
Supergirl ~ Make It Reign ~ Part Three


As D.E.O. agents rushed Selena, Ayala, and Vita, Selena threw the man who dared to step in her way towards the wall, ignoring his scream of pain. Vita and Ayala used their heat vision to make the next agents fall to the ground, sprawling out.

Selena looked around at the damage done as Alex, Slade, and Demos ran in from the portal room. "We were drawn by the blood of our fallen Worldkillers," Selena announced. "Hand it over, and we won't spill yours."

"Get the blood," Alex hissed to Demos. "It's in the lab. Destroy it."

"You got it," Demos nodded, turning and running.

Alex strode forward, drawing her gun. "Didn't they teach you how to knock on Krypton?" she snarled.

When the priestesses turned to her, Alex fired an energy net from her gun, knocking them down. "Yours does that?" Slade asked in surprise.

"We're not doing this now," Alex grumbled, grabbing his hand and tugging him off. "Come on!"

Selena used her heat vision to destroy the net, and she rose to her feet, sneering. "Find the blood of our sisters," she ordered, and Vita and Ayala took off.


"Dark Kryptonians?" Mon-El asked as he and Lucy met Alex and Slade in the armory.

"Dark Kryptonians," Alex nodded, grabbing a box off the top shelf and opening it. She took a deep breath. "Lucy, Slade, take some of them. Mon-El, bring your A-game."

"Yes, ma'am," Mon-El nodded.


"Hello?" Winn tapped on the panel frantically. "Hello? Kara, can you hear me?"

"It's her mother," Alura's voice rang out.

"Listen, listen, we have three Kryptonians that have just attacked us," Winn said in a rush. "We really need your daughter and her fiancé to come back, like, ASAP."

He spared a look at the readings in front of him, and he froze when he saw a cloaked figure reflected on it. "Winn?" Alura asked as he turned to see Vita behind him. "Winn, are you still there?"

Winn slowly backed away from the console, triggering the shield on his belt as he slowly turned. "Hi, there," he smiled and waved in a hopefully nonthreatening way.

Vita fired her heat vision at him, and while Winn stumbled back from the impact, he wasn't hurt. He laughed in glee. "Aha!"

Vita was still perfectly capable, however, of zooming forward and throwing him away from the portal.


Alura looked up as Kara and Oliver ran back into the lab, both now in their suits, Oliver's quiver full. "Your friend was back, but now he's gone," Alura said.

"We need to know what's going on there," Oliver frowned.

"Let me try," Kara shimmied so she was at the console, and she tapped away at the Kryptonese glyphs. A video feed popped up, and Kara nodded. "This is the hologram's point of view."

"Cool," William grinned.

"Good, now we know what's going on," Oliver nodded. "Can you get their portal online?"

"I'm trying," Kara frowned, moving the hologram forward. When she tried to put her palm on the scanner to activate it, though, the hologram went right through it. "Well, that's not good," she huffed.

"Wait!" William grabbed Kara's arm and pointed at the video screen. "There's one of them!"

Oliver frowned, seeing the priestess walk past the doorway. "Does it need to be a specific person to trigger the portal?" he asked.

"No," Kara grinned. "No, it doesn't." She tapped the controls and walked the hologram out after the priestess. "Vita!" she called.

The black-haired Kryptonian spun around. "Alura?" she frowned. "How did you survive?"

"I'm faster than I looked," Kara replied, directing the hologram back.

Oliver grinned, seeing Vita follow. "Nice job, buddy."

"Thanks, Dad," William grinned.


Ayala moved through the D.E.O. quickly, and she approached the medbay quicker with every step. "Mom, we have to go," Ruby whimpered, tugging on Sam's arm.

Sam tried to sit up, but she winced, shaking her head. "I'll be too slow," she said. "You go, baby, you go."

"I'm not leaving without you!" Ruby argued.

"I'll distract her!" Sam tried to push her away. "You go!"

Ruby shook her head, then looked around desperately. She then saw the tablet still on the table, as well as a circular device she thought she had seen Kara and Oliver use before. She reached out, snatched the device, then tapped the tablet.

The field sprung up, and Ruby squeezed the device tightly in her hand, backing up against Sam. Sam hugged her tightly, and they watched Ayala frown at the field before turning to look around at the lab. Ruby swallowed, then saw movement out of the corner of her eye. One of the men in D.E.O. gear tried to duck out of sight, and Ruby picked up a small metal tray, then dropped it on the ground.

Ayala spun around towards them, and Ruby curled up by Sam, who gripped her tighter. "You can't escape me for long," she hissed, then fired her heat vision at the field.

The heat vision fizzled out, and Ayala cried out in pain, covering her eyes. Demos took his chance and ran forward, carefully taking the vials of Purity's and Pestilence's blood from their container. Footsteps behind him made him freeze. "I see you found the blood of our sisters," Selena drawled, eyes glowing.

A gun went off behind her, and Selena gasped, veins glowing green as she collapsed. "Yeah," Alex stormed into the room. "Kryptonite bullets."

Ayala rammed into Alex, and Ruby flinched as lab equipment spilled everywhere. She looked at the device in her hands, trying to figure out how to make it work. "Come on, come on," she mumbled, finally pressing a button.

a familiar voice came through. Unfortunately, Ruby couldn't immediately think of his name.

"We need help!" Ruby burst out, looking up to see the palms of Alex's gloves glow green as she fought with Ayala, Mon-El flying into the room to wrestle Selena away from Demos, who took off running. "Kryptonians are attacking the D.E.O.!"

the voice turned concern.

"I think they want my mom!" Ruby sobbed, backing up. "And Supergirl isn't here, and neither is J'onn – "

She gasped and dropped the device as Mon-El was flung into the field, Selena snarling and throwing away the glowing green bullet she had hit. Ayala flung a lab table aside and grabbed Alex by the shoulder, throwing her into the wall.