
To Love Ru: I am reborn with a chat Group system.

Acting strong when he is weak, Acting might when he was beaten to death, but staying true to himself Rito was a good character but in return he got death... When a Rito from the alternate timeline and space got reincarnated into a new world, where he got an OP chat system to traverse this world into ruin, or to become something people called lord... Ding Rito has been provided with System Configuration activating chat group... The first gift, All stats enhancement card... Where Rito will find out about the secret of the chat group or will perish within the time... Those, who want to truly understand this story read Naruto with Sharingan... which is an alternate joining with this story and will join at episode 30 or above... The art and image do not belong to me at all... Mikaela Castillo... thanks for the great art and allow me to use it... Every chapter of this novel will have an 1800 minimum word limit and a 2400 maximum limit, so I hope everyone will support me in this journey, don't be a cheap person if you wish to like this novel...

Shubham_Gosai_1691 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Vegetable and business of vegetable from other world.

Rito kicked the football and made it jump on his leg, while he kept his balance and play it in the mid-air, without letting it touch the ground at all, this was something he learned playing all by himself and it was quite embarrassing for current him, but he used to chat with the little guy at his home, cleaning it from time to time, this ball was truly one of his friends.

Rito passed to Saruyama who smiled, looking at Rito manner, he was able to say that, Rito had never stopped practicing with his football, even after he has gone through so much, but it looked like he has been more than he used to before, Saruyama started dribbling and making Rito way, who suddenly dashed, where just by speed Saruyama was sent off, but Rito lightly tapped on the ball where dived on the other side, while he realized the ball has not passed that area and was now on the Rito feet.

"Is that all Saruyama, the let me show you." as Rito rushed and dribble where Saruyama was thinking that Rito was trying to dribble, pass him, so he backed off, where Rito suddenly stopped and the shoot toward the Goal, which passed by the gap and entered the area behind him sharply.

Looking at Saruyama and Rito playing football, where both of them looked quite good, all the boys rushed and joined them, where Rito and Saruyama were on the same team and all 5 of them on the next team, Rito agreed as they started to play, given Saruyama was quite good at passing and keeping the match at play, Rito was constantly able to goal, while the others were left speechless at that.

Boys acknowledge Rito as they chatted with him, on that note they found Rito was a generous guy since he did not mind telling them about what happened after he was called to the teacher's office, where all of them laughed their guts off at his pathetic situation.

When the time came Rito and the boys enjoyed girls playing racket too, where most of them were drooling over it, after that, the boys were shouted off by their teacher, at girls complain and disgust, where Rito was looking at them and laughing just like they did on his part.

Saruyama was the one who complained the most and exaggerated on that topic, where girls were drooling in their match, but at that point, a boy from the group said it was Rito, they were drooling at not them, shutting Loudyama at his place with a single sentence, Saruyama face was hilarious as he looked at him and asked: "Right, right, Saruyama youth, how do you feel after shutting out like that."

To which the guy grumbled and walked away, soon all the periods were about to end and they all walked toward the class and got changed when Rito was thinking of going with Haruna and other girls, he decided not to, since he did not want to bother them and they can also have their girls-only private time after the school goes off.

When Rito walked at the gaming workshop and looked around for a bit when he felt someone looking at him, where Rito turned off to find no one, so he silently moved at a faster pace and in the place with less population, he activated his Sharingan.

Rito turned and felt the movement come to a stop, where he dashed and jumped directly above the wall and gripped the person's hand and twisted it back, "Hello, there, how can I help you right now."

The shadow stopped any movement, and when Rito saw the person he was stunned, it was a personal guard of someone and seemingly a person from Saki household guard.

Rito released the grip and the man smiled at Rito and spoke, "I really am astonished, not only look at my presence, you even were able to discover me behind the wall, where, I was only able to tell your actual position by the footsteps, but I was not so precise as you were."

Rito shook his head, given it was the effect of Sharingan he got or he would not have felt the presence of this guy from the very beginning.

"Then it is alright, and I hope, I won't be targeted again, given as a teenager, I rather prefer not to be stalked by a man himself, after all, I would rather prefer a beauty talking me around all the time than again in a black suit and black glasses on his eyes." Rito joked causing the guy to laugh out at him, given the boy was rather true to his feeling, to be stalked by beauty than him.

On the other hand, he clarifies the situation that the boy, pose whatsoever, no threat for their milady and took out an envelope as an apology from his side, Rito wanted to refuse, but realizing he was also short on money because of the hunger, he accepted and spoke: "I can promise you one thing, that I will try to protect if there was any harm coming to your's milady in the near future, only for once."

Where he refused to even turn back, where he started walking out of the messy area, as he again jumped the wall with a carefree attitude and walked away.

