

Dora was munching on some snacks while reading a book in the kitchen when Ford came looking for her. On finding her he picked her up princess style, she smiled at his gesture and grabbed her snacks as he took her into their bedroom. He placed her on the bed and sat behind her so that she was resting her head on his chest and he asked:

"What book are you reading?"

"It's a book written by Veer Alfonso titled: 'The fall of the sun dragon.' Mahina got it for me not too long ago before we came here."

Ford smiled and asked:

"Do you want me to read it to you?"

He asked. Dora was surprise that the dense Ford could actually be this charming. She smiled at him and handed him the book as she listened to him:

'The king was feared in all the kingdoms …"

Dora listened as Ford read with elegance like nothing she has ever come across. His voice was soothing and calming, it sent her to the world of dreams before she realized it.

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