
To Kill or Be Killed

Chaos reigns at Basilia Palace when power-hungry Christos seizes the throne and imposes tyranny on the realm after King Themis flees and hides to protect his daughter from Casimir, who is driven by a prophecy that states he will die at the hands of the king's child. While commoners suffer under Christos' tyranny, the king is faced with the tough decision of either fleeing with his vulnerable daughter or reclaiming his throne to save his people. As danger looms from all sides, the king must choose between duty and family, with the fate of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

msso · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Building Bond

Following events from the previous day. Zagan became well-known at the training camp, and his duel with Adira was a hot subject in the Tower. 

People, including the king, are now fascinated by Zagan's fighting abilities despite the fact that he has only recently begun training. With this encounter, Themis is now impressed and captivated by Zagan.

The King called Zagan to seek information about something. 

When he first met him, he had the impression that Zagan was maybe familiar with Her Majesty, Dillon, and Alaunos. 

The king was neither skeptical nor dubious of Zagan, but his battle with Adira, the guileful act he played in, and how he explained why he would rather stab her than shield himself, as well as his stance and swordsmanship, reminded him of someone he knew. 

He waited for the child in his office, with a hot tea by his side. He grabbed it and smelt it, before taking a sip of his favorite chamomile tea. A tea that makes him recall her majesty. This was their favorite tea. 

While he was thinking about it, someone knocked on the door, and it opened to reveal Zagan. He was holding a half-looking watermelon in his hand.

The king grinned, admiring his unconcerned nature. He then gestured for him to sit down, and he just did as his highness instructed.

He sat down, facing him. 

"My uncle taught me a lot about swordsmanship," he stated when Themis questioned about the skills he exhibited the previous day.

Themis looked at him as if he were deep in thought, and then asked him who his uncle was and where he was right now. 

"He's with my other uncle and my mother," he responded, munching on the watermelon he was holding. 

"Your uncle must be a combat expert," he said.

He grabs his cup and takes a sip. 

Zagan nodded, acknowledging that his uncle was excellent. Still eating and munching on his watermelon. 

"May I know his name"

His Highness questions making Zagan stop chewing. He then looks at his highness.

The room became silent.

Zagan swallowed what he had eaten and wiped his face before responding to His Highness. 

"Nile," he said, making Themis appear unsatisfied at not hearing the name of someone he knew. 

"He's blind," he explained before taking another bite of his watermelon. 

Themis was left speechless by his unexpected reply. He never asked him about his uncle's appearance, yet this vigorous kid commented. 

After speaking with his highness, Zagan exited the room and began strolling in the tower. He then slows down when he sees Adira with a woman and the man he recognizes as the captain. It was Mike and Avra. 

They appear to be quite close, as Avra teaches Adira and advises her on how to employ different martial techniques, while Mike watches them as if he were a proud father watching his wife and daughter. 

"Zagan!" Her cheery voice causes Zagan to gaze in her direction.

The princess rushed towards him, beaming. Zagan then notices the wand her Royal Highness is carrying. 

"What is that, a stick?"

"No, it's a wand. Look, I'll show you something," she exclaimed excitedly. 

Zagan looks at her and watches her closely while Ayira is thrilled to show off her new Magic skills.

She begins pointing her wand at Zagan, who is surprised by her royal highness's 'not correct approach' to using her wand.

He quickly reached for her wand and aimed it towards one of the bushes.

"Are you planning to kill me?" he blurted out before letting go of Ayira's hand, who just chuckled at him in response.

"Watch," she confidently declared to Zagan, who was already skeptical of her.

"Daimon, release!" she commanded.

[ Daimon: A diety. A spirit that helps them in casting and performing magic. ]

After she cast her magic, the two had a moment of silence. 




Zagan laughs loudly, attracting a lot of attention. 

"W-wait. Let me... wait," said the embarrassed and flushed princess, attempting to cast once more. 

Zagan who was chuckling came to a halt.

