
Chapter Five

I woke up earlier than usual today and I don't understand why. I am still sleepy but instead of going back to bed, I just went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. Why today self? I don't have anything to do today. All of my assignments are done and they are due next week. My body clock is really fucked up.

While preparing for school, doing my routine, Louise texted me and asked me if I am already awake. She also woke up early huh. Doing my routine is sometimes satisfying but sometimes it's not. Today it is satisfying and I actually enjoy taking my time doing things in the morning. Maybe I should do this more often or maybe I'll just do it every day.

I went inside my car and just drove to where Louise is. We are super early so we decided to go to Jollibee for breakfast and I'll fetch Louise so we can go there together. Angel's house is far from our home like it's in another province, which is literally, it's cool, and I don't know how to explain it.

Oh I see Louise now, this girl chose this place for what? I can fetch her in her house duh.

"Hey what's up?" She said and I looked at her and just smiled

"Angel said she'll go with us. She'll follow because I said you are already picking me up." She said, that's good to hear, me and angel doesn't eat breakfast often.

"That's good." I said and drove to where the Jollibee is.

"I have something to say but I'll tell you when we get there." She said

"Yeah let's also wait for Angel so she won't miss a story time." I said and smiled at her and she just chuckled at what I said


We went inside the Jollibee and waited for Angel to get here. Louise and I are minding our own business, waiting for Ms. Angel to finally get here. We actually ordered because we know if we wait for Angel to order we will be late.

"Hey guys! I'm here!" Angel said as she saw us

"You took so long. I am so hungry!" I said as she sat down beside me

"I'm sorry I bought something yesterday and I decided to bring it today and it took time to organize it." She said explaining why she took so long.

"Let's eat! Eating while telling you the story of what happened yesterday." Louise said, preparing to eat and tell her story.

"Okay let's eat." Angel said, I looked down and pray first before diving in to my food.

"Yah Art! You are making us feel bad for not praying before eating." Louise said, I chuckled at what she said because it's not true

"I don't. You know this is how I am" I said laughing

"Okay. So this is what happened yesterday.." Louise said as she was preparing to tell her story

After she tells her story, we are also done eating, and I must say I am full! It is worth it going here early, I must really do this often.

"Hey Art.." Louise called me as we were on the way to our school

"hmm?" I said and glanced at her

"Andrei was asking me about you. I think he likes you." She said, without looking at me

"Huh? Me? Why me?" I said because I am confused. Is there anything to like about me?

"I don't know…" It doesn't make sense at all. He likes me? Why? "And if he ever text you or reach out to you in any social media, don't entertain him, okay?" she added and it confused me why she's telling me that?

"Why?" I asked her, I am genuinely curious why.

"I—I personally think he still loves his ex. I—I don't want you to be his rebound. You know? You are my friend and I don't want you to experience that." She said, but still I am not convinced on what she said. I feel like there's still something she doesn't say.

"Or it is because you like him?" I said as I parked in the parking lot of our school. I looked at her as I turned the engine off.

"No! Of course not! His ex is one of my best friends you know that. I won't—I won't do such thing." She said and she went outside the car

"I feel like she likes him." Angel said and I nodded agreeing with what she said. She really does like him.

When the classes ended the three of us decided to go the café we used to go. The last time we went there was when the Christmas party chaos happened.

"I like the mint chocolate, so that's for me." I said as we sat down where we usually sit.

"I'll go order." Angel said

"Wait! Mines, Yakut fruity." Louise said as Angel is going to the counter

Angel is actually not our classmate for this semester. Louise and I are in the same section but Angel is not. We just learned that earlier when we got our new schedule. She almost cried but we said we can still hang out nothing to worry about.

She doesn't know anyone in her section and it frustrates her. I also want her in our section but no one wants to exchange from our classroom to theirs. That leaves us no choice but to let Angel be. The three of us worked together better that is also why we like to be together in one classroom.

"Ah! I still can't believe we are not classmates anymore!" Angel said as she sat down with our drinks.

"We still can hang out together we have same day of no classes." I said as I sipped my so delicious drink, ah, heaven.

"But my schedule during break is different from yours." She said with teary eyes.

"That's okay we will still see each other during lunch time." Louise said

Comforting Angel is like also comforting ourselves that we are not complete anymore. You won't see the three of us more often like before. But I think that's how it works maybe it happens so Angel can decide on her own, be on her own and to do things on her own. Eventually all of us will be on our own, doing our own things and pursuing our own dream.

Life sometimes teaches us in a way we don't expect and it takes realization to see the lesson life wants us to see.