

It took me a good half an hour to get Cindy to stop knocking on my car window begging me to come back into the house to talk. I told her that it wasn't happening and as far as I was concerned she ended our relationship when she started entertaining the thought of other women. She had the nerve to inform me that she would give me time to calm but she would call me... as if I'd even pick up. One of the things I did while she was stopping me from going was block both her cell, our home number, and I also blocked her on all my social media platforms as well as defriended her.

I booked a hotel room at a place that is close to my office so I won't inconvenience myself and my work because of this sh show. I didn't even book under my name to make it hard for Cindy to try to track me down when she realizes she can't get in contact with me. I'm not sure what Cindy is expecting but I'll clearly stop those thoughts in there tracks. we are over and the sooner she gets that, the sooner she can move on with her life as I clearly plan too.

When I get to the hotel and check in, I pay for a month's stay and contact my lawyer. I immediately tell her what has happened and that I need divorce papers drawn up and sent out as soon as possible. I even offer to pay extra if she can get it done in less than 3 months. I then get ready to take a shower, it is then that the emotions I've been holding in flows. I began to cry at the lost of a relationship that I had no clue was failing and a spouse that I had no clue could hurt me so much with their careless actions.