick Devolver is a powerful ranger with a respectable team. After tragically dying on a mission he is sent back to when he first started. He decides to surpass his past self and reach a new height of power. But, there is something wrong… (Main fic is on fanfiction.net, go there for faster updates.)

Shizzza · Video Games
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15 Chs

Battle of Eterna

Battle of Eterna

(and some other minor battles)

Calvin hastily released his Pokemon, "Eize, defensive formation!"

Nick also released Sven and Sicarius, Bellator is too heavily injured to fight, and Calvin's Luxio and Sven circled us, defensively.

"Omnis, charge up elemental attacks." Calvin commanded, "Sora, support any attacks with your expert aerial movement."

"Tch, I thought y'all to be stronger than this!" The man said, laughing. "Gengar, will-o-wisp into shadow ball!"

"Umbreon, crunch!"

"Sora, Aerial ace!"

"Sven, fighting overflow into force palm!"

Calvin's Staravia cleanly struck the Gengar, She also swiftly dodged the will-o-wisp and was immune to the shadow ball.

"Omnis, Shock wave!"

Sven leaped at the Umbreon, fighting energy overflowing from his body as he knocked the Umbreon away, Calvin's Porygon then shot a wave of electricity at it, "Trevenant, Shadow claw!"

Shadow claws emerged from the ground, and Sven's eyes widened as they grabbed him, "Sicarius, night slash!"

Sicarius dashed at the Trevenant with incredible speeds, before cutting the Trevenant cleanly in half.

The shadow claws freed Sven, but he was then met with a shadow ball from the Gengar, Sicarius's eyes widened as she witnessed the Trevenant's body reform completely.

"Omnis, Psybeam!"

The blast of psychic energy struck both Trevenant and the Gengar, who was right behind it.

The Umbreon then leaped into the air, biting the Porygon who let out digital gibberish from the pain.

"Double team and aerial ace!"

The Mirror images of Staravia flew down, repeatedly striking the Umbreon who fell to the floor.

Omnis quickly recovered, however, he was bruised, "Shock wave on that Gengar!"

Omnis released a wave of electricity at the agile Gengar, The ghost's eyes widened as it was struck by the attack, "Psybeam!"

The Gengar was struck by the Psybeam, it let out a scream of pain before using a powerful psychic, Omnis panicked as it was forced into a wall.


"Fuck, this isn't good…"

"Sicarius, Night slash on the Trevenant, again!"

"Sven, fighting overflow and force palm, add a chain strike if you can!"

Sicarius leaped into the air, The Trevenant summonsed branches which were sliced by Sicarius's rapid attacks, Suddenly, Sicarius's energy was sucked out by a horn that popped out from the ground.

Shadow claws attack her, knocking her away from the Trevenant, she still manages to take the Trevenant by surprise with her fantastic speed and gets a clean slash in the head.

Fighting energy bursted from Sven as he clashed with the Umbreon, Umbreon isn't exactly a strong Pokemon offensively, but the sheer power gap between the two caused them to be equal.

"Tch, even with fighting overflow he is still losing!"

"Havoc bringer!"

"This…could be risky!"

Nick repeatedly shook his hand, Sven knew what he was trying to communicate and started controlling his bursts of fighting energy.

Each strike had more overall power at the cost of defense, this was a purely offensive strategy.

The Umbreon got hasty and went in for a crunch, but was met with a force palm to the jaw, "Now, Fighting chain strike!"

Sven relocated the fighting energy to surround his body before going absolutely crazy, his attacks were rapid and powerful, his eyes glowing a deep orange from the effects of fighting energy.

"Damn, that's so fucking cool!"

"Focus on your own problems!"

On Calvin's side, Staravia was dueling Gengar, Due to her being a normal type, The Gengar couldn't do much besides to attempt hit the aerial Staravia with a will-o-wisp.

Omnis was fighting the trevenant with Sicarius, they worked as a pretty good duo, but the Trevenant had the upper hand.

The Umbreon, surprisingly, remained standing.

"Fuck, this is bad!"

"Sven, double team and evade!"

Sven created mirror images of himself before running in circles around the Umbreon, The Umbreon jumped into the air and used a dark pulse on the ground, destroying the mirror images and knocking Sven away.

