

How are you Danny? My bestie asked

Oo oops my bad I forgot to introduce myself I am dannisa white. My bestie and younger call me Danny I am 17 years, i am a dark skin girl,tall and full of packages( hope you understand), chubby, shy and quiet girl let shift for introducing my beauty. Let go to the main point introducing how my journey begins...

Am the only daughter of white family and have a little baby boy, he is cute, my mom died 7 years ago that when I was 10. Actually my mom died when my brother was 9 month old. Aides never knew my mom face. At ten i become is his mom, Mom name is Ava Clark White, she was a doctor before she married my dad Romeo White then become a full house wife my dad owns a company called Sac company is the C.E.O of the company. When I was 5 my dad and mom used to have an argument my dad usually beat my mom till she has a accident after my brother was all because of my step mom Isabella jones white. She used to maltreat me and aiden and dad never said anything thing. She kicked me out of school then make me do house work like a slave in my father house. My maternal uncle heard about it and he took me and my brother away from the white family.

My uncle and his wife sponsor my education to the same white my cousin vino. We were like siblings not until a day my uncle die I was 17 then. My aunt decided to throw me out saying I was the cause of the problem they have am a bad luck. My best friend parents accept me to their house take good care of me and my brother education. I went to the same university with my best friend lilian. I work at Walgreen's family same as going the same school with the son liam.

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Love you all

live the way you like Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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