
To LOVE Ru - The Unknown Darkness


counterbloxpro19 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: The Arrival of the Loves

In the kitchen in the morning the next day after the 3 Devilukes girls arrived and joined the household with Rito and Mikan, everything went well except Rito's accidentally falling on top of the girls (including Mikan once and the Devil girls one after one). Rito took a seat at the dinner table while having a tired face and thought about what he will do with the 3 Devilukes and his feeling for Haruna now after what he did to Lala, Momo, and Nana while the girls stared at Rito...

″Why are you looking tired for Rito″ Asked Mikan as she put the breakfast on the table and the Devil girls joined them on the breakfast till it was time for Rito to head to school while the girls stayed behind and started to talk as he disappeared out of sight of the girls while heading for school

″Why don't we transfer to his school?″ Asked Lala while looking at her sisters as they think and gave a little nod after as an answer.

″Yeh, after what we did suddenly to his life, we should transfer and explain everything″ Said Momo while looking at both Lala and Nana

″Yes, we really should so is it ok Mikan that we head to his school and leave you here for today?″ Asked Nana while looking at Mikan

'What happened yesterday can't be fixed now unless they and Rito explain everything' thought Mikan while answering Nana

″Yes, it's alright as what happened yesterday need to be resolved and no misunderstandings are made″ Said Mikan while she nod of the way where the road leads to Rito's school outside their house grind and off the 3 Deviluke girls go towards Rito's school.

″Meanwhile outside at some random police station in the city with Zastin and his guards″

″Do you know 3 girls named Lala, Momo & Nana?″ Asked Zastin the police officer while he shakes his head and said sorry

″What should we do sir?″ Asked one of the guards to Zastin

″We have to go and look around the city, as it is our only option″ Answered Zastin and with that, they went on a scout mission to locate the 3 Devilukes girls.

″Meanwhile at school with Rito in his classroom near the end of a lesson and the start of a break″

*Bells rings*

'Finally, break time' thought Rito as he went outside of his classroom and headed for the stairs that lead to the roof while he was walking he familiar voices, in fact, 3 voices that belongs to Lala, Momo, and Nana, and when he looked at them they noticed Rito and ran and hugged him in a tight hug.

″Why are you three here?″ Asked Rito the three Deviluke girls while they went up the stairs together while the girls started explaining.


In the principal's room are Lala, Momo, and Nana after arriving at Rito's school

″So, all of you three want to enroll here as transfer students?″ Asked the principal while they nod

″Alright, whatever need to do to have more cute girls in this school″ Said the principal to them and they were happy while grabbing a pair of school clothes for themselves.

″Thank you!″ Said all of them and went out from the principal's room and went to the girl's bathroom to switch clothes and went around looking for Rito somewhere in the school corridors as they knew the break should be starting in a few mins. While they were walking around some boys started asking them questions where most of them were to ask the girls out but they rejected and said they are already happened to be in a relationship with someone that has a problem so they need to find him and explain and help figure out what to do.

And so moments later they saw Rito and went running in a hug style, happy and calm.

*Flashback ends″

″So that happened?, Jesus the principal can't say not anything cute″ Said Rito

″Yeep, but now we are here to be close to you!″ Said Lala

While they were talking Haruna (one of Rito's classmates) saw Rtio with the girls and thought he and the girls need to explain the situation and so she walked up to them.

″Hello Rito″ Said Haruna and walked towards them as she did that something inside of Rito started to react (It was the unknown darkness that was starting to wake up as he come closer to some girls) and while he felt that Haruana asked what the situation was and who the three Deviluke girls were.

*The four explained everything including the situation that Rito has made about his feeling towards Haruna, Lala, Momo, And Nana meanwhile Zastin and his guards finally located the Devilukes″

″Right, why are they here at this school-looking building?″ Asked one of his guards while Zastin was thinking for any reason and soon thereafter he snapped back to reality.