"Force pal-"

Before Nick could give out orders, the Umbreon used a crunch on Sven, who let out a roar of pain.

"Sicarius, use ice shard and icy wind on the Umbreon!"

Sicarius reacted quickly and instantly swapped targets, launching a gust of cold wind at the Umbreon before striking it with an Ice shard.

"Fury swipes!"

Sicarius scratched the Umbreon repeatedly, but the Umbreon simply knocked it away with a shadow ball.

Without Sicarius, Omnis was at a disadvantage and was getting attacked by the Trevenent.


"ON IT!"


The Luxio dashed at the Umbreon with a powerful spark, the Umbreon screaming in pain as it was electrocuted.

"Force palm and Ice shard!"

Sven slammed the Umbreon onto the hard floor with a force palm as Luxio used a powerful spark, Sicarius finished it off with a final ice shard.

The Umbreon managed to pull off one last dark pulse, sending Luxio flying, before the Umbreon collapsed.

"Tch, what a fucking useless Pokemon."The man said before withdrawing the Umbreon.

"Trevenant, Frenzy!"

The Trevenant let out an ominous scream, as vines sprouted from the ground and grabbed the Luxio and Sicarius, The Gengar then flung a shadow ball at Sven from afar, in the middle of its duel against Omnis.

Sven let out a cry of pain, he was very clearly at his limit. Nick decided to withdraw him, leaving him with only Sicarius.

"Fuck…this is getting bad…"

Then, chaos broke out the Gengar and Trevenant started attacking randomly, Calvin's Staravia launched multiple aerial aces, but each time she was intercepted by either a horn leech or a sludge bomb.

"Sicarius, Night slash, Prioritize dodging, even if it costs momentum!"

Sicarius quickly dashed at the Trevenant, The trevenant let out another ominous roar as shadow claws formed from the ground, Sicarius quickly reacted and leaped into the air, before slamming down with a powerful night slash.

"Omnis, Support Sneasal with Psybeam!"

The Porygon launched the psychic attack which caused the Trevnant, which was already injured, to stumble backward in pain.

"Even if we win this…"

"Luxio, Bite into Spark!"

The Lynx Pokemon leaped into the air, biting down on the surprised Gengar, before electrocuting it.

The Gengar, mid-air, shot a powerful shadow ball that knocked Luxio back to the ground, Nick thinks the chances of us winning is slim given the current situation…

Calvin sighed, exasperated, "It seems I have no choice…"

He scoured deep into his bag, before taking out a disk-like object, in a plastic box.

"Don't tell me…"

"Leonhart said to not use this unless it is 100% necessary…"

"I think this situation calls for it!" Calvin yelled, "Omnis, Catch!"

The gruff man shouted, "Oh no ya don't, ya brat!"

The Gengar quickly launched a shadow ball, and Nick shouted a set of commands, "Night slash into icy wind followed by ice shard!"

Sicarius used night slash to just barely deflect the shadow ball, before blowing a gust of cold wind and slamming the Gengar onto the floor with Ice shards.

The Trevenant tried to sneak attack Sicarius, but she quickly reacted and dodged the horn leech, "Night slash into the icy wind!"

Sicarius slashed the Trevenant in half, before shooting a gust of cold wind.

Finally, Omnis the Porygon caught the Upgrade Item, it cracked upon the box and promptly absorbed the disc.

Omnis glowed a bright blue, its body morphing to be more round and less squarish, Then finally in a flash of blinding white light, Omnis had evolved into Porygon2.

"Omnis, Psybeam!"Calvin shouted, "Sora, Double team into an aerial ace, Eize, Bite and spark!"

"Sicarius, Night slash!"

Omnis, in its new form, released a powerful Psybeam which impacted with the Trevnant, Staravia's mirror images and aerial aces all connected with the Gengar, who then got slammed by a Night slash from Sicarius.

Eize bit the Trevnant before shocking the ghostly tree, The Trevnant then retaliated with a shadow claw, which knocked the Luxio into the air.

The Gengar, still standing, launched a shadow ball which impacted against the Luxio, it then launched physic against Omnis, who got sent flying to a wall, before retaliating with a Psybeam.

