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In the silence of the room where Arian was kept, he wept and prayed in his heart, saying:

"I don't believe in what I can't see and feel but please if there is someone bigger than all this then please help me. I don't care who or what it is, please just please help… me. I can't go like this."

By the time Arian opened his eyes, he saw a memory of Tariq saving him from an Exotic artificial lagoon. He was almost about to die there when he felt an arm wrapped around and swimming with him out of the water. Arian placed his hand on his chest and asked himself:

"Could this be a déjà vu? When was it that Tariq saved me?"

Arian closed his eyes again to think of how to escape his dilemma When he heard a creak from the door. He fidgets and adjust his clothes making sure no part of his body is exposed to prying eyes. When Hezron entered, he smirked at him and said: