
To LOVE Ru - The Unknown Darkness


counterbloxpro19 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 8: Marriage Under The Moonlight Pt 1

Well hello again, guess what time it is?


That's correct, another chapter time…

I guess it's time to go on with the story, don't you think so (also still no info on the collab im and Codrest that we doing so far but will either do an info update in a chapter close to it for the update you guys)

Chapter 8: Marriage Under The Moon Pt 1

It's still nighttime and there was deviluke's castle above the Yuuki household, why you may ask? Let me do the thing then…


″Gid, how soon can you come? I want to talk to you in person″ Rito decided to get up and call Gid to ask if he could meet him the next day. (earth day I speak of then)

″Yes, ill will be there when you are waking up, Son-in-law″ Gid replied as he said then to his guard and Sephie that they will be going to Earth and visit the new king and queen.

″Thanks Gid″ Rito replied before waving and ending the call before going back to sleep

*Flashback ends*

It was now morning and Gid was talking while Sephie was talking to the girls in the living room.

″So, son what did you wanna talk about?″ Gid was asking Rito as they were eating some cakes and drinking their preferred drinks (Rito's water and coffee for Gid).

″You know that ill will marry your daughters, right?″ He asked Gid which he got a nod in response before Rito then said: ″But they are not the only ones… the other girls that live here will also marry me, so ill be living the so-called: Harem plan that momo put up for me″.

Gid was, of course, surprised by what Rito had done & his decision while he was not updated on this but did know that Momo would do this due to what he had done for them.

″Well do whatever you want, you are soon to be the new king so″ Gid said as he took another bite of his food before continuing talking.

″And about the date for the marriage to happen is either this weekend if you don't have something else to do on those days or next week, so after I leave, discuss with the girls to see which date fits best and call me″ he finished his food and drink before saying goodbye to Rito as he was done for the day.

″Thanks for coming Gid″ Rito said as he was carrying his glass and plate downstairs while Gid went and explained everything to the girls.

Rito was doing the dishes again and always but this time it was different as he was thinking ″I hope nothing comes up this weekend, I want to do this as early as possible and I hope no one will interrupt.″ He was thinking too long that he did not notice that Gid and Sephie had left and he fell asleep just short after he finished that thought so he did not notice nor hear the girls walking in to check how he was doing with the dishes but that changed as they saw him sleeping again in a place where he shouldn't, typical him I guess.

″ha, still falling asleep in wrong places, Rito…″ Mikan said as she walked over to him to check if something had happened which was not the case.

″I wonder why he keeps doing that through…″ Shizu asked/said as she looked at his face before Yami said: ″I'm not sure…″ and then looked at the other girls ″Do you know something Lala, Momo, Nana, Haruna & Yui?″ and they started immediately thinking off something that might explain everything and the reason but they couldn't but Momo got an idea which was: ″How about we take him to Mikado tomorrow, well because of this and our wedding might be on the weekend so, safer than later I guess″ which everyone agreed on and then again Yami transformed her hair to a hand and lifted him to carry him to the bed.

″Ill drop him in the bed, you all can start going to take a bath/shower while I do so″ Yami said as she walked him to his bed before joining the others in the bathroom.

*That night after finishing the bath/shower*

The girls decided to sleep with Rito that night because they would need to get more used to it when they are married as they are going to it more often and maybe he will start doing that in his sleep so another reason for them to sleep with him.

(i just wanna be clear, yes the family will expand with kids and other girls will join Rito's harem, for example, Mikado, Tear, Rin & Risa but that is still unknown how/when it will happen but I aim for that to happen before chapter 15 at least so expect some lemon chapters soon)

*In his dream*

Rito was in his dream when he suddenly entered the darkness. After a few moments of looking confused about where he was, he saw a person that resembles himself but in darkness which made it harder for him to see what/who it was but that wasn't the main problem. He saw that three other shadows were fighting the unknown shadow but they were different. Rito could see them and they looked similar to his three trans-weapons wives, one being Mea, the second, being Nemesis and the last one Yami but in a different form that Rito did know anything about as he thought: ″I have to ask Yami, Mea & Nemesis if they know anything, also the others if they know anything except Yui, Haruna and Mikan″ as he saw them fighting, not knowing how much he will be there and how it ended up like that.

