
I'll treat you a meal

After thinking for an hour I decided to go to the coffee shop near my place to continue writing a story that I want to submit on 6 months from now it's for a living so I need to.


good evening!- the crew greeted from the counter

I just smiled back and went to look for a seat

after getting a seat I went to the counter to order something since I'm going to stay here until they are closing hehe

now here I am again having a hard time to decide what to order, seriously what's going on with me


sound of the store's door, indicating someone's arrived, so I'm still busy looking at the menu on what to order when someone bumped me but I still don't care since I didn't get hurt or something but!

I hurriedly turn around because what if that person who bumped me took something from me without me knowing

I-I'm sorry- the guy who bumped me

I look at him intently and say

what did you take from me?- I said as I'm not taking away my eyes off of him

huh?- him

you don't act dumb here- I said while arcing my brow

I don't understand what you are talking about- him while scratching his back head

ah this guy is good at pretending huh I thought to myself and go close to him and start inspecting his clothes, his pocket front and back, I also put my hand inside his pockets and realized I'm doing a ridiculous stuff. I look around and found out people are looking at us with questionable look so I take out my hand slowly and look down with embarrassment

look miss I didn't get anything from you I just really accidentally bumped you as I was busy looking at the menu I didn't noticed you because you are short- him explaining

I was about to agree but what was his last word?

what did you just say?- I asked him

where?- Him

the last words you said

oh i didn't get to see you- him

because?- me

he gulped

what? You said I'm short! how dare you- me fuming with anger

s-sorry, ok ok as my sorry I'll treat you a meal- him which makes my eyes shine bright

ok!- me and smile and turn around to look on the menu

I want the signature hot chocolate and you decide for the bread or whatever- I said and went to my seat

as I got back I open my notebook and start writing my story since I'm so poor my laptop is spoilt and I can't buy a new one yet so I don't have any choice I'll just type the things I've written in my pc when I get home.