
A look that would give anyone chills!

Lucyndth looked towards the sword. It interested him. The dark, blood red sword was dull. No matter how much the light tried to reflect off of it, it continued to stay dark and shineless. The sharp edge of the blade made up for the dullness in it's color. Lucyndth reached out and rubbed his finger against the blade. His finger roamed from the tip to the bottom. His eyes were blank as he didn't even try to stop himself, even though there was blood dripping down his hand. Xinyung saw what he was doing and pulled the sword away from him. He glanced down at Lucyndth's hand and saw black blood oozing from his finger. This was weird, Xinying thought. The blood sword is incapable of making one bleed. There was a complex spell that came with it that stopped it from doing so. Xinyung looked at the dazed boy in front of him. Lucyndth continued to stare at the sword, not even taking a break to blink. Xinyung watched as his eyes became duller and duller, as they started to match the blade in front of them. Xinyung pulled the sword away from Lucyndth's gaze, causing him to snap out of his trance. The room's temperature got warmer, Xinyung thought. As he didn't notice that the atmosphere was getting colder and more awkward.

"So! Which one do you like better?" Xinyung tried to break the suffocating silence, in hopes that Lucyndth would pick the safer option.

Even though Lucyndth was free from his non-breaking trance, his eyes were still dull, showing a darkness that couldn't compare to anything in this world. Xinyung felt that he should have never given Lucyndth the choice of the blood sword. Before Lucyndth could even say what he wanted, Xinyung already knew that he was going to choose the sword. What was he supposed to do? Once Lucyndth chooses it, he can't just say "Oh no, you can't have this!"

A cold sweat broke out on Xinyungs forehead as Lucyndth pointed to the sword. Xinyung couldn't help but feel disappointed. Maybe he could change his mind!

"Why do you want this one? The bow and arrow? It's safer than the sword. It's nice to have something to protect you from a long distance and it is easy to use!" Xinyung said this while trying to pull the sword from Lucyndth's sight as slow as he could.

Lucyndth cocked his head and knitted his eyebrows. The darkness in his eyes got duller. That's when Lucyndth spun and grabbed the sword from Xinyung. He flipped it around, showing off. He spoke as he took a few steps back, "This is safer, in my opinion! Look! Do you see how easy it was for me to get the hang of it?" Lucyndth took a stance and pointed the sword at Xinyung.

"It's just as simple as holding a sword. Hey, Xinyung, do you think that I knew how to use a sword in my past? It seems way to easy for me being a beginner!"

Lucyndth did all kinds of sword tricks and many different stances from many different cultures. The sword fluttered around in the air as he tossed it and played with it. Since the light didn't reflect off of it, the shadows hid the sword, making it look like a ghost flickering in and out of sight. Lucyndth suddenly stopped, his eyes now full of an excitement that would give anyone chills.

He looked at the sword, and then at Xinyung. "This is the sword...You stabbed me with? Isn't it?"

Xinyung saw the looks in his eyes, and didn't feel any sense of fear. Xinyung knew that Lucyndth wouldn't do anything irrational, it would be his death wish. His eyes became cold as he smirked. He paced over to Lucyndth.

"Yeah, and what are you going to do about it?" Xinyung grabbed the sword's blade, "Are you going to try to...hurt me?" His tone was soft, but stern.

It was like he was expecting something to happen. Cuts appeared on Xinyung's hand, but no blood came from it. Lucyndth pulled the sword from his grasp. His eyes went back to their normal, naive state.

"Of course not! Why would you say that?" Lucyndth shook his head. "What kind of person do you think I am? I know you did it because you had too. Come on, let's get ready to leave. You're talking crazy!"

Lucyndth carefully put the sword on the bed and grabbed his bag. He looked over at Xinyung, waiting for him to take the lead. Xinyung was still very confused how Lucyndth changed into a different person, from a blank eyed sword fighter, and then back to himself. It was like he changed into a different person for a whole ten minutes! Xinyung decided to ignore the small lash out and get them ready to leave. Xinyung grabbed the sword. His two hands were flat on both sides of the blade. He closed his eyes for thirty seconds, and then opened them to show nothing but black.

The sword again hid in the shadows like it did with Lucyndth, except for it stayed hidden this time. It went deeper and deeper into the darkness until there wasn't a sword left. All that was there was Xinyung holding both of his hands together. He looked over at Lucyndth and smiled. Lucyndth returned a smile. Xinyung grabbed his bag and nodded his head towards the door, signaling for Lucyndth to follow him out.

