
To Hot to Handle

"You look beautiful, Camellia. How could a guy in his right sense reject you?" Kendra consoling voice mumbled as she drew her closer. "I don't know but I'll do all it takes to make him mine" she said amidst her tears. Camellia, a young beautiful damsel in her mid twenties fell in love with her best friend's lover and swore to get him by all means even when she had thousand of men drooling over her. What do you think would be the fate of the two friends, Camellia and Kendra? Would Camellia succeed in taking her friend's lover?

Daoist9n8yBu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Cam is not calm

Kendra dragged the breakfast buffet up the hall way and got to the first guest's door. She knocked softly on the door which had 345 written boldly on it.

"Who's it?" came a sweet voice.

"Hotel hostess"

The door flung open and a plum lady stood, slightly resting on the door, wearing a towel and Kendra smiled broadly at her.

"Good morning, Miss. I'm here with your order" she said, putting on her best attitude but the lady looked at her in disgust

"Go place it on the table" she said arrogantly and went back to the room before Kendra could reply.

"Thank you" she mumbled.

Kendra took a tray containing her meal, watching her steps, she walked to the table and dropped it gently on the table and turned to leave but the lady stopped her

"You can have this" the lady said, stretching her hand with some money.

"Thanks for your kindness, ma'am" she said as she collected the from from her and went back to the buffet.

She pushed the buffet to the next room till she served them all. Tired and exhausted, she pushed the empty breakfast buffet but ran into a guest who was just lodging in.

"I'm sorry, sir" she quickly apologized, trying to clean his shoes.

"It's fine, I wasn't concentrated. It wasn't your fault" his deep, masculine bellowed as he reached to help her up

Her pale face widened as their face met, she blushed wishing he was hers. His face brightened and flowed with a smile as they stood transfixed, staring at each other for some seconds before Kendra broke the silence.

"Thanks for kindness, sir. I'll go ahead now" she said, shuddering her shoulder to let go her hand and quickly left with the breakfast buffet.

She opened the kitchen, slammed the door and held her hands close to her chest as her heart beats faster, Elena noticed her presence and her cheeks that turned slightly red as she blushes.

"What's happening? It's the first time I'm seeing you blush since a year I met you" Elena said as she moved closer to her, holding a spoon she's using in stirring the meal she's preparing.

Kendra quickly cleared the thought out of her mind and her happy face changed into a sad one, making Elena worries immense.

"What happened again? Why this gloomy look? Say something, please" she said, looking back at the pot on fire.

Kendra pushed the breakfast buffet to its initial place and walked to the pot on fire, Elena approached her and stir the pot of fried rice again.

"I think I found him" she said, staring and twisting hands together but Elena was still confused.

"What do you mean by you found him? Who did you find?"

"The man I want to be with" she said, smiling like a baby being tickled.

"What? Really? Who is he?" Elena asked as the pot off the fire.

"Let's put that aside and talk about you. Elena, I want the best for you......." Elena cut in.

"If you want the best for me, then let me be with him because he is the best for me" Elena said and left the kitchen.

Kendra sighed.

Camellia changed into her uniform, making her look more gorgeous as she walked back to the counter to start working. The other lady had big eyes, small and round lips with a dark brown shoulder length, by the name Freida guided Camilla on how to work as a waitress perfectly.

"Take that tray and go serve the table written on it" Freida said, pointing at a tray of hot rice and soup.

Camellia took the tray, swinging her ting waist, she walked to the table and carefully lowered the tray and served the man who couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Here is you meal, sir. Enjoy!" she said with a big smile, holding the empty tray on her right hand.

"Of course I will. I frequent this place a lot but I haven't seen you before, are you new here?" the man asking giving her a weird look but she continued smiling as Freida had instructed.

"Yes, mister. I resumed here today and if you won't mind, I'll love to excuse myself now" she said and left before the man could utter another word.

Camellia dropped the tray hard on a small table behind the counter which made a loud sound, scaring Freida.

"What's that for?" Freida raised her voice, alarmed.

"The man I serve couldn't take his eyes off me and was trying to start a conflux" she said, angered and bittered but Freida laughed it off.

"Is that your problem? That's one of the problem we, waitresses face in this job, especially a beautiful damsel like you...... you should expect more than that" she whispered and went to serve the next customer.

The day went by, Camilla had closed for the day. She stood behind the glass door, yawning as the turned the tag to signify that the shop is closed for the day. She went back to the toilet and changed into her dress.

"Going already?" Freida asked as soon as she noticed Camellia's presence while she was adjusting her makeup.

"Yes, I have to be home early" she said and left the shop.

Camellia crossed her bag over her shoulder, held it closer to herself and slowly dragged her legs on the busy road that leads to her house. Few minutes later, she got home and saw that the lights were on.

"Kendra is home" she mumbled as she opened the door, went in and changed her heel for a slip on.

She perceived a strong and appetizing aroma coming from the kitchen as well as sounds of metal hitting itself, she presumed Kendra was the one in the kitchen but to her surprise, she saw Kendra in the living room, watching the 8:00pm news.

"Oh! You're back. Why are you late?" she asked as she stood up to assist her with her bag and gave her a massage.

"We had a lot of order to attend to today, that's why. By the way, who's in the kitchen?" she asked perplexed, looking back at Kendra who was behind her, massaging her neck but before she could reply, the person in the kitchen came out to say hello to her.

"Hello, Cam! I heard you started a new job today, how was it?" the masculine voice came from behind her and she instantly recognize the voice, especially as he called her 'Cam'.