"You don't need to ask for daimon help," he said. 

He began pointing his finger at one of the scattered leaves on the ground. 

"Burn," he said. The fallen leaves began to burn. It was slow yet amazed the princess but for Zagan. He still needs to improve. 

"Wow! How did you do that?" the amazed Ayira questioned, her eyes shining. 

Zagan, who appeared overly proud of himself, began to turn away. Avoiding Her Royal Highness's gaze. 

He murmurs, "I just... imagine." 

"So you also know magic?" 

The surprising presence of Avra who approached them after hearing Zagan laugh earlier. 

Zagan only remained mute, which explained why the princess was so bewildered. 

"Sorry for approaching without Her Royal Highness' consent," she apologized after noticing Ayira was with Zagan.

"No, it's fine," Ayira replied, smiling. 

"Zagan, can you do it one more time?" she pleaded, grasping for Zagan's arm. 

He simply turned aside, avoiding Ayira, which surprised Avra. 

"No, I'm leaving," he said, and began walking, causing the princess to follow him. 

Avra was left alone, confused. 

Why is this boy acting like that in front of her Royal Highness? He even did this to His Highness yesterday. 

Avra then returns to Mike and Adira, who are still busy training. 

Avra found Adira very fascinating. She worked hard and gave her all in every training session. Within a couple of months, Adira had excelled in swordsmanship and was even complimented by the king. Her quick knowledge of everything is astounding; perhaps this is why her aura is crimson. 

Avra appears to be deep in concentration and is still wondering about Zagan's actions. She noticed Adira walking towards her and sat down beside her and then she asked her if she was finished with her training, prompting Adira to nod in accord. 

"Who is the boy with silver hair?" She asked. 

"Oh! That's the holy saint, Lucius," Avra answered, causing Adira to nod her head as she acknowledged her.

"Why did you ask?"

Avra then peered at her, waiting for her response. Adira, who glanced at her, began to look at one of the walls on their left side. 

"I think he was following me," she stated, prompting Avra to look at the wall she was looking at.

"Maybe he likes you," Avra quips, making herself chuckle.

Adira, who had been staring in a particular direction, looks at Avra and excuses herself to go to her room for a shower. Avra simply let her go and waved before she entered the tower dormitory building. 

while walking on her way to her room, she suddenly felt like someone was following her.

She came to a stop and looked back.

There is no one there. 

After her battle with Zagan. She recognizes the silver-haired boy who is watching them, and she now believes he is following her. 

When she enters her room. She had a bath and then napped. She rested her exhausted body. 

After a long nap, Adira awoke at sundown. She got up and went for a walk before dinner began. 

While strolling, she was thinking about what her father and sister were doing just now. 

Does Karasi miss her presence?

After much walking. She came to a standstill, feeling as if she was being followed again, but Adira didn't glance back and proceeded, accelerating her walk. when she got to a junction in the road, where she had to choose between going straight or right. She chooses to turn right and hide behind a mound of trash before the guy arrives. 

The perplexed guy came to a halt when she followed her, and she was now out of his sight. 

"Where did she go?" He mumbles in his sweet, gentle voice. 


He jumps out, unprepared for Adira's surprise sneak adorable assault waiting for him behind the rubbish. 

"Why are you following me, ha?!" she asked, attempting to appear bold. Holding her waist as Avra always does. She is starting to adapt to Avra's habits. 

"I...I'm just," he says, looking aside to avoid her eyes. She makes him feel intimidated.


He pouted,

"Strolling," and rubbing his finger like he was scratching it. it was his habit every time he got nervous. it was his way to relax.

"Ah, okay," she said, looking aside dubiously. and bolted, causing Lucius to chase her. 

"See, you're following me!" she exclaimed as Lucius dashed after her, determined not to lose sight of her.

"Teach me!" he enthusiastically exclaimed. 

"Please..." he said shyly, realizing he had raised his voice at her. 

"Teach you of?"