They walked out the front door to the cafe and into the middle of the boardwalk. Xinyung sat his stuff down, not showing any signs of going anywhere else, so Lucyndth decided to do so too! "Um...Why are we just standing here in the middle of the boardwalk?" Lucyndth was very confused on why they were here, not doing anything. Xinyung sat on the ground and told Lucyndth to do so too. Lucyndth watched all the people walk by, with their confused faces. He hoped that they were going to leave soon, for he was getting more and more dizzy from the buzzing crowd. Last time, the crowd died down when it was night time, but this time, it seems as though the crowd got larger. Lucyndth looked around at the street lights that were lighting the boardwalk up and at all of the people who were laughing and playing with their friends. It was an eyesore, in Lucyndth's opinion.

While he was judging the people around him, he wasn't paying attention to Xinyung, who was making his hand signs again. Lucyndth finally noticed him doing so, and decided that he would be prepared. He grabbed his bag and sat up straight. He was going to be completely prepared for whatever was going to happen next! Xinyung smiled. Nothing can prepare you for what's about to happen, Xinyung thought. That's when there was fire. A fire that surrounded them. It was so close to Lucyndth's back, he felt that he might be cooked alive. The heat was immediately made Lucyndth sweat.

He looked over at Xinyung, who was nonchalant about it all. He then looked at the people, they were no longer looking at Lucyndth and Xinyung weirdly. They were just walking through the fire like it wasn't there! That's when a person walked straight through it and closer to Lucyndth. Lucyndth thought that maybe he should get out of his way. That was until Xinyung put his hand up and shook his head, telling Lucyndth to stay still. The man came closer, and closer, until he walked right through Lucyndth!

Xinyung leaned back and smiled. It was funny to see Lucyndth in his naive and confused state. Lucyndth grabbed onto his shirt as his heart started to beat uncontrollably. He needed to calm down, he MUST be prepared. He doesn't want Xinyung to see him scared. Lucyndth immediately went back to his 'prepared' state. Xinyung started to draw on the ground. No one could see what exactly he was drawing, but he was drawing something. Lucyndth watched as Xinyungs hands roamed the ground in a strange pattern. Xinyung stopped in what seemed to be mid drawing, and looked at Lucyndth. "Come here." he ordered Lucyndth.

Lucyndth didn't waste any time, for he thought that he would be ruining the process. He crawled over to Xinyung and sat down. Xinyung grabbed his hand and pressed it down on the cold wood beneath them. Lucyndth didn't question. The cold wood soon became hot as it burned Lucyndth's fingers. It was a burning sensation the made Lucyndth want to jump up and get away, but he didn't. He stood still, because he felt that Xinyung would be mad at him for moving.

Xinyung knew that this would be the hard part. hopefully Lucyndth's soul can except going into another realm besides it's own. If it doesn't, than his soul will completely reject everything, even Lucyndth. This would result in immediately killing him. Xinyung didn't want to warn Lucyndth, for he knew that Lucyndht would be to scared to go with him if he did. This would make it harder for his soul to want to leave. Lucyndth stopped himself from pulling back. It felt like the ground was trying to pull him in, forcing him underground. If it wasn't for the wood in his way, he felt that he would've been deep in the ground. It was sucking the energy out of him. Every time another wave of the burning sensation came, his eyes became more and more droopy. Xinyung continued too hold Lucyndth's hand until he passed out. Xinyung caught Lucyndth in his arms as he fell forward. He then did the process to merge their souls.

Xinyung woke up in full control of Lucyndth's body, moving around, testing his limbs. He got up and pressed his hand against the ground in the same place that it was before, as closed his eyes and held his breath. He would expect what was going to happen next. He passed out.


Lucyndth woke up to a night sky. The stars unnaturally sparkled, making Lucyndth surrender to their light by squinting his eyes. He sat up and looked around. They were definitely not on the beach anymore. He rubbed his back and felt marks. These were the type of marks that appear from being on something or somewhere for a long period of time. Lucyndth looked down and saw that he was sitting on a train track. The cold iron's rust left stains on his clothes. Woods surrounded him. There was nothing else but the train track and woods. No light shined through the trees indicating that there was a town or city near by. Lucyndth sat up and rolled off of the train tracks on to the dirt. He was about to get up, until his arms stopped under his control.

He wasn't just sitting still for no reason, his instincts told him to do so. In the distance, he heard slight breathing. Though it was farther ahead, Lucyndth could feel it's hungry aura. He was about to get up and run, but he felt footsteps coming towards him. He stumbled up, trying not to shake from fear. His bag and sword caught his eye on the train track. He ran towards it. Before he could grab the sword, his legs stopped moving. No matter how much Lucyndth told them to move, they disobeyed his orders. While he was focusing on being able to move, he heard a voice from behind him.

"Hey, little guy. What business do you have here in the deep, dark forest?"

Did this take too long? Thank you for reading, and tell me ways that this could better. You can ask me more questions through my gmail! I like fan art, and comments on how to make my story better. My gmail is Kingojidorifans@gmail.com

KingMojidorizcreators' thoughts