*Meanwhile outside his dream with the girls*

″Soon, it is official…″ Lala said in her dreams while Momo had something different along with Nana, which was:

″Fufufu, soon we will be able to do it finally…″ as she went on with her naughty dreams

″Can we get this pet, Rito?″ as she and Rito was outside a pet store in her dreams

Those were their respective dreams, as they remember that the marriage is not far away now.

While that was the princesses' dreams while for the weapons, their dreams were similar but the only difference was their self while the dreams were ″You are a weapon, there is no point of you to have a normal life. That's what they were told but now, thank you Rito for giving us a chancse″ they said quietly together.

For Haruna, Yui and Shizu's dreams were ″I don't care if have to share you, because you are special to me″ they said as they meet him in their dreams.

Mikan, however, was happy that she could marry her brother but also be a sister to Yami, which she had suggested from the start, and when this happened she got excited and could dream of what she and Yami could do together after the marriage.

Moments later, Rito started to shake (unknown to him) which made the girls slowly wake up to see him in that state which made them more awake.

″Rito, what's going on!!!″ Lala shouted as she jumped towards her husband who was shaking while the other looked worried at him before Momo was the first to do something which was giving him a kiss on his lips which made him shake slower.

″I think something happened to us in his dream, so I think if we kiss him as i did, he can know that we are fine″ she suggested as Lala nodded and kissed him too to let him know she was fine.

Moments later the other did the same before he calmed down and slowly woke up to see their eyes locked on him before saying: ″Is there anything you want?″ while moving to a comfy position again on the bed & the wall before Lala said: ″Why were you shaking, Rito…″ in a worried tone and it toke a few moments before she got an answer which was: ″It because it was a bad dream where I saw you three a shadow who I couldn't tell who it was but looked like me, and Yami was the only one who was different there″ he said while looking at the trans-weapons with a bit of mix of worried and sad eyes.

″He saw me in that form… Why does it have to happen now when we are close to our marriage?″ Yami thought to herself as she moved close to him and hugged him before falling asleep again against him while he stroked her hair as he calmed down.

″Let's forget it, for now, let's focus on the upcoming days″ Mikan said as she also hugged him similar to Yami but on his other side while looking at him in his eyes while he also started to stroke her hair before saying: ″Yes, let's do that, together″ as he looked at the others before noticed that Mikan has fallen asleep too, so he got up and put her together with her becoming sister as he did that he heard them say each other names.

″Let's go back to sleep, girls″ He said after putting Yami and Mikan together before laying down before the girls decided to lay on top of him to respond to him faster now when they knew what to do if it happens again.

*Saturday (same week)*

It was the day before the wedding which was decided to be on Sunday, the day before the wedding as they all agreed on it to be on Sunday that way they had more time to prepare themself for it.

″Today is it happening, I just hope everything goes smooth tomorrow″ Rito said to himself as he was at a cloth store to get a suit for him and then he went to a gift store to buy some marriage gifs for the girls to remember this event forever.

*Meanwhile with the girls also in a store*

″I hope this goes alright, Right Yami/Sister?″ Mikan asks her as she checkout a dress for her size before trying it.

″Yes, I hope so too, Mikan″ Yami said as she also tried out some dresses same goes for Mea, Nemesis, Yui, Haruna & Shizu while Lala, Momo & Nana was testing for more dresses that were comfy for them but still looked beautiful for Rito.

Meanwhile, the school doctor Mikado walked into the same store and supprised them as to why she was there.

″Well hello there girls″ Mikado said as she noticed the girls knowing that their marriage is just around the corner as she walked towards them.

″Mikado, what are you doing here?″ Lala said supprised as she put the dress she had in her hands over her shoulder before walking towards her.

″Well, Gid invited me in case of something happens at the wedding, but any of the dresses I had available at home were not in good condition to say at least″ She answered as she looked at the different dresses that fitted her.

″Well sounds reasonable even I hope nothing happens″ Haruna said as she walked up alongside Lala before they continue the dress shopping.

Meanwhile, Momo walked up to Mikado and asked if they could talk in private when the other leaves which they do.

