
To love you for eternity

What happens if two childhood bestfriends become strangers when they meet each other after seven years? Meet Lizzie Cooper and John Taylor and join them in their journey... On the other hand, Daniel White is a cold and aloof person and everyone fears his vibe. What turned him into such a person? Will he be able to love someone in his life?

twinkling_star · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Can I kiss you now?

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Three weeks ticked by, and today was the day that most wished not to come, today is their commencement of examinations and they were initiated with Social studies.

John was relaxed and normal, he did not have any kind of pressure that a student has before taking an exam. There was only half an hour left for the exam and he was still combing his hair leisurely.

Down in the living room, Lizzie was sitting on the sofa, shaking her legs in tension that there was merely half an hour left for the commencement of the exam and John was still getting ready.

Lizzie wanted to give him company to him on their way to school as it was their first exam and also because it was Social studies they were going to attempt which was his most tough subject. She thought he would be nervous, and thought to stay by his side but to the irony, she was the one shaking her leg thinking they might be late to their exam and he was the one cool and composed.

She also organized his bag with the necessary stationery and identity card and also a water bottle so that they could leave as soon as he comes down.

Lily who was reclining in the sofa, looked at her body language and expressions and understood what she was thinking about.

"Lizzie, don't be tensed. He will be down soon and I will ask the driver to drop you both off. You can reach there in ten minutes." she tried to pacify the tensed girl.

"Sorry aunty, I am too nervous."

"That's fine Lizzie. You need not apologize. You haven't done anything wrong. Every exam-taking student goes through this. It is only my son who is not at all scared about anything." Lily sighed in disbelief.

Just then they heard footsteps approaching them and raised their heads to see John climbing down the stairs casually to which Lily shook her head.

"What took you this long? Anyway, we don't have time to talk. I equipped your bag with the essentials. Let's leave or we will surely miss the exam." Lizzie said getting up from her seat and handed him his bag.

"Oh come on! Why are in such a hurry?" he was making her lose the last thread of temper she was hanging on to with a ton of patience. She threw him a glare that made him gulp in fear.

"Okay, okay. Let's go quickly." he said raising his hands in defeat. He did not want to make his Lizzie angry and of course, he couldn't have faced it though.

They both left for school hastily in the car leaving Lily behind chuckling. She was happy to see them being their old selves. Though John had not revealed to her anything that happened between him and Lizzie, she could tell something good took place between them and she hoped they were together. On one side, she was happy for her kids while on the other side, she was scared about David's health issues.

His health kept on worsening and now he is on the verge of being hospitalized. He did not want his sons to know about his health problem and so asked Lily to not to tell about his health to John and Kevin especially when the former is having his exams. If John knew about his father's ill health, he would leave his school and stay with him the whole time. He also told Michael and Alice to not say anything about his poor health to Lizzie as she might say to John.

David was not being home most of the time lately on the excuse that he had been flying to another city for business meetings which only he knows was a fib. The truth was he had been visiting the hospital only he and God know why.

John and Lizzie reached the school ten minutes before the start of the exam and the latter released a sigh of relief while the former was the same chiller. Before entering the exam hall Lizzie spoke "John attempt every question that needs to be attempted and I believe in you. You can do it. All the best." she smiled looking at him. "Thank you and good luck to you too. And most importantly, I love you," he said making her blush. "I love you too." she replied looking into his eyes with a grin on her face and held his hand.

Lucas who had a clear view of them from inside, saw them holding hands and tears started to cloud his eyes. Bella looked at the man she liked and once more to her disappointment she found his line of sight pointing Lizzie. Her view was not enough to see John beside her and also the tears in his eyes. Why couldn't she stop thinking about the person though she knew it would hurt her deeply again and again. Maybe that's love. She swore that she would concentrate on her studies and forget him and yet she is here again looking at him and suffering.

Three weeks back, when her friends decided to talk to her, she kept avoiding the topic or told them that she was just pressurised by the exams. She did not disclose the actual reason for her bizarre behaviour.

Soon the couple standing outside walked into the examination hall and took their seats. The commencement bell rang in five minutes after which everybody received the question papers. Finally, after three long hours, the bell rang and all the answer sheets were collected back. Bella left as quickly as she could, of course, after telling her friends. Everyone started leaving and John and Lizzie did the same.

While they were on their way to home "So, how did your first exam go?" Lizzie asked as she held his hand. She was worried about how him more than herself.

He held her hand tight before replying "It went better than I expected. I did well." he bobbed his head.

She nodded in return. She was glad that he did well in his weak subject and she was sure he would rock the other exams too.

"Lizzie, can I ask you something?" he asked hesitantly, guessing she might reject him.

"Shoot it."

"The three weeks you said are over. Can I kiss you now?" making her look at him. He tried to read her expression but failed as she glared at him without any possibility of reading her face.

She saw around them if there was anyone, and she could see none within her sight. She immediately pulled his face and clashed his lips with hers. She too wanted to kiss him but she couldn't as she was the one who put the punishment and he needed it so that he would never tease her again.

John was initially surprised when she initiated the kiss but then gladly invited her and returned the pace. He wrapped his hands around her waist pulling her more close to him and deepened the kiss. He jabbed his tongue into her mouth playing with her tongue and sucked it. She enjoyed it and only wanted more of it. This continued for a while till they ran out of breath and reluctantly parted their lips. They stared into each other's eyes with the utmost love and desire in them, which said to each other the untold words.

"Let's continue later. We are in a public place." Lizzie said pulling herself back and they continued to walk hand in hand.

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