The Gengar released two sludge bombs, which Sicarius dodged but the Staravia couldn't, The Gengar was panting heavily, barely hanging on after the onslaught of attacks it received.

"Sicarius, Ni-"

Before Nick could state his commands, Two shadow claws appeared from the ground and held Sicarius still in place, then vines cuffed up her, Trevnant then slammed its fist onto Sicarius, Who let out a pained shriek.

"Omnis, Psybeam!"

"Sicarius, Break free with Night slash!"

Omnis hovered over the two, before launching a psychic beam, Sicarius formed the usual dark stick, before breaking free and landing a clean slash on the Trevenant.

The Gengar, somehow, leaped into the air and used a sludge bomb to knock Omnis out of the air, "Sicarius, Night sla-"

Before Sicarius could properly use the move, She was impaled with a horn leech, Right in the chest, the wound wasn't deep and Pokemon was much more durable and could recover much faster, Nick knew this, but…

His mind still went hazy, His heart stopped for a split second, and his eyes widened as blood spilled from the wound.




Nick instantly withdrew Sicarius, His breath unsteady as he frantically scoured his bag for some kind of potion…


Nick tried to keep his composure, but he couldn't…

(Bold+ Italics+ Underline=Memories)

A dark, barely comprehensible, image appeared…blood slowly oozed out, and screams could be heard…

Nick snapped back to reality, panting and breathing heavily, Calvin looked at him, concerned, "It's fine…" Nick said, hesitantly.

He then waved Calvin off, he couldn't do anything…

All of his Pokemon were heavily injured…

"How pathetic…"

"How fucking pathetic!"

Nick's body filled with pent-up rage, all exploding at once, he couldn't do anything, memories flooded into his mind as he clenched his fist.

"I need to end this battle prematurely!"

Omnis, Eize, and Sora all rapidly started attacking, The Gengar, after being bombarded with powerful attacks, was finally taken down.

"Target the Trevnant!"

"I can sense it, the overflowing amount of people…"

"They are waiting for the fight to end, I knew Aura sensing would be useful…"

"Calvin, You take him on…"

"I will handle things on my side," Nick said, confidently.

"Okay…"Calvin hesitantly nodded, "Stay safe, you promised to be my rival, remember?"

"I know…" Nick said, "I have things to do…"

With that, he slowly slipped away, into the shadows…"


"It took me a minute or two to find y'all…"

"You guys suck at hiding, I know you guys are there," Nick said, grabbing a random trash can lid.

"Fucking hell!" A loud man said, "BOYS, LET'S GO!"

All of them simontaunesly jumped Nick, Who calmly distanced himself, there were about 6 or 7 people, a bit more than Nick had thought.

"Tch, it seems Aura sensing isn't perfect…"

"Now, I am a bit pissed…" Nick said, "I apologize…"

"Because you guys will be at the receiving end…"

Nick promptly threw the trash can lid, full force, the sudden attack knocked the man into a trashcan, and he fell, dazed.

The group jumped him, " These guys…"

"They are different from the one I encountered…"

"They ooze malice."

Nick leaped into the air full force, jumping over to the trash can, near the person who got hit by his initiating attack, he grabbed their weapon, which was conveniently a bat.

The group of people mobbed Nick, He swung the bat, smashing one of them in the head, "I gotta stop getting into gang fights…"

"Fighting overflow…"


Nick's body overflowed with fighting energy as he calmly swung the bat, hitting them in different body parts, he finished the brutal beating with a bat to both the face and the stomach, and by the end of it all, they were all collapsed on the floor.

"Tch, that didn't help at all…"

"I guess I've changed…"

"Since then."

Nick slowly walked through the pile of bleeding gangsters, His mind seemed to have cleared up, no longer hazy.

Nick leaned against a wall, still gripping the bat, he felt…


He felt odd, uncomposed, despite everything seeming normal on the outside.

"I am just delaying the inevitable…"

"Eventually I will meet her."

"But that's not right now, is it?" The voice of a familiar female, her voice soothing…

And also full of venom.

Now, I am sorry for such of a short chapter, but I have been recently going through a bit of a tough time, there will also be a new fic coming, hopefully this week, I've been going through some rough times the past day or so, but I hope this chapter somewhat satisfies y'all.