*Later when everyone leaves except them*

″So, what did you want, Momo, does it include the harem plan you have in mind?″ Mikado ask her as they were standing not far away in a private area where they could talk about that.

″Yes, it does, I wanna get pregnant and have kids with Rito, not sure if the others want to but they will have too soon. So I thought if you have some medicine for the potential pain for them and maybe myself that we can use after the wedding.″ Momo answered her question as they started to walk back to the house where Rito was already with the other girls who told him that they were talking

″Yes, I do have one pack for everyone in the family for you because I knew when you arrived here, it would happen sooner or later, so I have kept it away and only for you, Momo, so ill take it with me tomorrow and give it to you after the wedding, is that alright for you, Momo?″ Mikado said as they arrived at the split roads and before they walked their paths, Momo said: ″Yes, that is alright, thank you, Mikado″ before they said goodbye and headed to their own home, Momo couldn't stop smiling as she thought what she would look like bearing Rito's child and the others too while quiet saying:

″I can't wait, finally, we are going to do it.″ Was what she said as she arrived back home for the final time before being on deviluke for a few months or weeks.

But for now, she would go to his room and sleep because all this shopping tired out her.

*The next day aka wedding day*

On the morning of the wedding day, Gid had arrived with a ship to take them to the palace for the wedding, Mikan, Mea, Nemesis, Haruna, Yui & Shizu were already up and done packing and ready to leave when Rito and the princesses were finally done and ready but for surprise, Gid told them that he would not be flying as he thought that they needed some family time before the wedding under the moonlight that he had set up a route for the palace for the ship to fly and he told his daughter and the trans-weapons that they could fly if the autopilot bugged out or don't work.

″Let's enjoy the day″ Rito said with a smile while looking out of the front windows while his becoming wives lined up beside him and said ″Yes″ at the same time also with a smile on their faces.

*Later that day, hrs before arriving*

The ship is not far away from the deviluke's palace where Gid and Sephie were waiting for the new royal family to arrive for the wedding they put up in the main hall which is ready for the new family couple.

On the ship with the new family on their way to the wedding, the group were eating their dinner before arriving at the wedding.

″We are soon there, also in time for the moonlight to show up″ Lala said as she noticed the eta on the screen where you set the autopilot on the ship.

″Moonlight, huh, sound nice″ Rito said as he walked up to her as held her around her wrist before she laid her head on his shoulder/side as they watched the space outside the window before Rito decided to give one of his wives a kiss on her forehead as he did that she started to get sleepy.

″I guess you are tired after going shopping the whole day yesterday and couldn't sleep because you couldn't wait for the wedding aren't you, Lala?″ Rito said as he lifted her in princess style and took her to the bedroom and put her on the bed with the cover over her.

″Rest well Lala, you will need it, ill come in when we are closer″ He said giving a night kiss too before going out of the room to join the others after they exited the bath that they took.

″Where is big sis, Rito?″ Asked Nana after noticing that she wasn't around when looking before asking him that still confused.

″She is sleeping, got too excited yesterday night that she did not sleep much is my guess″ he answered her as he got to the couch and turned on the tv for a short movie before arriving at the palace and the wedding.

″I never expected you to be this brother″ Mikan said as she sat down beside on his right side and lending on his right side as the others did the same with Yami on his left side before both of them closed their eyes after looking at each other and slowly starting to sleep to as his sides were too comfy.

″Aren't you two cute sisters in law″ he said as he looked at them before asking, ″How about you girls take a short sleep before we arrive?″ which they agreed on before they all went to the sleeping room where Lala already was sleeping in.

Rito was carrying both Mikan and Yami in his arm in a comfy position for them. Mikan on the right side and Yami on the left side before putting them together in the bed, with Mikan beside Lala on her left side and Yami on Mikan's left side before Mea & Nemesis laid down in the bed beside Yami and Momo & Nana beside Lala. They were fast sleepers Rito could say as he saw them instantly go to sleep.

″I did not expect this to be my future but if it wasn't for Lala, I wouldn't be alive again″ Shizu said as she looked at Rito and the sleeping girls in the bed before hearing Haruna talk and said:

″Yeh, I did also not expect this outcome but it is alright. I had a feeling that this would happen″ Haruna said as she started to yawn as she started to get sleepy.

