
To Love a Monster

He is a dark abyss—it should not be so tempting to fall in. *** To be a Lock is to be a conductor between ordinary and abnormal, between reason and insanity. It is to be a keyhole that lets one peek into the Great Beyond, and a part of the door that opens the world. It is to be sought, and hunted, and seduced by all who crave power. The magic is unnatural to this world, yet humans still fly towards arcane knowledge like moths towards a flame. Creatures of nightmares prowl just beyond the veil that protects the fragile minds of mortals, taking their pick of helpless prey. Maya Alvarez has no reasons to think she’s different from other people. No reasons, except for a single incident in her past. All she wants is to write her books and one day, maybe, become famous. Until her best friend goes missing, and Maya has no choice but to admit—she’s not insane. The world is. The pair of eyes darker than a starless night falls on Maya, and shadows surround her to never let go.

Garessta · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Exorcism 101, part 1

The control panel—though it's more of a control room, with the levers and valves spread all over the place—is located in what seems to be a former study. There are remnants of bookshelves near the walls, and a lonely globe with faded yellow lines of continents in the corner. What other items were there, now mostly gone, and only their traces on the old wood of the floor remain.

The freed space is overtaken by machinery. There are no pumps—those are down below, I know. Instead, the room is consumed by a complex web of pipes, metal bars, softly humming crystals and flasks made by a mad glassblower. The latter are full of things that glow, boil, steam and change colors, often more than one at a time.

"I really hope you know how to turn that thing off safely," I say to Zeke. "Simply smashing something like this sounds like a recipe for disaster. Though as a last-resort option…"