Rito's expression was calm and collected as he remembered senior Kujo Rin, his expression softens as he smiled genuinely, while running to the convenience store to buy some energy bars, which he used to like a lot, and also replenish Carbo during football practice.

Rito looked at the store and entered inside it, where he bought the energy bars with the leftover money from before and walked out of the store, he decided to run back home, where he stopped at the ground and sat to read some of the chat from the chat group.

When he saw chat group flooding out some pop out game and everyone participated in it and the competition was a guessing game from the someone called Dark Paladin, when a guy with a serious voice spoke, "Everyone please, attention!, given this information can rather save one life, so I want a moment of seriousness."

Rito saw nothing important, but a guy messing with everyone and at that moment a PM. Came to his account, "Can you give me some food please, I am quite hungry, in return, I can send that A-Rank Ninjutsu pack copy to you at first." The Guy name was Blue Haired Poor Guy. Rito smiled at the name and sent out the Choco bar to the guy, "Keep it, and don't thank me for that."

There was still silence and Rito smiled, given he knew he was duped when he started to move out for the home back again, where a ring surprised him as he saw the package of Ninjutsu in his Inventory and was quite surprised to the fact that it was true.

"Thank you, buddy, that was a lifesaver back then, I hope we can meet someday, given it said we live in the same world and someday we should meet again when I get rid of my debt." Rito looked at the message and was confused about the debt part, he ended up smiling at the funny guy and walked away with the simple message of meet again sometime. Rito was surprised at the part that there were people, except him with the same system in this world.

Continuing walking on the path toward his home, Rito find a beautiful and secluded place where there was no crowd of people around, and Rito felt that this place could be a nice hiding spot for him in the park, where he would not even attract attention and he will be able to practice whatever he want, silently.

Rito touched the black Katana panel and it appeared in the thin air, which surprised Rito, even though he was given the instructions about how he can take out things from the system, but still, something appearing out of thin air can be rather shocking, at least for current him he needs to get used to it, where you think this ability to make the thing appear out of nowhere can be very useful.

Rito was thinking of experimenting with it, and seeing what it was capable of more, given there can be more than one thing inside it, Rito then looked at the katana and tried to pull, but the system gave him an alert to stop [Not enough Chakra or Spiritual Energy, can deal a little damage to host soul.]

[Appraising the sword, spiritual type, Bahamut annihilator...]

[ Looking at the sword in front of him, which was not a normal one Rito smiled and looked around to see, there was no one spying on him.]

Finally, Rito opened the door of the home, seemingly Mikan was watching something on the television and when she heard Rito coming inside, "Welcome back, Onii-Chan."

"Hmm! I am back." Rito responded as he entered the bathroom for brushing his teeth and looking at the time, which was 4 :55 pm in the evening, he knew there was a lot of time back for dinner, so he decided to go and watch some shows with Mikan or something, thinking those he entered the room where he remembered the envelope he received, opening the above he saw was 1000 banknotes, and there were several of them inside it, his mouth twitched as he thought 'Damn rich fellas.'

When he looked at the group chat and found. "Hello guys my name is Vanis, my planet specialty is known for vegetables and I would trade them with anything special from your planet, I do not lack money and vegetables, anyone who likes P.M me and can start our exchanges.

" Rito was interested since having eaten fresh vegetables is rare, he clicked the photo of cabbage and other vegetables of the earth and shared while asking "Do you have fresh vegetables like this, especially it should talk or speak like living. " Since Momo talking watermelon, Rito had a hard time eating real watermelon for the time being, where the guy was fast.

"Of course, we have them, but like you said I can't remember them talking, do they talk about your planet. Wait, can I get in return and by a simplemetrix, I need books and cultural things from your world, and I will be able to create them on my planet.

Rito smiled and scanned the manga dragon ball z first part and sent it, given in his computer he had a lot of them saved by Saruyama when his system spoke [WHy don't I scan all the data here and collect them to open a shop like, the vegetable guy did.]

When Rito, started to realize that the action of AI is becoming more and more like a human themselves.

"Oh, send me a few parts and I will send my vegetables in return, it is an interesting literary, I believe even children would love and enjoy that." Rito smiled and nodded, after all, manga is liked by both children and adults, but especially children are more attracted to it. So Rito was fine with that and thought if he can, get some other things from different worlds with this manga or not.

Rito did not read much so he only smiled, and thought he would need Saruyama's expertise in this, where he remembered Mikan also like a few of them and he can ask her too, after all, she won't be busy at moments like this right.

When in a PM, he got a bucket of fresh vegetables and opened them, indeed all the vegetables, things to be quite fresh, where there were also different kind of fruits, he had never seen which was a gift, from the other side, for him. Rito jumped down from the window and brought out the box of vegetables as he pretended to knock and opened it himself, "Mikan, it seems we got some vegetables from a countryside friend of mine."