″ For me, I never expected to get married to a boy that I did like rule over due to his stuff in school, anyways I'm going to sleep″ Yui said as she went to the bed and got under the cover on the deviluke's sister side of the bed.

″We should do the same″ Shizu said as she went and laid down beside Yui before sleeping which leaves Haruna still awake.

″So, are you also going to sleep now?″ Rito asked her who was in her thoughts. Yelp, she quiet screamed before saying yes still in the quiet voice she had from that jump scare she got from him.

″Alright, ill wake all of you when we are close to the place″ He said before giving her a goodnight kiss and walking out of the room to let them sleep.


″Right, I guess it's time to wake my girls up″ Rito said to himself as he saw that the palace was in the distance and the girls had yet to walk out of the room awake.

So Rito checked the eta timmer on the screen which said 5-10 mins earth time and then went to the girl's bedroom and open the door to the bedroom and walked over to the bed and decided to start from his left side and when he got closer he saw that the futon was a bit wet across the wrist hight of all the girls which made him think; ″Did they do that while sleeping? No stop thinking of that yet, you dummy!″ he shook his head and started to wake them up which he started with Mikan in the middle.

″A few more minutes, dear…″ she said in her sleep as he kept shaking her to wake her up, after 1-5 more shakes she woke up and when she noticed him and felt she had something wet from her wrist to her feet, she instantly blushed as she heard the other girls waking up who also blushed when they realised what they felt.

″Rito, did you do it?″ Mikan quiet asks him with a thought in her mind.

″If it wasn't him, it was us in the sleep″ which was all the girl's thoughts as they were waiting for an answer from him which they got and that made them blush even more.

″No, it was not me, if I did I would still be here after talking to Haruna before she went to sleep too.″ He said to their relief but still embarrassed even more than before but even, even and even more when they heard his next word coming from him.

″Don't worry, whatever you all did while sleeping is alright, it happens at some point. Also, we probably have to do it in the future or soon. But don't worry about it now, we will talk about it when the time is right, let's focus on the wedding first. I'll be waiting for you all dears.″ He said before kissing them and walking out of the room leaving the girls stunned.

″So it was us in our sleep, what were we dreaming of?″ Haruna said after the door closed to the other girls while looking down at the wet spot the girls managed to do in their dreams.

″Well, I know what I dreamt of, fufufufu″ Momo said with a lewd face which caught Nana to look in her eyes and said: ″WHAT DID YOU DREAM OF, MOMO″ in a loud voice while shaking her as the other just facepalmed and shaking their heads while looking at each other.

″You sure you wanna know, Nana?″ She said in a teasing voice with glittering eyes with hearts which made Nana a bit regretful of doing that to her but said ″Yes, just say it″ and just a few breaths before Momo said ″In my dreams, we did that and got to a point where I was bearing his child. Fufufu…″ which made the others a bit more embarrassed than what they already were for a few moments before a voice said ″Bearing his child would be fun to experience at least once even if I was born as a weapon and my body not to get used as a mother″ which belonged to Mea and then a voice beside her said ″That is true, especially us weapons as our bodies were not meant for a normal life as you do and this is one of many things we still have to discover and how it feels for our selves, don't you think so Yami?″ Nemesis said as she put her hand over heart and felt it beating faster because she said heard and said that.

″Well that aside, we should clean the bed up because well that and we should not leave Rito waiting more than he has to and we are soon there″ Haruna said as she started to get out of the bed along with Yui and Shizu and headed for the door and went to the bathroom to switch their nightclothes to their everyday clothes as the wedding will take place at late afternoon to the early night and it was in a few minutes away.

Meanwhile in the bedroom, the other was still there while Yami still was unsure how to respond to her sister Nemesis's question before the three girls left.

″I should not like this but why do I feel like I need to lewd things to him now and try getting to bear his child… Why do I feel horny now, no… no… I can't allow this feeling to take over now when the wedding is soon. I… Must… Hold… On… And… Not… Do… It… Where… I… Can… Be... Seen…″ Yami thought as her mind moved her hands down to her clit and started trying to masturbate in front of the other girls but that did not go unnoticed by them where Mikan was the one first who saw and said ″Yami… What are you doing and that in front of us?″ as she kept watching her trying to resist masturbating in front of them and said to Mikan in reply, well at least trying to do that.