″I don't know, but I think they are going here with whoever they met after the teleporting back then. We going to follow/wait till the day is over and when they are going back home and then we go in, alright? ″ Answered Zastin

″Yes, sir″ Answered both his guards while they started to wait for the school was over

*Back with Rito and the four girls after they explained everything even Momo explained what he could do when he marry them that the earth laws don't affect him then and he could make them all happy wich Haruna gladly accepted and they talked till the bell rang and they went down to grab their stuff and head home″

″See you all tomorrow or later!″ Said Haruna as they slit path to head for their respective homes with a wave

″Same to you!″ Said Rito, Lala, Momo, and Nana happy after they might have cleared a misunderstanding while Rito was glad that Kotegawa Yui was not there when they explained the thing but sooner or later they need to explain this to her too and while he was in thought his *darkness* started to react/move/activate bit by time as time went on.

*Meanwhile Zastin and his guard were ready to attack with a surprise attack (that sounds right?)*

″Ready?″ Asked Zastin his guards and he gets a slight nod as answer and they jumped down from their hiding spot.

*Jump sound and dirt/gravel dust sounds as they landed in front of Rito (Their target as they thought he toke the girls to not return to Deviluke without knowing what have happened the past day) and started attacking while talking*

″You will regret this earthling!″ Screemed Zastin as he charged forward to attack Rito while his two guards were somehow easily defeated by the Deviluke girls. But Rito did not attack but instead said something that made Zastin stop for a moment.

″Im not gonna attack you but you should have let them live the life with the one they love instead of being forced and another reason I won't attack is there is a reason″ Said Rito while dogging Zastin's attacks.

″You better explain earthling and you three girls″ Said Zastin as he asked his guard to get back to the ship and let him find out the reason.

*As they walked towards Rito's home where Lala, Momo, and Nana lived with Zastin and explained everything as they arrived at their home and with that Zastin went to his ship with his guards and headed back to the planet Deviluke to explain what he have learned from Rito and the girls*

″This will be interesting what is going to happen to Rito's life″ Thought Zastin as they arrived at Deviluke

*Meanwhile back on Earth*

Rito and the girls went on with their usual afternoon, Rito was in his room doing homework while Lala, Momo, and Nana were talking to Mikan in the living room about Rito and her relationship before they arrived in their life and what happened today with Rito and Haruna at the school (you could prob guess what Momo asked and thought about when they were talking to Mikan as usual, right?)

Moments later as they were walking back to their rooms after taking a shower together after Rito was done with his, thunder appeared out of nowhere as they were passing his room and it started the girls so they were not thinking who's room they run into. After opening the door they saw Rito and asked if he could let them sleep with him tonight as the thunder passed the city.

″Scared of the thunder?″ Asked Rito the girls as they nod and he remember when he and Mikan were younger as he asked them,

″You girls want to sleep with me pass this thunder, if so well uhh try fit in my bed with me″ Said Rito which made the girls happy and so they started to get on the bed with Rito in the middle while Momo being closest to the window, Nana on Rito's left while on his right was Mikan and Lala who was close to the edge but managed to fit as they drifted into sleep.

*Unknown to them, The darkness inside Rito started to be more active as the days passes on and on, how will the girl's love and this unknown power to them affect Rito's life?*

*Somewhere in space*

″Your next assassin target is Yūki Rito on the planet Earth, he is supposed to have kidnapped the three Devilukes princesses that I was gonna marry. So your mission is to kill him, Golden Darkness″ Said an unknown alien to Golden Darkness while she replied.

″Understood, ill head there and complete the assassin mission″ Said Golden Darkness

*And so she set route to Earth with her ship to complete the mission. How will this end, what will happen, and what will happen to her after the mission will happen in the next chapter? Chapter 3 on my planing will prob be written in a whole day/next day or take a whole day depending on when you are reading this chapter. But I hope you enjoy this fiction even it is my first own fiction.

End of Chapter 2