
to not be numb ( hiatus)

Nox is a boy who has always felt numb ever since the day he was born. This numbness didn't mean just emotions like most numbness do. This numbness means he can not feel anything. no harem I hate harems and I will update now and then when I feel inspired. at least one chap a week

Richard_Majestic · Urban
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3 Chs

I have always felt numb

third-person pov

Nox has always been numb since the day he was born onto this earth. When he was born the doctor hit him on the rear end like most babies to make sure he is okay. Now as most babies would scream, yell and, cry he did nothing of the like.

When he was hit on the rear end by the doctor instead of crying he just looked at the doctor with a neutral expression on his face. This scene freaked out the doctor and his parents causing his parents to put him up for adoption.

The parents waited for a week to make sure that their son was indeed not normal. The week flew by fast for the infant and couple.

The couple's feelings for the child dwindled even more as they tested the infant to see if he can feel. They decided to starve the infant for five hours and not change him during those five hours. They also put cameras in his room to see if he would cry in the night for their help from the night.

All of their efforts proved futile as our mc did not cry, scream, or show any type of discomfort. The infant even stayed awake during the night not crying and even seemed to enjoy the dark.

After seeing how their week together turned out they decided it was best to give him up.

They went to an orphanage at 3 pm to drop off the weird infant.

The father got out of the car first and then proceeded to open the door for the mother. The father then walked to the back doors of the car and picked the car seat that carried our mc. The couple then walked up to the doors of the orphanage.

The father looked at the mother one last time I suppose to get confirmation of what they are doing. " You do know that after doing this we can not take it back and the child will likely hate us" As a reply, the mother nodded I suppose she thought that was good enough of an answer.

The father then looked at the doors and walked in and sat at the front desk. A beautiful nun was sitting at the desk and seemed to be writing a report or log in a book.

She seemed to notice the couple and infant before they could notice her.

The couple then noticed her and walked over putting the car seat on the counter softly and slowly. The father looked at the nun in a strict manner that seemed to make him feel more mature than he looked to be. "I and my wife are here to set our son up for adoption as we believe he isn't normal".

The nurse looked at the mother who couldn't look her in the eyes with a disgusted look.

third-person pov end

nun pov

I was sitting at my desk doing my job by filing reports and logs about all of the children. I was almost done doing my task when I saw a couple carrying a car seat. The couple was extremely beautiful and them being together made them look even more.

The father had jet black hair that did not shine as if the light was too scared to touch him. Not only did the father have jet black hair he also had a pitch-black pair of eyes. To me, it seemed that the father's whole being was made to reflect darkness.

The mother had a different type of beauty but did not fall behind the father. The mother instead of darkness she reflected light with blond hair and blue eyes. Her whole being was made to give the feeling of light tainted only slightly by the darkness.

After I watched them walk in and sit down in the waiting area with a baby. The mother looked as if she was sad but I'm not sure. The father looked as if he was sure and positive that what he is doing is right.

I sat there watching them for a while thinking to myself about how their life was now. Even as I sat there watching and thinking I still couldn't figure out why. I mean the couple looked extremely happy and loving to each other.

I suppose the only thing wrong with that picture was the child. No, I did not mean the child is ugly because he exceeded the couple in looks. The child had the beauty that felt that nothing can make him go out of his way.

I decided it was probably best to just get the couple out of here quickly. I called the couple over to me with the most friendly and helpful smile I have. The couple walked over to me slowly carefully carrying the car seat holding a small child.

The father put the car seat on the counter in a no playing mood that made me feel as I should not try to waste his time. I looked at the father asking what is their reason for giving him up. He looked me in the eyes with a neutral look and said because the child is not normal.

This caused me to snap as the child sure seems different but that is no reason to give him up. I immediately dropped the friendly smile on my face and changed it to disgust.

The father seemed to have expected my reaction as his neutral expression did not falter.

That made me even madder because he felt like he didn't care he was giving up family.

" How could you look at me with that expression as you are giving up your son!". " I know we're not supposed to question the parent's decision as it was also God's choice but this just isn't right!".

The father once again looked at that me with the same expression on his face as before.

" I suppose that I can understand the reason for the screaming you just did like a child". "Even so you have no right as a professional to work here if you are doing this to customers"

"I am going to say this one time and one time only slowly for you to understand what I'm saying". " We are to set our son up for adoption and you are going to go get the paperwork to do so". I could only nod my head as I have no way to intervene in them giving up their child.

I went to the back and got the paperwork for the couple to file. I waited for two minutes to anger the father because I'm petty. When I got back to the desk the father did seem to care about the two minutes they had to wait for.

The father nodded his head at me and left back to the waiting area to file the paperwork. He took at least ten minutes so I decided to pray for a while as I waited for him to finish the paperwork. I prayed for a while until I was interrupted by the father of the child with a cough.

The father then grabbed his wife by the hand and left together back to their car. I looked over to the child only to notice even as his parents left him he still didn't cry or whine.

" Well welcome to your home until further notice young child".

An: please tell me if this chapter was good enough of a start.

word count:1256

Let me know in the comments if I made him too numb

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