″Noooo….! Don't… watch! I'm… trying… to… resist… but… this… feeling… won't… go… away… ah, ah, ah…″ was coming out of her mouth as she still fights her mind to stop it but it won't let her, to everyone's surprise, Momo decided to join her as she couldn't hold on either after seeing that and started to pleasure her by licking her clit. But wait there is more…

″Oh no, I can't stop myself anymore, sorry…″ Mea said as she started to give up on fighting herself of controlling her horny feelings too but gave up and started to suck her big sister's breasts with Mikan starting also give up holding back her lewdness and toke over her new sister's right breast as Mea toke the left one while Momo was still licking Yami.

Nemesis decided then to get up and undress and sat on Yami's face and forced her to lick her too which Yami got after Momo had licked her. Mea and Mikan started then to finger themself.

Lala & Nana who did not get much gave up and joined them and Nemesis who was still on top of Yami's face told them to get on either side of her facing each other and when they did that, Nemesis started to finger them and Lala & Nana started to moan and kissing each other.

Moments later the door suddenly opens and there were Haruna, Yui and Shizu who were surprised at what the rest of Rito's wives were doing but that did not make it easier for them to do what they were going to do which was to say that they needed to get ready but that was not the point now.

Just by seeing that, they couldn't also resist and joined the resist the horniness they got by watching and so they entered and closed the door and that was until Mikan asked something that she just got in her mind while sucking on her sister's breast which was ″Wait, what would we do if Rito saw this, us doing this to each other?″ She asked as she still fingered herself. What she just asked got in the mind of the other on what they would say and explain it to him and yet they aren't married yet, just a few hrs away from the start of the late afternoon.

″Well we will come with an explanation when that happens″ Nemesis said as she continued to finger Lala & Nana while she getting licked by her Big sister's tongue.

Meanwhile, with Rito outside in the living room, who thought ″Where are they, it is soon time to at least eat some breakfast to get enough energy for the wedding later″ and after he thought that he got up from the couch he was sitting on and walked to the bedroom door and when he arrived, he slowly opened it and said ″Girls, what are you doing, breakfast is soon done″ and when he saw them doing what they did he started to blush and getting hard down there. While he was getting that the girls noticed him and stopped imminently doing what they did to each other and embarrassed got up in a sitting position where only a few of them were close to cumming but they were now more focused on him and what to say to him.

Rito looked at them and knew what they were doing but why did they do it now was his question he got interrupted by hearing his sister's voice shouting.

″It's not what you think, Rito!!!″ Mikan shouted while starting to cry but stopped when she felt him hugging her with his hard cock against her and said, ″Don't you remember what i said earlier?″

The girls started to remember what he said:

″Don't worry, whatever you all did while sleeping is alright, it happens at some point. Also, we probably have to do it in the future or soon.″ with some of them started to have tears coming out of their eyes and some of them went and hugged him before he said: ″I know the time is a bit limited but do you all want me to finish what you started?″ He asked them and got the nod in reply from the girls.

″Should we get started then?...″ He asked them while undressing which surprised the girls to his cock so big and close before.

″And don't worry, I have stopped the flight meanwhile because you all weren't coming out for a while″ he also added.

*Meanwhile at the palace*

″I wonder how far away they are and if they are in trouble…″ Gid said as he looked out the window of his throne room awaiting them.

″If they stopped for a break, then it's alright, right dear?″ Sephie said as she walked up to him also couldn't wait for them.

″Well if they do that, it's alright but they could at least tell us, well whatever, they still got a few hrs to get here if they want to be on time.″ Gid replied as he looked out of the window again.

″Where are you son in law?″ he said quietly…

The end, for now, will continue in pt 2 of Marriage Under the Moon

Well, I had to cut this in two as it would be too long to read but I still did changes while it was not released from the time I finished the chapter.

The next chapter pt 2 of this will be focused on the scene in the family's spaceship and the main event aka the wedding.

So bye for now I guess :)