She adjusts her posture and appears perplexed by his statement.

"The swordsmanship..."

"But you're a saint, that's dangerous"

 "I'll be fine." he said, trying to assure her. She glanced at him, examining him before making a decision. 

"Being a saint had nothing to do with swordsmanship," she clarified before stopping. Still thinks that if she teaches him, she will be punished, but every time she looks at him, she gets the impression that he is ready to learn and will never leave her side until she teaches him. 

"Fine," she sighed, making Lucius smile with excitement. His eyes are gleaming.

"I'll tell this to Avra and Captain"

"Really?" he blurted with joy, prompting Adira to nod in agreement. 

While the two are conversing and reaching an agreement. Zagan, who was with her Royal Highness, came to a halt. 

"Is that your friend?" he said, pointing in their direction. Ayira, on the other hand, looked to see where Zagan was staring. She then notices Lucius talking to another female.

She pouted. 

Zagan, who noticed the princess's jealous face, began to smirk, intending to taunt her. 

"The princess is jealous," he said.

"No, I'm not. We just had a fight, and now he has a new friend," she said, feeling sad.

"Aw!" he mocked her as if pitying her.

"Stop it!" she said, frustrated.

Zagan simply grinned and reached for her royal highness' hand, holding it and heading towards Lucius and Adira, who were taken aback, not expecting the two to approach them. 

Ayira was staring at Adira, who was gazing back. Ayira looks at her as if she is star-struck. 

Her black lustrous long hair and almond-gray eyes captivated the princess. 

"You're so pretty," she said just as the three gazed upon her.

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Royal Highness" 

"Her Royal Highness is also pretty," Adira continued, captivated by the princess's doll-like look. 

Her golden blond hair mirrored her father's, and her hazel-doe eyes sparkled whenever she was happy or excited. 

Ayira only giggled, thrilled to hear her statement, while Zagan glanced at her, showing that he did not agree, causing the princess to scoff at him.

"Don't call her that," Zagan interrupted. indicating how Adira addresses the princess.

"Call me Ayira," she stated, beaming. 

While the three began to speak. Lucius, who stays with them, is extremely quiet causing Zagan to observe his introverted attitude. He approached him and startled the shy Lucius by putting his arms around his shoulder. 

"You're familiar. Did you watch our battle yesterday?" he questioned. Remembering how he saw a silver-haired youngster with the best reaction yesterday, who was interested and impressed. 

Lucius simply nodded. 

"I knew it," he said. 

"How did you recognize me?"

The two girls, Adira and Ayira, stopped talking and laughing and began to look in their way. 

"Well, your hair is quite unusual. You and my uncle were the only people I saw with that silver hair. " he explained. 

"You have an uncle?" Adira inquired. 

"Yeah, he's the one who teaches me magic"

"You know magic?!" Adira and Lucius gasped, unable to believe that a young, combat-ready boy could also utilize magic. 

It amazed them. 

"Teach me!" Adira exclaims, eager to learn how to cast magic.

"But you are going to teach me, right?"

Lucius expressed his fear that the agreement they had made might have been broken. 

"Are you going to learn combat?" Ayira inquired out of curiosity. She cannot believe Lucius wants to learn swordsmanship. 

He nodded. 

"If you're going, I'm going too," she remarked. Not wanting to be left out.

"Then try your best. Let's spar when you get stronger." Zagan noted, appearing overly proud of himself once again. 

After their conversation last night. Lucius and Ayira began to ask for permission to join. 

Damayanti, who was with Themis, was stunned by the two actions. They barge in while he discusses matters with the king. 

Damayanti looked at them with concern and worry. For him, not allowing them to join is the wisest decision for the tower's two most important individuals, who must be protected at all costs.

Themis, on the other hand, had the opposite reaction to Damayanti: he looked at them, pleased with their bravery in joining and making decisions about what was best for them. Damayanti sighed as he saw the king's reaction; he already knew how this going to turn out. 

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