
2 the truth

As I awoke this dark narrow room is what I saw,suddenly I heard voices "what happened son,why is there a human in our home! she smells as if she has been around a vampire."I heard a man that sounded way beyond my grandmothers age."It seems that she is my mate grandpa." "What the hell is a mate!!!!!!"It acedentaly shouted out of suprise at last I felt someone's presence.It was not a welcoming presence I saw 1 pair of sharp beautiful blue eyes looked like a man's body shape.As he got closer my lungs were being deprived of air but in a good way?"so you're finally awake, I'm Jake" his voice sounded like the man before not the elder.I suddenly got the urge to kiss him but I ignored it "Clara"He brushed a string of my blue highlights behind my ear it felt like electricity touched my skin "f*** I forgot" "forgot what?" "nothing"